Chapter 834
At this time, student A and student B, who seemed to have changed their bodies, have completely bid farewell to their previous weak bodies. At this time, the bodies they possess not only look very strong in appearance, but their actual strength and speed are also different from before. And the language, more importantly, the perception ability has also been improved by leaps and bounds.

"It's coming, huh?" The greatly improved perception ability also made them notice the sound approaching quickly here for the first time.Noticing the direction of the sound, student A raised his head and looked towards the east, but the picture that caught his eyes made student A stunned.

"Female? And, what the hell is that? An arm? Or a gauntlet?" When student A saw the person approaching in a daze, student B who also raised his head widened his eyes in astonishment.

Although as students of Lanming Academy, the two of them have seen all kinds of strange monsters and transformed people.With the technological level of Lanming Academy, no matter what kind of creatures can be produced through data streams, and perform simple simulation actions.

However, the person who appeared in front of the two of them at this time completely subverted their cognition.This is not because the intruder that appeared in front of him is so terrifying, but because this intruder is so beautiful that he wants to be destroyed by himself.

The frail face, the long purple hair blowing in the wind, and the majestic hills on his chest all fully demonstrated the charming charm of the girl in front of her.And under the girl's body, the obviously inhuman giant alloy claws did not detract from the girl's charm at all, but instead added a strange sense of charm.

But what is this alluring aura?Looking at the girl in front of them, the two colleges of Lanming College not only had a charming love, but also a stronger desire to destroy.

I really want to see her in pain, I really want to see the look of despair and wailing on her face, I really want to imprison her forever and make her a doll that belongs to me and can be destroyed at will.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan's image was fully revealed in front of the two students, the expressions on the faces of the two students had completely changed.They have completely forgotten why they came here, and they have completely forgotten the mission of the academy.

At this time, besides desire, there is only desire that fills their brains.Strong lust, greed and destructive desire.The desire that filled their brains even made the expressions on their faces start to become hideous.

"Have you been discovered, the reaction is really fast, but these two people... have their abused physiques been triggered?" Sitting on their own hands, they quickly moved towards the direction of Lanming Academy, when the two students noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan At that time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already seen them blocking the road.

However, seeing the sudden changes in the faces of these two students after seeing her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a strange expression mixed with embarrassment and shame.

In fact, if it weren't for the limitations of the world, the only combat power currently available would be Parsonlip who transformed with the help of the silver world crystal.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't want to be in this state.

Although Parsonlip's combat power is indeed very strong, the strength attribute and special treasure ability are even more terrifying.However, Parsonlip's abused physique made it impossible for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to use this form with peace of mind.

The so-called masochistic physique does not mean that Parsonlip is a M-shaking person who likes to be attacked and flogged.The inherent ability of this masochistic constitution affects not Parsonlip herself, but others close to her.

Everyone who sees Parsonlip will automatically receive the mental judgment of the abused physique. If the judgment passes, it will not cause any impact.But if the judgment fails, then this person will be swallowed by desire.

People affected by the abused physique will have a strong desire for Parsonlip. According to the dark side of different people's hearts, the generated desires will also be different.But one thing is the same, that is a strong desire to destroy.

No matter what kind of person it is, even a good person like the Virgin Mary will have a strong desire to destroy after being affected by Parsonlip's abused physique.Want to destroy her crazily.

To put it simply, Parsonlip is actually a natural tank, born with the passive ability to attract hatred.If it is a group battle, having a teammate like Parsonlip is definitely the best security guarantee for others.

However, there is only one person in Zhuang Xiaoyuan now.Moreover, the desire caused by Parsonlip's abused physique is not just pure desire for destruction, but also more sexual desire, greed and exclusive desire.This makes people feel awkward.

"Mine, mine, you are mine. I really want to see that face crying."

"Tear off your strong arm and bury it on your majestic chest, feel the body trembling with pain. Ah, that is the ultimate enjoyment."

Their eyes turned red with intense desire, and the two students from Lanming Academy even forgot who they were and the existence of their companions.In his eyes and in his heart, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan in front of him remained.

With a bang, the two-handed giant sword was pulled out of the scabbard by student A, and at the same time, student B also raised the two short swords that he had already acquired.Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's approach, they started at the same time and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

The desire in their hearts did not dull the weapons in their hands at all, but became sharper because of their strong desire to destroy.When they rushed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, both of them waved down their weapons mercilessly.

Pfft, it sounded like something was crushed and exploded.The two students whose brains had been dominated by desires turned into data streams and disappeared into the air.

Just now, when these two people were attacking Zhuang Xiaoyuan head-on, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who slowed down slightly, stretched out his right hand claw and grabbed the two people, and then pinched them hard with his right hand, and the two people were crushed before they could resist. .

When the two students who arrived at the first time were dealt with by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, one after another, more and more elementary school students appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's way to Lanming College through data streams.

Looking at the figure that appeared in the stream of data, Zhuang Xiaoyuan squinted his eyes, clearly feeling the power of the world crystal.From the looks of it, the world crystal Lanming Academy got is the blue one, from the online game world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's first world crystal.

The person who actually connected the network data with the reality and created the Lanming Academy is really amazing.I am afraid that under the power of the blue world crystal, the entire Lanming Island has become a virtual world in disguise.

It's no wonder that I didn't feel real when I crushed those two people just now, and finally disappeared as a data stream.The two students who were killed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan just now had their mental virtual bodies broken, and they should have returned to their bodies by now.

However, that's fine too.Now that he knows that it's not a real person, but just a virtual body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can kill without any scruples.

(End of this chapter)

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