Chapter 650 Clearing the Battlefield
"Okay, don't be too nervous, it's just a pure guess. Moreover, even if my guess is the truth, it's too late to remedy the current situation. After all, such a thing has already happened. Now, think about it carefully. What should we do after that?"

Seeing Teacher Helena's face suddenly changed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan comforted her, then ignored the heavy-faced Teacher Helena, and turned to look in the direction that came before. They began to approach this side, and they should have discovered the situation here.

As the people from the Kingdom of Yellow arrived, Captain Schwager brought Teacher Helena into contact with the leader of the Country of Yellow, and exchanged views with each other.Afterwards, the teams of the two countries temporarily stationed not far from the Might and Magic Gate.

This bloody battlefield in front of Might and Magic blocked the way forward for the two countries. If you want to reach Might and Magic, you must go straight through this bloody battlefield.But at this time, the bloody battlefield covered by strong murderous intent and resentment is not so easy to pass.

This world is a magical world, and the world is full of magical energy.Many things that would not happen in other worlds will become a matter of course in this world.

Things like zombies, ghouls, skeletons, undead, ghosts, etc.Because the battle in this bloody battlefield was too brutal, the humans and monsters who died on this battlefield were full of killing intent and resentment.

This kind of killing intent and resentment covering the entire battlefield actually completely repulsed the approach of scavengers, which shows how powerful these murderous resentment are.And this kind of killing intent and resentment can easily give birth to zombies and the like in this magic-filled world.

Now there is no problem outside the bloody battlefield, but if you step into this battlefield, you might be attacked by these corpses.After all, under the cover of this murderous aura, no one knows how many people who died in this battlefield have been turned into undead creatures by resentment.

Although the undead creatures born in this world, whether they are zombies or skeletons, whether they are ghosts or resentful spirits, are all composed of resentment and magical energy after death, they are a kind of monsters that rely only on instinct and do not have wisdom. s things.

Moreover, because it itself was born from such insubstantial things as dead corpses and resentment.Any undead creatures are actually very fragile, and ordinary soldiers can also do one-to-many when facing zombies and the like.However, there are too many corpses on this battlefield now.

If such a huge number of corpses have been transformed into undead creatures, I am afraid that even if there are several times more soldiers, they will not be able to withstand the attack of these things.Therefore, it is obviously unwise to go directly through this bloody battlefield.

Since it is impossible to pass through this bloody battlefield directly, there is only one choice for the troops of the two countries.That is to clean up this bloody battlefield and restore the original calm here.

However, cleaning up this battlefield is not something that can be done in a short time, at least one or two days is definitely not enough.Therefore, after mutual consultation, the troops of the Red Country and the Yellow Country could only station at a position a little far from the bloody battlefield, delaying the time to go to the central area.

Fortunately, the two countries set off early in order to avoid accidents in the middle. There is still a long time before the battle for the crown, but there is no need to rush too much. There is still enough time to clean up this bloody battlefield.

After confirming the location of the camp, some people were assigned to start building the camp, and the Red Country and the Yellow Country also dispatched idle soldiers to start cleaning up the bloody battlefield.

Start cleaning from the area closest to this side of the bloody battlefield.Move all the corpses out of the bloody battlefield little by little, burn them into ashes and bury them on the roadside.

This is something that has to be done. After all, they are corpses full of resentment, and they have been stored in this resentment for a period of time. If they are not completely burned, even if they are buried, they will crawl out of the grave again.

Human beings are troublesome enough to deal with dangerous monsters, but they don't want to deal with a batch of such undead creatures when dealing with monsters.Therefore, it is necessary to cut off the possibility of the appearance of undead creatures here.

The cleanup of the bloody battlefield went smoothly, probably because the cleanup is now near the edge, and the first batch of cleanup corpses did not appear to be necromantic.After burning, it was also successfully buried in the pre-dug hole on the side of the road.

This kind of cleaning didn't last long. After about an hour, all the cleaning troops came back.Because the setting sun in the west has completely set, and the afterglow of the setting sun is only the last bit, and the night is about to fall.

Like normal undead creatures, the undead creatures in this world will become more active and dangerous at night.Even with precautions, cleaning up these corpses at night is very dangerous.

Therefore, the troops of the Red Country and the Yellow Country had to temporarily stop the cleanup work and return to the camp to wait for the dawn.

With the afterglow of the setting sun completely disappearing into the sky, darkness enveloped the sky and the earth.Huge bonfires were set up in the camps of both countries. At the same time, there were several times more people watching the night around the camp than when they were stationed in the forest before.

Before, when they were stationed in the forest, the people of the two countries did not expect that there would be a monster attack at all. After all, there had been no such attack for hundreds of years, so it was inevitable that they would be a little lax in defense. The thorny ape has an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But now, having experienced the attack of monsters, he felt vigilant in his heart, and now that he was near this bloody battlefield, he might face the attack of undead creatures in the future.Therefore, the troops of the two countries have also raised their vigilance at night to the highest level.

However, this night's security was a bit of a waste of time, because there was no undead creature attack that night.Although a creepy sound could be vaguely heard from the direction of the bloody battlefield, nothing dangerous happened on the camp side.Safely waited until the dawn of the next day.

After dawn, the troops of the two countries began to clean up the bloody battlefield again after having breakfast.But this time it was not as smooth as yesterday evening.

Not long after the troops of the two countries started to clean up, a dead body with its eyes closed suddenly exploded, directly biting off the neck of a soldier from the Kingdom of Yellow.

Almost at the same time as the zombies appeared here, a few active zombies also appeared in other positions, but because the attacked soldiers reacted quickly and threw the zombies out, they escaped the initial fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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