Chapter 823 Leave alone
"Destroy the world? I'm not that boring." Looking up at Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi who were opposite, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to her original appearance in the faint white light, and then walked directly towards the flames surrounding her.

"Hey, you..." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement towards the flame, Xia Feifei's face panicked, and she had no time to withdraw her own flame, so she let Zhuang Xiaoyuan walk directly into the flame.

However, in the next second, the panic on Xia Feifei's face completely disappeared, replaced by a shocked expression.Because, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who walked into the flames, passed through his wall of flames unscathed and appeared on the other side.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the fiery red lotus fire, it seemed as if he had encountered the Supreme Flame. All the flames consciously backed away to the two sides, allowing Zhuang Xiaoyuan to pass through the flame area unharmed.

"Don't go, who are you?" Xia Feifei found that her own flames could not stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan's progress at all, Xia Feifei immediately retracted the burning flames around her, and chased after Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was leaving in front.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a passer-by in this world. I'll leave when I get what I need." Ignoring Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi who were chasing up from behind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan left the cave and walked down the mountain , while answering.

"What do you need? What do you want?" Following closely behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan and hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Xia Feifei couldn't help but think of what those people said just now. Could it be that what she needs will affect the safety of the world?Otherwise why those people keep saying she will destroy the world.

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous. It belongs to me, and I just plan to take it back. It won't affect the humans in this world at all."

Raising his eyebrows and glanced at Xia Feifei who was chasing after him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked down the mountain non-stop, and then continued to walk in a certain direction while replying.

It really won't have any impact on the humans in this world, but it's not certain whether it will affect the world itself.

If the consciousness of this world has grown to that point.Without the world crystal, the growth rate of world consciousness will probably slow down a lot.

After the initial attack, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has realized the problems of this world.The consciousness of the world should have been a kind of subconscious existence with only instinct, but it has made obvious hostile behaviors towards her.

This undoubtedly indicates that the world awareness of this world has grown, at least to the extent that the previous worlds did not have it at all.Even, maybe the world consciousness of this world has already given birth to its own intelligence.

However, no matter what, what should be recycled must still be recycled.Zhuang Xiaoyuan will not leave her things to others just because others need them.What's more, compared to the growth of a single small world, the balance of the big world is the most important.

"It won't affect you, are you sure?" Xia Feifei obviously still had some doubts about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.As a person meeting for the first time, it is impossible for people to believe it immediately.What's more, what happened just now.

Although Xia Feifei sided with Zhuang Xiaoyuan because of the tough attitude of those guardians, it didn't mean Xia Feifei believed her.It's just that compared to those guardians, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's behavior is easier for her to accept.

But at this time, with the disappearance of those guardians, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan was left on the scene, Xia Feifei's position and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's position also had a certain degree of opposition.After all, Xia Feifei also got a lot of negative comments about Zhuang Xiaoyuan from those guardians just now.

"I tell you, you should go back as soon as possible. This kind of thing is not something you can touch. It is the wisest choice to leave before going deeper. Whether it is me or the world, there is nothing you can do."

Hurrying all the way forward, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally stopped her pace when she came to a pier along the coast following her own feeling.Glancing at Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi who were coming along with her, she pointed to the brightly lit academy area and reminded her.

"I can't do anything...don't underestimate me." His face was slightly angry, hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Xia Feifei still didn't intend to just let her go.

"I didn't mean to underestimate you, but ordinary people can't interfere in the battle between worlds. Moreover, your power was originally given by me. No matter what kind of attack you make, it can't hurt me at all."

Shaking her head, the expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face did not mean to underestimate Xia Feifei at all, she was just stating the facts very calmly.

"Sister Feifei, we really should go back. It's already so late, if the dormitory teacher finds out, he will definitely be punished."

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Miao Shishi seemed to have just reacted, she looked at Xia Feifei with a hint of worry in her eyes, stretched out her hand and pulled Xia Feifei's sleeve, and persuaded in a low voice.

"Okay, let's all go back. If you are still worried about what I will do to this world, you might as well talk to the teachers of the academy. If you want to find me in the future, you can come to another academy.

From the way I feel, all the things I lost are probably there, so I will definitely go there.So, goodbye.Two little Valkyries. "

After casually untying the rope of a small speedboat on the pier, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped into the driver's seat of the speedboat.Waving to the two people on the shore, Zhuang Xiaoyuan decisively started the speedboat and drove towards the depths of the sea.

Although the shape and handling of this speedboat were different from the speedboats Zhuang Xiaoyuan had seen before, it was thanks to various knowledge in his mind.Just a simple trial, she quickly mastered the operation method of the speedboat.

It can be regarded as the carelessness of the teacher or administrator of the Stigmata Academy, the keys and the like are actually inserted directly into the speedboat.Does this mean that no one in the academy will come to steal the speedboat?This was cheap for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and it was very easy for her to leave.

"Sister Feifei, let's go back. Time..." Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappear into the dark night in the speedboat, Miao Shishi looked at Xia Feifei worriedly and urged.

"Let's go, let's go back." Taking a deep look at the pitch-black sea where no traces could be seen, Xia Feifei gritted her teeth and finally did not make a willful choice, but took Miao Shishi towards the college. go.

However, Xia Feifei did not go back to the dormitory directly as Miao Shishi expected.Instead, she walked towards the dean's residence. She had to tell the dean about what happened today.Even if it was discovered that he had secretly gone to the back mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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