Chapter 595
"Shout out if you feel uncomfortable, what do you look like?" Although facing the flame beam in front of him, he couldn't see the appearance of Kester behind him, but he could tell from his voice that he must be in a state of distress again now. She looked like a girl, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled at her back unceremoniously.

Although looking at such a guy with male and female looks is very seductive in normal times, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan has a protective desire to look at me with pity, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't accept losing the chain at a critical moment.

Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's obviously yelling voice coming from the front, Kester, who had been holding back all this time, finally didn't hold back, tears flowed down from the corners of his eyes, and then he cried loudly.

Obviously just now he was acting like a little girl whom I feel pity for, but when he really started to cry, Kester's voice was extraordinarily loud.Although crying does not seem to be very suitable for a man, it is also thanks to his crying.

As Kester cried loudly, the magic channel connecting him and Zhuang Xiaoyuan became unimpeded.If it was a trickle before, it has now become the Yangtze River, okay?

At the same time that Kester was crying loudly and the magic channel was quickly unblocked, the crimson light cannon fired by Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to expand rapidly, covering the lava camel's bright yellow flame beam in an instant and directly pressing it back.

After the burst of power, the crimson light cannon directly pushed the bright yellow flame beam back in front of the lava camel, and then the crimson light cannon that overshadowed the flame beam bombarded the lava camel, sending it directly from the cracks in the city wall. Fly out far away.

"Huh, it's really cool to shoot a cannon. I like light cannons to clear the field the most." The lava camel that was blasted away by a cannon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put away the sword he swung, looking like he just did something very happy He let out a sigh of relief, and looked back at the summoner who was still crying.

"Okay, it's almost enough. He's still a boy. Can't you bear a little pain?" Walking in front of Kester, seeing his tearful face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head helplessly, and stretched out his hand to rub him said the top of his head.

"Woo~ Didn't you make me cry?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Kester looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and accused while sobbing.

"Pfft, when did I make you cry? I made you yell out, okay?" With a snicker, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put down her hand rubbing her head, and patted Kester's shoulder. Can't get up.

This summoner is really interesting and cute. Although the girl's behavior is not very refreshing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is very satisfied with being obedient. Of course, the so-called obedient depends on who listens to it. Listen, that's not a good habit.

"Roar~" A loud roar shook the wilderness, and the lava camel that was shot out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around amidst the roar and rushed towards the city wall again. The light cannon just now did not destroy it, but instead angered it.

"It's really hard, and it's almost uninjured. With this kind of defense, it seems that you can only find the weak point and kill it with one blow." Hearing the roar of the lava camel, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head to look at it, and noticed the lava camel on his body. Not many wounds raised his eyebrows, with a playful expression on his face.

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan, you, can you beat it?"

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's laughter, Kester knew that he had made an embarrassment. Although he had never been embarrassed before, Kester still felt very embarrassed to be embarrassed in front of his brave man.However, after hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's evaluation of the lava camel, Kester couldn't help but raise his head and ask.

"What do you mean I can beat it? You should ask me if I can beat it. You idiot." Raising his hand, he gave Kester a head-scratching blow. Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a confident smile on his face .

Like King Arthur, the blood of the dragon flows through Mordred's body. The dragon standing on the top of all things is not afraid of the challenges of all creatures. Let alone a volcanic camel, even if a black dragon appears, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will If you beat it, you can't take care of yourself.

"Oh, then, can you defeat it with a shot?" Stretching out his hand to cover his forehead, Kester showed a weeping expression on his face, but after being glared at by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he immediately held back his tears and spoke asked.

"That's about the same. Since it's the summoner's order, then I'll go and get rid of this camel." The corner of her mouth curled up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out her hand and rubbed Kester's head, then put the sword on her shoulder and pointed at Kester. The lava camel got up and walked in the direction.

"McGrady, let's go there too." With a tug on Kester, Ellie turned to look at the Iron Knight McGrady in front of her, with a hint of expectation and inquiry in her tone.

"Yeah." Nodding slightly, there was a sound of the helmet and the armor colliding and rubbing against each other. McGrady raised the huge steel shield in front of Kester and Ellie and began to approach the lava camel.

"Haha, it's really hard." When Kester and the others came to the city wall under the protection of Mai Di, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already started fighting with the lava camel, and the silver-red sword slashed on the lava camel, but only sparks bloomed Cannot cause the slightest damage to the lava camel.

And when Zhuang Xiaoyuan drove the lava camel out and started fighting with it, the defenders took the opportunity to wipe out all the mid- and low-level monsters that flooded into the city before. At this time, all the city guards gathered on the city wall to watch the city. Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was fighting the lava camel outside.

It's not that the city guard soldiers want to stand by and watch, it's entirely because their attacks can't hurt the lava camels at all, but because this kind of unnecessary attack covers Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the attack range, so it's better to just watch Do it.

With his right foot kicking on the raised toes of the lava camel, he avoided the stampede attack of the lava camel far away by the reaction force. When the raised right foot of the lava camel landed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed forward again to the brilliant king in his hand. The sword slashed again at the same position before.

"It's really useless. It's not only the strength of the body, but also the resilience." Several consecutive attacks at the same position each time caused exactly the same damage as before, and there was no damage caused by multiple overlapping attacks. addition.

It seemed that before this attack passed, the damage caused by the previous attack had been completely recovered.Another slash at the original position also had no effect, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave up this boring offensive.

With a strong jump on both feet, he jumped directly onto the lava camel's legs, and ran towards him along its thick rocky thighs. While running up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked into the lava camel's eyes.In terms of weakness, the eyes are definitely the biggest weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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