Chapter 533 Becoming a Fairy
"Elder Sun, we meet again. Next, can you tell us how you plan to become a fairy. I am really curious. For many years, no one has ever dared to say that he can become a fairy." See When Sun Songzhi was released from the big gourd by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Su Yuer leaned over curiously, shaking the round fan in her hand.

Hearing Su Yuer's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face showed a hint of curiosity.On the way back just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had learned some more about the world through Su Yuer.

Ever since the founding masters of the three sects ascended to immortality a long time ago, no one in this world has ever reached the realm of immortality, which also made many immortal practitioners begin to doubt the possibility of becoming immortal.Unexpectedly, a person who claimed to be a fairy appeared in front of him, no wonder Su Yuer was curious.

In addition, after hearing Su Yuer's description, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has a certain degree of understanding of the so-called immortality in this world.I am afraid that the three ancestors who ascended before have reached the realm of breaking through the world.

With their strength, the rules of this world can no longer accommodate them, and this is why the phenomenon of ascension will appear.The so-called ascension is not only their own will, but also the will of the world itself.The world doesn't want to leave a few bombs in its body that will blow itself up when it is exposed.

And the three ancestors who ascended to the immortal world should have gone to a higher level world.After experiencing several world tours, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already has a great understanding of world travel.

As written in many novels in the previous life, the protagonist travels to another world with invincible power and immediately loses air in seconds, which is impossible in reality.

If the protagonist really has the power to cover the whole world in seconds, the world itself will not accept his existence.If you want to travel through the world, if you don't have special guidance, you will only travel to a higher level of the world.

Even if there is a chance to travel to a low-level world, it is impossible for that traverser to instantly kill everything.When encountering the low-level world, two situations will occur.

One is to be directly shielded before entering the world, and the tragic one can only stay in the cracks of the world.The other is to be restricted by the rules of the world when entering the world, greatly weakening one's own strength to meet the standards of the world.

And Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the second method to travel through the world again and again, and every time he traveled through the world, his own abilities would be restricted by the world.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own transformation ability cannot be used freely, and only the inherent characters within the world limit can be used.

Therefore, after learning that the so-called ascending to immortality in this world is actually too powerful to be accommodated by the world, after traveling to a stronger world.Zhuang Xiaoyuan became a little curious about the immortality that Sun Songzhi was talking about.

Does he have other ways to allow himself to travel through the world?You know, with Sun Songzhi's current strength, even with Wang Xue's bloody aura, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't think they could have the power to break through the world's barrier.

"Hey, it's a failure. It's a failure. Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

Released from the gourd by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Sun Songzhi, who was in a state of embarrassment, didn't have the mood to care about his current bad state, so he just sat on the ground and sighed, then raised his head to look at the two people in front of him and asked: "Do you know What is the purpose of becoming a fairy?"

Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "For every second?"

Su Yuer; "For eternal youth?"

Jiang Sidao: "For freedom?"

Li Fugui: "For world peace?"

"Neither of them. To become a fairy is to live." His brows twitched slightly, and he looked at the four curious people in front of him.Sun Songzhi felt so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.What a mess, still youthful forever, what kind of youthful youth do I want for a bad old man?

"Cut, live. What kind of goal is that? Don't you live a good life now, why are you pursuing something to live?" Hearing Sun Songzhi's answer.Jiang Sidao curled his lips, showing a hint of disdain.

"Alive, so you actually want to live forever?" Compared to Jiang Sidao's dismissive look, Su Yuer could hear what Sun Songzhi meant.Unlike monsters, humans have a short lifespan.Even a cultivator only slightly prolongs his own lifespan.It has not reached the state of eternal immortality.

"Yes, the lifespan of human beings is limited. Even if we are immortals, if we can live for 1000 years, we are already considered long-lived. Even if we are the head of Shushan Sword Sect, the longest life span in history has not exceeded 500 years. [-] years.

Unlike your monster race, the Holy Master of Juyaomen is said to have existed in the same era as the founder of Shushan Kaipai.She is still alive and well, but our Shushan Sword Sect has been passed down for dozens of generations. "

Shaking his head and sighing, when talking about monsters, Sun Songzhi couldn't help showing a hint of envy in his eyes.He is envious of Yaozu's longevity.It would be great if he had the lifespan of the monster clan.

"Hmph, it is true that the lifespan of the monster race is much longer than that of humans, but our cultivation is also much more difficult than that of humans. How can you pick out two or three suitable for cultivating immortals out of ten of you humans? Even the remaining few For people who are not suitable for cultivating immortals, give them a chance, and they can become ordinary disciples of cultivating immortals through hard work.

But for our monster clan, one out of a hundred of our clan is lucky enough to be able to cultivate into a spirit.And after shedding the mortal body, the fertility of the Yaozu will be greatly reduced.Although the child born does not need to re-cultivate the spiritual wisdom from the beast, but how many monster couples can give birth to the child normally.

What's more, the strength of monsters is accumulated through long-term practice.The older you get, the stronger you become. It's not like you humans just casually cultivated for a few years and caught up with our hundreds of years of cultivation. "

Noticing Sun Songzhi's envious eyes, Su Yu'er felt dissatisfied, and said with a cold snort.There is no perfect thing in the world itself. Anything and any creature will have its own flaws, just like the short lifespan of human beings and the difficulty of cultivating monster races.Incompleteness itself is one of the rules of the world.

"You're right. Humans have human flaws, and monster races have the difficulties of monster races. So I didn't think about becoming a monster race. Instead, I came up with a new method. A way to allow myself to live forever."

Smiling and nodding, Sun Songzhi withdrew his envious eyes and looked down at Wang Xue, the puppet blood corpse.This is the treasure he prepared for himself to 'become a fairy'.Unfortunately, it is not possible now.

(End of this chapter)

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