Chapter 831 Madoka's Conspiracy

"Boss, what should we do? There are not many ingredients left in the kitchen, and there will be nothing to eat if we don't replenish them. Although catching some fish can last for a while, it is not a long-term solution. With our current sailing speed, we want to It will take at least half a month to reach Blackstone Island."

Knowing the lack of ingredients from the kitchen, the boss of the boat frowned and left the kitchen with his deputy.As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, the deputy said with a worried face.

"Where is the nearest supply point to us?" Frowning tightly, the boss of the ship asked his deputy as he walked slowly along the corridor to the deck.

"The nearest supply point? If I remember correctly, it should be Lanming Island." Hearing the boss's inquiry, the deputy, who had already written down the nearby sea route, just thought for a while and said the nearest supply point. .

"Lamming Island, it's actually Lanming Island, a place where nerds who stare at computers every day gather." There was a thoughtful look on his face, because the ship's food was in short supply, the ship's boss had already begun to consider whether to stop the ship for supplies up.

"Boss, if you want to resupply on Lanming Island, you have to be careful of the people of Lanming Academy. If our identity is found out, we have to pay a price if we want to leave."

Hearing the name of Lanming Island from the boss, the deputy knew that the boss had already started to consider the possibility of going to Lanming Island for supplies.Thinking of the situation on Lanming Island, the deputy felt that he had to remind the boss of those potential threats.

"With the habits of those nerds, it shouldn't be easy to notice our identity, but we really have to guard against it. How about this, pass on the order, let all the staff prepare for the second-level battle, don't turn off the power after landing, and be ready to evacuate at any time .

We will go to Lanming Island to replenish supplies, and we will go to Heishi Island as quickly as possible after the supplies are completed.Calculate the time, in fact, it is almost the same.If you arrive early, you may be able to explore the situation in advance. "

After squinting his eyes and thinking for a while, the boss of the ship finally made up his mind and conveyed the order of supplies and combat preparations to his deputy.

"Okay, I'll give orders right away." Now that the boss has decided on a plan, the deputy will not talk too much.His task is to assist the boss, check for omissions and make up for vacancies.After the boss has made a decision, it is enough to follow the boss's order.

Therefore, after receiving the order from the boss, the deputy immediately responded, turned around and left towards the other side.He had to greet the several persons in charge on the ship in advance and convey the orders of the boss.

"I hope there won't be too many troubles. The five colleges are not easy to mess with. If they attract their attention, it will be troublesome. However, if we really press too hard, we won't be afraid of them."

Muttering to himself, the boss shook his head and walked outside. Today's weather is fine, a day suitable for sunbathing.I just had lunch and it was just a good time to sunbathe my stomach.

"Lanming College, I thought I would find a supply point at random, and I would take the opportunity to leave. But I really didn't expect that this supply point was one of my goals. The Lanming College of the five colleges, this is also It can be regarded as another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright."

After the boat boss and his deputy left, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had been pretending to be busy all this time, slowly raised his head to look in the direction the two left, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised to reveal a happy smile.

From the very beginning of getting on the ship, after noticing that the ship was actually a pirate ship, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had been planning to leave.However, in such a place surrounded by the sea on all sides, it is not an easy task to leave.

There are no charts, no food supplies, and no directions.In the end, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will only return to the previous state of drifting with the waves, which is really not a good thing for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Therefore, if you want to leave, you can't leave at this time. You must wait for the pirate ship to dock before looking for a chance to leave.

However, who knows when this pirate ship will dock.Moreover, the pirate ship, maybe they will drive directly to their lair, and it will become more troublesome to leave.

It's not that Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't deal with these people on board, it's just that Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't do anything too outrageous for the time being because of the antagonistic relationship with the world.

Although there is now the protection of the silver world crystal, the consciousness of the world cannot accurately find Zhuang Xiaoyuan's location under this protection.

However, if Zhuang Xiaoyuan did something too outrageous, it would still attract the attention of the world consciousness.And this kind of outrageous thing also includes large-scale armed confrontation with people in this world.

Therefore, if possible, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is absolutely unwilling to resort to force at this time.Since it is impossible to use force to leave forcefully, the only way is to leave quietly while these people are docking.

Then, if you want to leave quietly, you need to let the pirate ship dock, and the place where you dock can't be a place where you can't leave easily like the pirate's lair, it must be a place where there is a flow of people, and these pirates can't act rashly.

With such constraints, it is basically impossible to find a chance to leave.After all, it's impossible for these pirates to randomly dock in a place that doesn't belong to their own territory for no reason.

They were pirates, and it would be dangerous for them to dock at a place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan could escape.If someone accidentally discovers his identity as a pirate, he may be surrounded by the regular army.

Therefore, if you just wait for an opportunity, you may never be able to wait for this opportunity.So, if you can't wait for the opportunity, what should you do?There is no doubt that the absence of opportunities is of course the creation of opportunities.

So, after boarding the boat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately showed his superb cooking skills, and asked the boat boss, who wanted to relax his vigilance and be obedient, to give him the right to use the kitchen.

The kitchen is the place where food gathers, even if the boss of the boat is reassuring, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't really hand it over to her unsuspectingly.If you put a little bit of poison in the food, it's all over for them.

So, from the moment he got the right to use the kitchen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been under surveillance all the time.Sometimes it's the crew members passing by occasionally, sometimes it's the old fat chef in the kitchen.

Even from the day when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was cooking, the crew members on the ship were naturally divided into two groups when they were eating, and they took turns to eat at intervals of two hours, in order to prevent Zhuang Xiaoyuan from tampering.

However, the boss of the boat probably couldn't think of it.What Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to do was not targeting the crew, but directly targeting the ingredients.Every day, I intentionally make the ultimate delicacy, and specially select dishes with more ingredients, so I can eat with an open stomach.

This has resulted in the fact that the original two months of ingredients have been eaten in just one week.And the result of the shortage of ingredients was also in line with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expectations. The pirate ship was finally preparing to resupply and docked in a certain area ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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