Chapter 569: Black and White Impermanence
"Mingyue, we owe you a favor again, thank you for your help." Just before Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to the purple bamboo forest, in the exquisite bamboo house in the middle of the purple bamboo forest, there were two figures, one black and one white. Standing in the center of the bamboo hut, he thanked a young-looking teacher on the bed.

"Benefactor Zhuang, benefactor Su, it's just nectar. The poor nun just did what she should do. In addition, the poor nun is no longer the bright moon she used to be. Now the poor nun is the master of the Zizhu Forest. It has already been cut off, and the benefactor does not need to be too persistent."

Facing the two figures in front of him, one black and one white, the Mrs. Zhan Qing who was sitting cross-legged quietly on the bed had no sadness or joy on her face, she just stared at the two people in front of her with a flat expression, or should I say that the one in front of her was Two ghosts.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid Xin'er would have died long ago. Thank you." Hearing Mrs. Zhanqing's words, there was a trace of guilt on the black figure's face, and he bowed his head slightly and thanked again.

"That's right, it's all thanks to you that we can continue to be together with Yunwen. Although I'm sorry for you, I still want to thank you." There was also a guilty expression on his face. Master Zhanqing really gave me a lot of help, whether it was at the beginning or now.

"There is no need to say such words. Dugu Mingyue is no longer here, and the fate with you has also been cut off. Now the poor nun is just the wife of Zizhulin, and everything in the past has quietly dissipated like a passing cloud. But this time the poor Ni only helped because you brought news that threatened the entire continent."

Shaking his head, facing Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner's guilt and gratitude, Mrs. Zhanqing was still indifferent, and the expression on her face did not change at all.It seems that he has really rushed over and completed the detachment.

For Mrs. Zhanqing, it seems that the two people in front of her are really just ordinary strangers, and she has really let go of the marriage contract with Zhuang Yunwen, and she no longer misses the unrequited love affair she once had.

"Two benefactors, what are your plans in the future? Although I have sent a message to the other three major sects, the enemy may have come to the world we live in."

As if he didn't want to continue entanglement on this topic, after declaring his identity again, Master Zhanqing's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked the two people in front of him, one black and one white.

"I don't know. In the beginning, we just came to report to you. After that, it depends on the arrangements of your four major sects. If we are needed, we will also help you."

Looking at Jasmine Su who was dressed in black beside her, the gratitude and guilt on Zhuang Yunwen's face gradually subsided, revealing a trace of solemnity and seriousness when he answered.

"Well, I see. Then let's wait for the other three factions to reply." Nodding, Master Zhanqing said that he already knew.Now we need to wait for the response from the other three sects, after all, this time involves the comfort of the entire continent.

"Master, are you in there? Disciple Lai Tianxin asks to see you." Just as the conversation between Mrs. Zhanqing, Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner came to an end, there was a clear knock on the door of the bamboo house. The voice of Lai Tianxin, the teacher's personal disciple, came in.

"Come in." The super perceptual ability of the immortal cultivator made it easy for Master Zhanqing to perceive that Lai Tianxin was not the only one outside the door, but also several fellow teachers and sisters. Besides them, Master Zhanqing Tai also sensed a strange breath and a strong evil spirit.

Although I was a little puzzled as to why my disciple came back early, less than half of the time to go out for training, of course, I also wondered why my disciple would bring a stranger to see me.

But doubts are doubts, since it was brought by her disciples, Master Zhanqing would not refuse to see them.And in itself, Master Zhanqing is not that kind of arrogant real person, but a very peaceful and natural practitioner.

"Ming, Mrs. Zhanqing, do we need to avoid it?" Mingyue's name blurted out, but after noticing Mrs. Zhanqing's frown slightly, Zhuang Yunwen changed the subject, and just uttered a word "Ming". asked.

"There's no need to dodge, my disciple just came back, and I plan to tell the disciples in the sect the news." Shaking his head to indicate that Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xin'er don't need to dodge, Master Zhanqing opened it with a wave of his hand The exquisite bamboo door of my bamboo house.

"Master agrees, let's go in." Outside the door, after hearing Master Zhanqing agreeing to go in, Lai Tianxin greeted the junior sisters and Zhuang Xiaoyuan behind him and walked towards the bamboo house first.

"A Bao, wait for me outside the door, don't run around casually for the time being." Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded to Lai Tianxin who greeted him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan told A Bao to wait at the door, and then walked into the bamboo house with the girls in front internal.

As soon as he stepped into Master Zhanqing's small bamboo hut, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a gloomy ghostly aura, and couldn't help but look up in the direction of the ghostly aura, and two figures, one black and one white, came into view.

"Impermanence in black and white? Didn't something happen to the Temple of Yama?" Seeing the man and woman in black and white, Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, remembering the bit of information he had learned from the mouth of the mosquito monster.

"Who are you? How do you know something happened to Yan Luodian?" Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner, who had fixed their eyes on Zhuang Xiaoyuan the moment she entered the room, couldn't help but hear Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quiet murmur. His face changed slightly, revealing a trace of seriousness and staring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Tian Xin, who is this person you brought?" As if she didn't notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strange eyes looking at Black and White Wuchang, nor did she notice the black and white Wuchang's Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner's stern gazes looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Master Zhanqing remained the same. With a calm face, he asked his disciple.

"Master, this person is my savior. If it wasn't for her to save me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see my master today. By the way, her name is Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and she is a very powerful casual cultivator."

Facing Master Zhanqing's question, Lai Tianxin looked away curiously from Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner and looked at his master, and introduced Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a serious expression on his face.

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan?! You are the Zhuang Xiaoyuan who broke into Shu Mountain? Do you know a person named Zhuang Yunwen?" Hearing Lai Tianxin introduce Zhuang Xiaoyuan's name, the expression on Master Zhanqing's face changed for the first time. She asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a weird expression while looking at Zhuang Yunwen and Su Xiner.

 Today's second is much later, sorry for the book friends who are waiting for the update.Because today I went to Fenghua to play rafting with a girl on a blind date, and I didn’t write this chapter until I got home.I've been tired all day and now my eyelids are still fighting, so I'm going to bed first today.The update tomorrow morning may also be a little late.Thanks and sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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