Chapter 680
"Everyone from the Land of Blue, do you choose the venue? Or the project? Have you made a decision?" He sighed secretly in his heart, looking at the group of people from the Land of Blue who were completely out of shape, this one from the Land of White The referee had no choice but to ask again.

"Um, oh. Well, we choose the venue, and hope that the next game can be played in the island area." The referee's second question finally woke up the captain of the Blue Country who had suddenly fallen into his own fantasy, and heard the referee's question , the captain of the Blue Kingdom froze for a moment, and immediately spoke to confirm.

"Island area, okay." After getting confirmation from the captain of the Blue Country, the chief referee turned and left. The game has been decided.

"Everyone in the country of red, the country of blue has chosen the island area of ​​the competition venue as the location of the next game. Next, it is up to you to randomly determine the game items of the second game. Just inject magic power here, and the game items will be Automatically transform, stop the magic injection, and the transformed item will stop."

He took out a strange square magic tool from his pocket, the chief referee operated the magic tool a little bit, entered the determined playing field, and then pointed the magic tool in his hand towards the Red Country. Handed it over, while explaining.

"Which one of you will draw the items for the next game?" Reaching out to take the magic item from the chief referee, Teacher Helena turned to look at Kester and the three of them, shaking the magic item in her hand and asking.

"Igor, you should come here. Being able to draw the Land of Blue already shows your luck." Faced with Teacher Helena's question, Ellie pushed Igel behind his back and pushed him to the In front of Teacher Helena, she said.

"Well, I agree too. And this time the victory was brought by Kailina, and it is just right for Eagle to draw lots." After Ellie pushed Eagle out, Kester also agreed.

"Well then, don't blame me if you get the lottery." Igor shrugged indifferently, and Igor took the magic item used for the lottery of the competition from Mr. Helena.

This is a square magic prop, which looks like a brick overall.It's just that there are two transparent crystal screens on the front of the brick.At this time, different things are displayed on the two crystal screens.

What is displayed on the upper crystal screen is the venue for the next game, the island area.And what was displayed on the next screen should be the event of the next game, but at this time, the word random was displayed, waiting for Iger to draw.

After looking at the magic item in his hand for a while, Igor discovered the crystal touch panels on both sides of the magic item for inputting magic power.Putting his thumb on the crystal touch panel, Igor began to infuse magic power into this magic item.

As Eagle's magic power slowly poured in, the random words on the lower screen began to jump quickly, and various competitions flashed away on the lower screen.

According to the situation in the Red Country, the most favorable competitions in the island area should be those that are only held on the island.The competition on the island is similar to that on land, and it can also greatly weaken the advantage of the blue country on the sea.

However, compared to the competitive events at sea, the events that are only held on the island alone are very limited, and about one-tenth of them is already very impressive.Although the probability of one tenth is not extremely small, it is not great either.

At this time, what Eagle most hopes to draw is the one-tenth probability item.Whether it is a confrontation battle on the island, a wheel battle, a team battle, or a tough battle.If the opponent is the country of blue, the country of red is also very sure.

However, if there is a sea competition, I am afraid that McGrady will not be able to participate.Although McGrady possesses a strong defensive power and a hole card nirvana that kills with one blow, she is better at land combat.It's not like you can't swim at sea, but even if you can swim in heavy armor, you won't be able to swim.

As for Kailinna, with her ability to fly, she can still participate in most sea competitions.However, there are also many competitions where flying is prohibited.After losing the ability to fly, Kailinna basically could not display much combat effectiveness at sea.

Therefore, on the Red Country's side, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan can truly display his strength in sea competitions.However, based on Igor's understanding of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's second form, it was just standing on the sea, without the protection of the sea at all, and it was still very disadvantageous to face the blue country.

Thinking of this, Igor secretly sighed at the lack of combat power on his side, and slowly released the two crystal touch panels injected with magic power.What kind of project will be in the end can only depend on luck.

It is best if it is a competition on an island.However, even if it is not an event on the island, but an event on the sea, Eagle will not give up hope.Because victory is never predetermined, victory requires one's own efforts and perseverance.

This is what Eagle recently learned from these brave men in his country.After a few days of getting along, the three summoners have been more or less changed by their own brave men, becoming more persistent, braver, and more mature. The brave men are not only the summoner's partners and guardians, but also their best friends. Good role model.

"Didi." As Igor released the crystal touch panels on both sides of the magic prop, this magic prop, which was as thick as an ordinary brick, let out a crisp beeping sound.

Amidst the tweets, the crystal screen below also clearly displayed the event of the second round of the competition - the race around the island.After all, the event selected is not a confrontation on the island, but a competition on the sea.

"I announce that the first knockout match of the crown battle, the red country vs. the blue country wins two out of three rounds, and the second game will be a race around the island in the island area. Members from the two countries are invited to go to the island area by themselves. The judges for the regional competitions are waiting for you."

After Iger completed the draw for the project, the chief referee from the White Country took back the brick magic item from Iger.Glancing at the competition items displayed on the magic props, he announced loudly.

While loudly announcing the competition items for the second round, the chief referee also skillfully manipulated the magic props on the brick, and sent the determined competition items to the central referee group for general management in the water town area. And the venue in the island area is in charge of the referee team.

(End of this chapter)

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