Chapter 583 Breaking Through the Line of Defense
Boom boom boom, a series of explosions sounded from the sea of ​​bones, and as the monsters who were good at attacking began to organize a covering attack, a large number of skeleton monsters were wiped out, and gaps appeared from time to time in the originally dense wave of bones , slowing down the pressure of defending monsters in front.

After the monsters of Juyaomen were organized, they finally temporarily blocked the impact of the skeleton monsters, but this was only temporary. No matter how powerful it is, it can't stop the number of opponents.

As if confirming Zhuang Xiaoyuan's conjecture, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed the battle between the monsters and the skeleton monster and secretly frowned, there was a bang, and the defense line of the group of monsters in the front was broken through.

At some point, a skeleton monster that was much thinner than the other skeleton monsters appeared in the crowd of skeletons. The purple light shining all over his body was much stronger than the other skeletons. At this time, he was shining with purple light The sharp right hand is dripping with bright red blood.

The bull monster that stood in front of him just now was broken by his right claw, and after breaking through the bull monster, the thin skeleton monster quickly rushed towards the elephant monster beside the bull monster.

With a pop, the sharp right claw directly penetrated the elephant demon's defense, piercing the elephant demon.After the elephant demon was injured, a faint purple mist diffused from the thin skeleton body along the right paw to the wounded elephant demon.

Like the bull demon that was mixed into the skeleton monster before, after being wounded by the thin skeleton monster, the flesh and blood on this elephant demon quickly decayed and disappeared, leaving only a skeleton dyed purple.

After that, the elephant-shaped skeleton let out a silent howl, turned around and merged into the wave of bones of the skeleton monster, rushing towards its former compatriots.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. As the bull and elephant monsters were injured, they became the help of skeleton monsters. The defense line of Juyaomen also began to collapse, and the defense that had been organized with great difficulty was also destroyed at this moment. .

As the gap was opened, the skeleton monsters rushed into the group of monsters who were focused on attacking, and all of a sudden they took up their knives and fell with heavy casualties.The monsters who focused on using powerful attacks never expected that the defense in front would be breached so quickly.

And when the attacking monsters in the back were killed, the defensive monsters in the front were also uncomfortable. As the gap was opened, countless skeleton monsters rushed through the line of defense they had built, which instead made the defensive monsters in front Caught in the siege of skeleton monsters.

All of a sudden, as countless monsters were wounded and became members of the skeleton monsters, the decline of the monsters became more and more obvious.Facing such a large number of highly contagious skeleton monsters, the confidence of the monsters began to gradually collapse.

"Damn, hate, hateful, hateful bones. Even if I want to die, I will die with you." Surrounded by countless skeleton monsters, the rhinoceros demon, who had previously commanded the defense monsters to build a defense line, lay on his bones with blood red eyes and an angry expression on his face. Crazy attacks in the waves.

In fact, with his tyrannical defense and impact force, he could escape from the siege of the bone wave and retreat to the back.But he didn't. He set up this line of defense, so he has to take responsibility.

Therefore, among the countless waves of bones, it can be clearly seen that a white rhinoceros monster is rushing left and right in the waves of bones, gathering the defensive monsters scattered in the waves of bones one by one.

On the other side, on the side of the attacking monsters who lost a lot of manpower due to accidental attacks, these monsters also quickly switched their attack methods, switching from a powerful charged attack to a small powerful quick attack.

"Brothers, rush out with me." Finally, all the defensive monsters in the wave of bones gathered together, and the rhinoceros took the lead to break out in the direction of the monster-gathering gate.

However, just as they gathered together to break through, the surrounding skeleton monsters suddenly gathered, and their numbers doubled.And it's not just a matter of increasing numbers.

In the direction where the rhino monster was about to break through, at some point, a group of skeleton monsters that were stronger and taller than the other skeleton monsters stood in front of them, and the rebellious elephant monster and bull monster that had been killed before were impressively among them .

"Kill." Facing the obviously much stronger skeleton monster in front of him, the rhinoceros demon didn't miss it.But he knew that he had no way out. If he didn't break out of the encirclement, they would be dead. Only by breaking through could they have a chance to survive, and they could continue to fight if they lived.

Boom, as the huge sword in the hands of the rhinoceros monster collided with the sharp claws of the strong skeleton in front of it, a violent shock wave erupted from here, blowing away the ordinary skeletons around in an instant.

The first attack was over, and the second attack followed. The rhino demon's ferocious attack directly hit the skeleton monster in front of him and retreated steadily, but the attacks of the other skeletons on both sides of the skeleton monster also hit the rhino demon.

Relying on a strong defense, he withstood the attacks from both sides, and the fellow monsters behind him also began to charge to attack the strong skeletons blocking the way, but the charge of the defensive monsters was blocked after all.

As the momentum of the defensive monsters was blocked, more and more skeleton monsters advanced towards the interior of the monster gathering gate, and these defensive monsters also made the breakout distance longer and longer as the skeleton monsters advanced.

"Ah~" A shrill scream sounded, and another defensive monster fell down.Although all the monsters here are monsters with strong defense, strong defense does not mean invincibility. Facing so many enemies, after many attacks, the defense will still be broken after all.

Not only the ordinary monsters around, but even the rhinoceros monster has almost reached its limit. His body is covered with cracks, and his defense can no longer withstand more attacks.

Boom, the confrontation between the chopping knife and the sharp claws, bang, the interweaving of the sharp claws and the defense, with a click, the cracked defense on the rhinoceros monster was finally broken, and the armor made of its own skin shattered, revealing the armor A body with a sharply reduced defense.

Although they don't have their own consciousness, the surrounding skeleton monsters still have attacking instincts. After the rhinoceros monster's defense was broken, the skeleton monsters' instincts let them know that this is the best opportunity to attack, so one by one sharp claws , Catch the rhinoceros demon from all directions.

At this time, when the rhinoceros demon's armor was broken, his surroundings were already surrounded by strong skeleton monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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