Chapter 849 Assault Mode
"Okay, since we all agree, let's go. Our final nirvana, our final trick."

Glancing at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was neither coming nor attacking from a distance, although it was strange why she just sat and watched them get together like this, but now she can't care so much, in order to defeat her, now she can only continue to do it.

Therefore, firmly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, the red knight stretched out his right hand to the companions around him.The back of the hand is up, revealing the red crystals on the back of his hand.

After the red knight stretched out his right hand, several other knights gathered around him also formed a circle and stretched out their right hands.Five palms, five crystals of different colors gathered together, gradually emitting a faint five-color halo.

"Domokosaramo, shine, you, Tidesbringer." X5
Five crystals shining with different brilliance gathered together, and five knights of different colors shouted the spell of summoning at the same time.

As the five people called out the summoned creature's name in unison, a huge wave surged, forming a thick water column that shot straight into the sky.

Boom, like the roar of a waterfall, accompanied by the falling water column that soared into the sky.Under the washing of the falling water column, a huge figure in the water column also faintly revealed his majestic figure.

What appeared in the water column was a huge blue robot.With its huge body, sharp-edged hands, feet and face, plus the orange gemstones on its chest and forehead, this is a large robot powered by world crystals.

"Let's go, let her feel our strongest strength." Seeing the huge robot revealing its real body from the water column, the red knight's eyes flickered, and he showed a confident smile again.

"Oh, let her see how powerful we are." Shouting the words of determination in unison, the five knights of different colors raised their right hands at the same time, aiming the five-color gemstones on their backs at the chest of the huge robot in front of them.

Quietly, a ray of light penetrated from the chest of the giant robot, covering the five knights, and then the light was absorbed, directly bringing the five knights into his body.

When the five knights were taken into the body of the giant robot, the robot's eyes lit up suddenly, as if waking up from a deep sleep, it slowly spread its hands and feet and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had been motionless since just now.

"Sure enough, special forces are only suitable if they are equipped with robots. However, instead of using the world crystal to improve themselves, they turned the world crystal into a robot's energy source. Human creativity is really surprising."

Looking at the giant robot standing in front of her majesticly at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have any other emotions on his face except surprise.As if even such a gigantic robot only surprised her a little.

The fact is true, for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, no matter how the world crystal is used by others, it will not affect her.After recovering the second world crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already confident enough to recover a separate world crystal.

If this world can still threaten Zhuang Xiaoyuan's existence, it is probably only the world consciousness itself, or other people who have used the world crystal of this world.

"Destroyer of the world, feel our strongest power. Hangar Kaibris, come out, Rage Excalibur. Once it splits and explodes, Rage will cut."

She didn't know Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attitude at this time, and thought she was frightened by the huge robot they summoned.After entering the robot's body, the five-color knight immediately summoned the strongest weapon of the Rage Envoy, and launched an attack on Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Since it has come out, let's finish it quickly. I have two other places to go later, the attack mode-expand." Facing the huge sword that the Envoy of Fury was chopping down towards him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also Fully liberated all the abilities of the javelin, and launched the attack mode with the strongest output.

With the activation of the assault mode, the javelin in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, which was originally used as an attack positioning device, also unfolded in an instant, and its shape changed into a large javelin that looked more intimidating.

The sides of the front end of the javelin were fully unfolded, revealing the laser blade shining with crystal light inside, and behind the laser blade, behind the wings spread out on both sides, the small propellers began to rotate rapidly.

The slightly trembling javelin seemed to be thrown out of his hand at any moment, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan had no choice but to hold the javelin tightly with all his strength.Just in case you fly out by yourself before you are ready.

While the javelin in his hand was transforming, the fort torpedo behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan also unfolded layer by layer, revealing more muzzles and torpedoes.

Originally, three dual-mounted main guns were installed, but after entering the assault mode, it directly became nine.And the quintuple torpedo launcher that can launch three rows at a time revealed two rows of new torpedoes, enough for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to launch nine rows at a time.

At the same time as the main gun and torpedo launcher changed, the anti-aircraft gun also began to deform, the barrels overlapped, and a new anti-aircraft turret was expanded.While expanding, the cannon barrel protruding from the back also re-adjusted its direction, aiming the muzzle at the Rage Envoy directly in front.

Boom, the raging waves sword wielded by the envoy of raging waves smashed heavily on the sea surface, as if to split the sea, creating two huge waves on the sea surface that soared into the sky, rushing to both sides violently.

"Did you hit?"

"The destroyer of the world is wiped out?"

"Did we succeed?"

Inside the Envoy of Raging Waves, they witnessed the giant Raging Waves Excalibur falling on the sea area where Zhuang Xiaoyuan was. Several knights looked at each other with joy and anticipation in their eyes, confirming their success.

"Full power, javelin fire." Unfortunately, they were doomed to be disappointed. Just as these people watched the huge wave caused by the falling of the Raging Wave Excalibur rush towards the two sides, a clear and crisp voice overwhelmed them clearly. The sound of the waves came to their ears.

At the same time as this voice came, a blue-purple light and shadow flashed past, and instantly magnified in front of the eyes of the five knights. After that, there was a click, and the sound of something breaking came from somewhere.

Also the second after the cracking sound sounded, all kinds of shells and missiles were densely packed together, as if they were attracted by something, they all bombarded them.

There was no time to react at all, and the rumbling serial explosion sounded in my ears.Accompanied by the violent vibration of the body, in front of the five knights, all the images were covered by explosions and smoke.Finally, with a loud bang, everyone fell into darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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