Chapter 744 Inherent Enchantment
"Come on, get ready to fight. Don't think too much, it's just a god level. Even if the opponent is really a god, we can directly kill the gods. You know, the god level is not invincible."

Hearing Kailinna's exclamation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at her sideways, pointed at the undead creatures in the distance that began to crawl out of the magic circle with special magic fluctuations, and used Said in a nonchalant tone.

"Although I also think what you said makes sense, don't you look down on the god level too much? No matter what, you are four levels higher than us. According to common sense, there is no way to fight back."

Noticing the undead creatures approaching, Maddy raised the heavy shield in his hand to the outer edge of the city wall, blocking Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Kailinna, while complaining about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.

"If everything can be judged according to common sense, then nothing can be done in this world. Believe in your own possibility."

With a wave of the Wang Jian in his hand, he flew past Mai Di and smashed the first skeleton that climbed up the city wall. Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his head and looked down the city wall, while responding to Mai Di's words.

At this time, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were talking, densely packed undead creatures had already rushed in and surrounded the city wall in front of them.As countless undead creatures crowded together, these undead creatures piled up towers and began to climb the city wall.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan expected at the beginning, the people of the Purple Country had no plans to attack the city directly, and all the undead creatures were concentrated on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's wall.From the very beginning, their target was Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, not the magic spar pillar in the center of the city.

"I always feel that the god level seems to be nothing special. If they are all this kind of monsters, we can stop them even if they come a few times?" The knight gun in his hand swept across, directly killing the four or five zombies that climbed up. Swept down.

Looking at the undead creatures that she easily eliminated, Kailina showed a surprised expression on her face.The strength of these undead creatures was beyond her expectation.It's not unexpectedly strong, but unexpectedly weak.

"These are just appetizers. Although I said that the god level is not invincible. However, there is no doubt that the god level is powerful. It is almost here, and 5 minutes are almost here."

Shaking his head, he denied Kailina's words.The king sword in his hand wiped out the undead creatures climbing up the city wall without stopping, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the 'nine people' in the Purple Kingdom in the distance.

Although these undead creatures were completely unstoppable due to their numbers, many of them had already climbed up the city wall from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's defense gap.But this kind of fragile undead creature can't cause effective damage to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.Therefore, the only people who need attention are those from the Purple Kingdom.

According to the 5 minutes expected by Klaus and Anthony, it is almost here.The special ability of Purple Kingdom to change the world should also come.I don't know what will happen next.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked towards the Purple Country, he estimated in his heart that it was almost time.The location of the 'nine people' in the Purple Kingdom behind the undead creatures also erupted with a deep gray light at this moment.

With the display of the gray light, the world began to distort. When the gray light spread out around the 'nine people' of the Purple Kingdom, enveloping a large area around it, the world was completely changed.

This is a barren world, this is an abandoned world, this is a completely lifeless world.There is nothing in this world except the endless red sand.No, there are still things besides the sand, that is, the endless undead creatures standing on the red sand.

"Is this the ability to change the world they said?" Looking at the completely different scenery around her, Kailina couldn't hide the look of surprise on her face.Even though Klaus and the others had heard about it before, Karina was still a little surprised when she actually saw it.

It wasn't just Karina who was surprised, Maddy also had a look of surprise on her face.It's just that unlike Kailinna who was surprised by the changes in the surrounding scenery, Maddy was surprised that their positions also changed significantly.

Before the world changed, the three of them stood on the towering city wall.However, when the world changed, the three of them stood on a barren red land, surrounded by undead creatures densely surrounding them, and the original city had long since disappeared.

"Sure enough, he is indeed a god-level 'brave'. He is completely different from the man from the Land of Blue. This is the real world of mental imagery, and this is worthy of the name Inherent Barrier."

Compared to the astonishment of Kailinna and Mai Di, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face was only calm.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan used the ability of inherent enchantment before.Whether it is the world of Chloe Einzbern's sword or the world where the cherry blossoms of the two ceremonies dance, the degree of completion of the inherent barrier is more perfect than the inherent barrier at this time.

However, although it is slightly flawed compared to the one used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it is more real and more complete than the stormy world of the Blue Kingdom before.

Moreover, the inherent enchantment used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan itself cannot be used as a comparison.

Although the inherent enchantment ability used by Zhuang Xiaoyuan at that time belonged to the character's own ability, it was also infinitely close to the real world under the blessing of Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself.

After all, she is the ring of principles at the core of the world. Even if she was not awakened at all, she would unconsciously make the inherent barrier tend to a complete world, and automatically repair the flaws and false sense of the inherent barrier itself.

Therefore, to be able to achieve the current level of inherent enchantment, the person from the Purple Country does have extraordinary abilities far beyond ordinary people.Even among the god-level strength, he is definitely a superior existence.

"Inherent enchantment? Is this ability called by this name? Xiaoyuan, how did you know that, could it be that you..." Hearing the faint exclamation hidden in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tone, Kailinna, who was surprised by the sudden change in the world, turned her head Looking over, there was still a look of surprise on his face that hadn't completely subsided.

"Now is not the time to talk, get ready to fight. Is this the main meal they serve us?" His expression froze suddenly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly interrupted Kailinna's questioning, and looked up to the sky.At this time, a huge shadow was hovering from the other end of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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