Chapter 810 Evil God Hela
As the energy shock subsided, the silver crystal that quietly appeared in midair also immediately attracted the attention of the Valkyries.

As the aborigines of this world, after seeing this silver crystal, several Valkyries on the ground felt a strong sense of intimacy in their hearts.It was an instinctive closeness to the source of the world.

However, while noticing the silver crystal that made them feel close, several Valkyries also immediately saw Hela who appeared next to the silver crystal and held the silver crystal in her hand.

"Hela?! When did you go up? Eh?" Noticing Hela who appeared in the sky at some unknown time, Priya turned her head to look at Hela's original position with a surprised expression on her face.But the scene that caught her eyes made Priya's eyes widen even more in surprise.

"Hella? There are two?!" Laila, who also turned her head to look at Hela for the first time, also widened her eyes like Priya.Because, behind them, Hela still stood where she was and did not leave.

"What's going on, why are there two Hellas?" Looking back at Hela behind him, and then up at Hela in the sky, Phil shook his head and almost lost consciousness.However, they never figured out why Hela, the Valkyrie Goddess of Thunder, turned into two identical people.

"Twins? A substitute? Or a counterfeit?" Frowning tightly, Yi Wanli showed a vigilant expression on her face, and looked up at Hela in the sky.Instinctively, Imari felt that Hela in the sky was more dangerous.

"Is someone pretending to be Hela? Which one is real, the one in the sky or the one on the ground?" Reina stood sideways in front of Priya, looking at Hela with a look of wariness.Although they fought side by side just now, no one can guarantee whether the cooperation just now was deliberately disguised by her.

"Hala, that's it, you are the real evil god Hela." His gaze swept across the several Valkyries on the ground, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the one who was floating in midair and snatched away his world crystal. Hela had a dazed expression on her face.

The Valkyries didn't know Hela's origin, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew it clearly.After noticing that Hela who appeared in the air to snatch the world crystal was a different person from Hela, the Valkyrie Goddess of Thunder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly thought of Hela's original origin as an evil god.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that, the Ring of Perfection. I am not so easy to be eliminated. It is impossible for the evil god to be restrained by mere order." Holding the silver world crystal tightly in his hand, the evil god Hela's There was a smug expression on his face.

"Hmph, you actually took the opportunity of being bound by order to give up all your last goodness and humanity. Now you are the real evil god, no, you can't even be considered an evil god. Without humanity, you are nothing at all. It can’t be called an evil god, maybe it’s closer to those irrational demons.”

It seems that the evil god who was supposed to be annihilated under the shackles of the rules of order did not disappear, but split into two people under the influence of the rules of the world. It is no wonder that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never felt a strange aura from the Valkyrie of Thunder up.

"You can say whatever you want, this time is destined to be my victory. Without the world crystal, you will never be able to defeat me. And the world crystal in this world will now become my property."

With an evil smile on his face, the right hand of the evil god Hela grasped the silver crystal and diffused a thick purple mist to surround the silver world crystal. Then, the purple mist wrapped around the crystal brought the silver crystal back into the evil god's body. In Hela's body.

"Really, do you think I really can't do anything about you, evil heretic." Just watching the evil god Hela devour the world crystal quietly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face did not show the slightest panic expression.

After confirming that Hela, the evil god who appeared in front of him and took away the world crystal, did not hide any other backhands. He only thought that the winner was in his hands. Without the world crystal, he could not deal with her at all. The expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face was calm instead. down.

"Hahaha, don't bluff, we have seen you through so many worlds. Without the world crystal, you will not be able to exert your power at all."

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's calm expression, the evil god Haila laughed, taking Zhuang Xiaoyuan's calmness at this time as a fake gesture.After all, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is indeed relying on the power of the world crystal to activate his own ability of the ring of Yuanli when he comes to the world one by one.

"It seems that the number of times has been too many, and you have already known it. Indeed, if it is in another world, without the help of the world crystal, I will not be able to exert my full strength, and I will not even be able to use the power of the Circle of Principle.

However, this world is different.Did you know that in this world, although there are also battles like the Valkyrie Festival, this kind of battle is just a pastime game for the creatures of this world, and for the Valkyries of this world.This... is a world that respects games. "

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, facing the evil god Hela's laughter, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's calm expression was also broken at this moment, but what broke the calm was not any negative emotions, but a very natural and light smile.

This smile is very ordinary, not brilliant nor does it contain special emotions, it is as inconspicuous as a wild flower on the roadside.However, this unremarkable smile has a very strong sense of reality.It's a very real, genuine smile, a confident smile that comes from the heart.

"What do you want to say? No, don't say it, I won't listen. Die, Ring of Principle." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's smile came into his eyes, causing a trace of uneasiness in the heart of the evil god Hela.

With the appearance of this unease, the evil god Hela's mind also involuntarily appeared in the previous world, the dialogue between the demon wolf Fenris and Zhuang Xiaoyuan.It was because of that conversation that the evil god Hela chose to integrate into the rules, so that he was almost annihilated by the rules of order.

If it hadn't been for relying on the negative emotions contained in the races of this world to barely remain, and then accumulating strength to resurrect, I am afraid that the evil god Hela would have ceased to exist at this time.

Therefore, after almost dying, the evil god Hela would never believe what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said.Similarly, she didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but chose to do it directly.

After the words fell, the purple mist spread from Hela's body, filling the entire sky in an instant.After the thick purple fog filled the entire sky with a strong plague virus, it began to cover the land of this world.

The world crystal is the crystallization of the power of order, and evil gods cannot use the power of the world crystal.However, being unable to use it does not mean that the World Crystal is useless against evil gods.

At least, after obtaining the world crystal, the evil god can block the connection between the world crystal and the world.Immune to the resistance of the world itself, completely ignoring the rules of the world, and began to destroy the world at will.

"If you don't want to hear it, then I won't say it. Let's just start, the game with the world as the bet." Facing the fog that filled the sky, in a faint voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan erupted far better than before. The dense white light, the burst of white light enveloped the world, and at the same time blocked the erosion of the purple mist.

(End of this chapter)

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