Chapter 827
"Sister Lixin, did you just let them leave like this?" Looking down at the three girls carefully approaching the pier in the dark night outside the window, the secretary Xiao Zhang frowned, and asked the head of the school, Yang Lixin, for instructions.

"This is their own choice. Since they want to leave, let them go. There is only so much we can do to help them." Yang Lixin watched the three girls get on the speedboat docked by the pier. He stood motionless at the same spot, but the voice came clearly to Xiao Zhang's ears beside him.

"Sister Lixin, you didn't seem to say that just now." Turning to look at the head of the school, Yang Lixin, there was a strange expression on the secretary Zhang's face, an expression that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Oh? Did I say anything just now?" Yang Lixin raised her eyebrows and said innocently.

"You just said clearly that they would make the same choice as us. We didn't leave the academy secretly." Somewhat dissatisfied with Yang Lixin's innocent expression, the secretary Xiao Zhang pouted, not polite The breakthrough road.

"However, she didn't come out of the crystal at the beginning. Xiao Zhang, I didn't expect that after so many years, you still haven't improved at all. Forget it, I don't count on you anymore. I will clean the toilet tomorrow honestly. Alright."

Looking helplessly at Xiao Zhang, Yang Lixin shook her head and made it look like you were hopeless, then turned and walked towards her bedroom.

"Eh? Eh?! Wait, sister Lixin, you're playing tricks. You obviously didn't mean that before."

Standing on the spot in a daze, Xiao Zhang struggled for a few seconds before realizing that what Yang Lixin meant before was obviously that they would act as if nothing had happened to them.It's not the meaning of standing on the crystal girl's side like this at all, this person is actually cheating again.


"Oh, a big failure. Sure enough, being hostile to the world is not so easy, unfortunately." When the three girls sneaked out of the academy and embarked on their own journey to find the truth, in the endless sea, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted cried misfortune.

Just now, after boarding a speedboat at the pier and sailing into the sea, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to suffer from bad luck continuously.First, the bottom of the speedboat hit a reef when it was away from the coast, and a hole was directly broken in the bottom of the boat.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan managed to find the repair tool on the boat and patched up the hole with a rubber sheet, he found that the fuel tank of the speedboat was actually leaking.By the time Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed, the fuel tank had basically leaked out.

Finding that the oil in the fuel tank had been leaked, Zhuang Xiaoyuan of course wanted to go back to the pier just now to change to a speedboat.However, when she looked up, she found that the pier just now was no longer visible.

Driven by waves of ebb tide, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speedboat has been driven into the deep sea by the waves, far away from the pier just now.

Well, it's not a big deal if there is no oil. There are a few oars in this small speedboat, and the speed of paddling with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's physical strength is not too slow.

However, the compass on the ship was also broken and did not move at all.I don't know if the nautical chart was bitten by a mouse or a bug.

Well, no oil, no chart, no compass, so you can only find a direction to go.However, under the premise of the above-mentioned bad things, there is no food on board...

Facing the situation where the most important thing was unexpectedly unprepared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only yell out how unfortunate he was, apart from secretly hating his own negligence and accident.In the next few days, I will go hungry, and I don’t know if I can find a deserted island with living things before I starve to death.

Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unlucky unpreparedness, the three girls who were fully prepared and sneaked away lived a very comfortable life.According to Liu Qianqian's speculation and what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to Xia Feifei before, the three girls went directly to Chongwu Academy, which is closest to Stigmata Academy.

And when the three girls went to Chongwu Academy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan drifted farther and farther in the aimless sea. He had already passed the area of ​​Chongwu Academy and went to a farther and farther place.So, they missed it perfectly.


On a piece of blue sea, a huge cargo ship slowly moved forward, riding the wind and waves towards its destination.

This is a cargo ship with an antique design. Although various advanced radar functions have been installed on the ship, there are still ancient watchtowers outside the hull.Of course, although the shape of the observation deck is in the shape of an ancient mast, special high-power telescopes are installed on the observation deck.

On this day, the watchman of this freighter boarded the watchtower again after having lunch as usual.Who told their boss not to believe in modern technology, but more in manpower.They trust human eyes more than radar, which is why this kind of weird observation tower is installed on the freighter.

According to the thoughts in Wang Wangshou's mind, his work is actually useless at all.Things that can be discovered by oneself have been scanned by radar long ago, and things that cannot be scanned by radar can be noticed by human eyes.

Therefore, the watchman's daily work is still very leisurely, basically staying on the lookout tower and watching the scenery to kill time.However, today seemed to be different from usual. A small boat floating on the sea came into the eyes of the watchman, but there was no radar alert on the boat.

"Boss, boss, is our radar broken? Why is there no sound? I see a ship floating in front of me."

Noticing the small boat that appeared in his line of sight, but not hearing the usual radar prompts, the watchman showed a puzzled expression on his face, and lowered his head to shout to the boss on the deck.

"Boat? What ship? Is there any sign?" Turning over and jumping off the deck chair on one side of the deck, the boss asked the lookout while turning his head to look at the control room through the glass.

"It looks like a small speedboat. There is only one person on it. It seems to be a woman." Hearing the boss's question, the watchman immediately used a telescope to carefully observe the small boat in the distance, and replied.

"Boss, there is no response from the radar. There are no ships in the nearby waters." While the watchman replied to the boss's inquiry, the radar officer in the control room also replied loudly after noticing the boss' line of sight.

"Cut, what kind of broken machine, I know it's unreliable. Come, let me see, in which direction?" The boss curled his lips in disdain, and climbed up to the observation deck nimbly, looking at the telescope on the observation deck, and at the same time asked the watchman beside him.

"It's over there, south to the east, about one o'clock." Dodged sideways and gave up the position to the boss, and the lookout told the boss very cleverly where he found the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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