Chapter 838 Restrictions lifted
[Didi, confirmation of the restriction release order.Fingerprint authentication, voiceprint authentication, iris authentication, DNA authentication, mental wave authentication, no exception, all authentications match.The virtual network energy is interrupted, the protection is lifted, the energy crystal is lifted, and the restrictions are lifted. 】

As the dean pressed his right hand on the metal table and at the same time gave the order to release the restriction, a mechanical sound came from the metal table.After confirming that the restriction was lifted, the entire metal tabletop split into several parts and moved away to reveal a dark hole under the metal tabletop.

Not long after the metal table was removed, accompanied by a slight sound of mechanical transmission, a faint blue light began to emit from the dark cavity.As the sound of mechanical transmission gradually approached, the blue light also began to become more intense.

When the blue light was so intense that it reached a certain limit, there was a click, and a metal panel was inserted into the hole to fill up the ground.And on top of this metal panel, a blue crystal is firmly placed on it.

"It's been a long time. I didn't expect that I would still have the chance to see it hundreds of years later." Seeing the blue crystal coming out from under the metal table, Qin Weinan showed a trace of fascination on his face, and looked at it obsessively. Looking at this crystal that glows with blue light.

"The energy crystal has been taken out, what should we do next?" Glancing at the surrounding staff who were looking towards this side due to the sudden interruption of energy, the dean took a deep breath and asked Qin Weinan.

"Next? Let's see mine next." Hearing the dean's question, Qin Weinan finally recovered from his obsessed expression.Looking up at the nervous head of the academy, Qin Weinan stretched out his right hand towards the blue crystal.

"Come on, give me your power. Under the witness of the world, release your power." Holding the blue energy crystal tightly with his right hand, Qin Weinan shouted to the world.


"Have you started? That direction is... actually arrived at the farthest Lanming Academy first. Hmph, I thought I was defenseless at the farthest academy. How naive. Enjoy the feast I prepared for you, Yuanli ring."

On an island very far away from Lanming College, the forward steps suddenly stopped, and a certain girl looked up towards the direction of Lanming Island in the north.Sensing the call from Lanming Island, the girl had an expected expression on her face.

"What are you doing, if you don't follow up, I'll leave you behind." Just as the girl looked in a certain direction and slightly raised the corners of her lips, there was a crisp urging voice from in front of the girl.

"Come here." Hearing the urging from the front, the expression on the girl's face instantly withdrew, revealing a bright smile and bouncing towards the front.

"Don't look left and right, dawdle, no one will come to rescue you if you get lost." Complaining in his mouth, the person who urged the girl naturally reached out and grabbed the girl's right hand, and continued to walk forward .

"Hehehe, I know you will definitely wait for me." There was a bright smile on his face, as if he was a different person from before.The girl let the person in front pull her, and walked towards the other direction of the island.

While holding hands and walking forward, the girl's lips trembled slightly, and she uttered three words that no one heard: "Liberate."


As the word "liberate" fell, the crystal that was already shining with blue light burst out with stronger light again and directly surrounded Qin Weinan.

When this shining light erupted in an instant and then gradually dimmed, the blue crystal in Qin Weinan's hand just now had disappeared, but a set of blue ninja suits appeared on Qin Weinan's body. Take a sharp short tachi.

"This is the power of the energy crystal? I always feel... not as powerful as I imagined." Witnessing Qin Weinan's changes before and after the light, the dean showed a disturbed expression on his face.

At this time, the blue energy crystal had disappeared, but Qin Weinan had no other changes except for a change of clothes and an extra weapon.It's as if the blue light of the big scene just now was really just a simple change of clothes.

"Disappointed? I've never been so powerful now. This is the correct use of energy crystals. After experiencing this kind of power, I realized how stupid I was back then."

Looking down at his own state, Qin Weinan's mouth twitched, and a trace of enthusiasm for power flickered in his eyes.

Hundreds of years ago, he obtained a lot of advanced scientific knowledge through the research of this blue energy crystal, and using the wisdom obtained from the energy crystal, he established this Blue Bright Academy.

As the person who obtained this energy crystal by accident, as the founder of Lanming Academy, Qin Weinan thought that he had discovered all the power of the energy crystal.The effect of those technological knowledge is the best proof.

But now, he realized that he was wrong.The greatest power of this blue crystal is not the scientific knowledge gained from it.It's the blue crystal itself.

Feel the faintly flowing energy in my body, feel the feeling of having a body that I have never felt since I became a heroic spirit.Feel the powerful power contained in the body I just obtained at this moment.

A strong attachment ignited in Qin Weinan's heart, it was an attachment to power.Feeling this powerful force, a strange thought inevitably appeared in his heart.

With such a powerful force, can I also own this world?The so-called world consciousness is just a little girl who hasn't grown up. With this kind of power, can I replace it?

Think of yourself using this power to conquer the consciousness of the world, completely control the world, and become the greatest god in the world.The fanatical desire in Qin Weinan's heart burned even more intensely.

Just when Qin Weinan felt the power in his body, greed was burning in his heart.

With a bang, a violent sound was transmitted to the command center.The wall located to the east of the command center suddenly received a strong impact. Under the effect of this strong impact, the metal wall collapsed, exposing a huge pothole.

A ray of sunlight shone in through the collapsed hole in the wall, projecting on the ground scattered by gravel and steel plate fragments, and a slender shadow also followed the ray of sunlight, reflecting on the ground inside the command center.

"Hey, good afternoon. I'm here to retrieve what originally belonged to me. Please return the world crystal in your hands to me."

The sharp fingers moved one by one, supporting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body and walking into the command center along the collapsed cavity. While entering, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice also reached the ears of all the staff in the command center at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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