Chapter 855 is finally here
[She is at the Pure Music Academy, she may have made all the preparations, she wants to change hands of the world, please stop her. 】

An anonymous e-mail, without a signature or address, appeared abruptly on the computer in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's bedroom.Although it didn't indicate who it was sent to, Zhuang Xiaoyuan realized that it was for herself the first time she saw this passage.

Since coming to this world and being hostile and attacked by the world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been regarded as the destroyer of the world by others.

Even the Stigmata Academy, which is based on silver crystals and has a deep connection with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, only regards her as a mysterious crystal girl.No one knows that she is from another world, and no one knows that she is the circle of principles that maintains the balance of the rules of the big world.

However, under such circumstances, someone actually sent her an e-mail, and it was an e-mail similar to a rescue letter.

Someone who would send her a request for help was obviously someone who knew her identity, or at least knew her existence.Moreover, he was able to know her location without the world noticing her, and the person who asked for help was indeed very powerful.

Based on the above points, it can be clearly known that the person who asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan for help is probably by the side of the world consciousness, and even clearly knows the existence of the world consciousness and the purpose of the world consciousness.

As an aborigine of this world, and also has an obvious connection with the world consciousness, he doesn't want to help his own world, and instead sends Zhuang Xiaoyuan for help.It's really intriguing.

However, even if this is a trap, Zhuang Xiaoyuan must break through, because what she wants is right there.Whether it's Pure Music Academy or Chongwu Academy, she has to go there.

Moreover, after receiving such an email, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's vague perception before was finally confirmed, and the world consciousness was indeed in the Pure Music Academy.I'm afraid that at this time, the Pure Music Academy has already made sufficient preparations.

Of course, while guessing the owner of the email and possible traps, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not ignore what was said in this email. 'She wants to change hands of the world' Is this the purpose of world awareness.

To want the world to change hands, is this intended to replace the five major academies that are the ruling class of the world with new forces?Probably not.So, the so-called change of owner, could it be that she wants to let others become the consciousness of the world, while she herself...

"It seems that I have to meet the consciousness of this world to know. To have this kind of thought, is she tired of working, or is there some other reason..."

From the one-sentence email, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already learned a lot of things that she didn't know at all before.Although it is not sure who sent this email, I am afraid that person must have a lot to do with this incident.

"Anyway, the world crystal must be recycled. As for other things, let's talk about it at that time." After closing the email in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know whether he was talking to himself or deliberately telling others. He said something in a calm voice, and then lay down on the bed.

As if hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, she left the computer following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice.The computer screen, which was shining brightly just now, also quietly went dark at this moment.It's like it was never turned on.


"What are these people from the Pure Music Academy planning to do? How long do they want to put us under house arrest? They just say that they will know in a few days, and they have already waited for two days."

A little anxiously, she walked around the room more and more, Xia Feifei had a strong impatience on her face.

Since arriving at the Pure Music Academy two days ago, Xia Feifei and the others have been under house arrest inside the Pure Music Academy.I didn't get any useful news from the previous meeting with the dean of the Pure Music Academy. I only said that someone would come to find fault and asked them to wait a few days to watch the show.

However, two full days have passed now, and the students in the Pure Tone Academy are indeed waiting sternly, as if they were waiting for something, but nothing happened during the two days.

Of course, Xia Feifei couldn't be unaware of the strict treatment of the Pure Tone Academy.They came for the crystal girl, and the preparation of the Pure Tone Academy was obviously also to meet someone.And this person might be the crystal girl they were looking for.

Although it is still impossible to determine whether the crystal girl is an enemy or a friend, and it is definitely not a weak hand who can break through Lanming Academy head-on.However, regarding the possible arrival of the Crystal Girl, Xia Feifei still felt deeply uneasy in her heart.

This kind of anxiety is not just about the upcoming arrival of the crystal girl, but also a kind of anxiety as if something is about to change.This is the biggest reason why Xia Feifei is so anxious now.

"Sister Feifei, they must have their own plans. We've been waiting for two days, and we won't lose time if we wait any longer. Besides, we came here to wait for someone. Isn't this the same as our previous plan? .”

When Xia Feifei was circling back and forth, Miao Shishi's gaze stayed on her. Hearing Xia Feifei's obviously impatient words, Miao Shishi immediately comforted her softly.

In the current situation, even if they want to do something, they can't do it.Although Xia Feifei's strength has indeed become stronger, no matter how strong she is, it is impossible to fight against the entire Pure Music Academy. Therefore, the only thing they can do now is to wait, and wait for the Pure Music Academy to give them an explanation.

After all, the house arrest of students from other colleges is in itself destroying the harmonious relationship between the colleges.No matter what the reason is, the Pure Music Academy must give them a reasonable explanation.

"It seems that the person we were waiting for has finally arrived." Just as Miao Shishi was busy comforting the anxious Xia Feifei, Liu Qianqian, who had been busy in front of the computer in the corner of the room two days ago, finally spoke, and Her words also immediately attracted the attention of Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi.

"Who's here? The Crystal Girl?!" Xia Feifei was already standing behind Liu Qianqian the first time she heard Liu Qianqian's voice, regardless of responding to Miao Shishi's comfort.When the computer screen in front of Liu Qianqian came into Xia Feifei's eyes, she couldn't help calling out the identity of that person.

"Sure enough, she is the crystal girl you mentioned. Besides, she is also the person whom Pure Music Academy has been waiting for." Without turning her head, Liu Qianqian's gaze stayed on the screen from the very beginning. The girl who jumped from the freighter to the pier on the girl.

At this time, Liu Qianqian could clearly see through the surveillance camera at the pier that he had invaded, that the people from the Pure Music Academy had already greeted the girl solemnly as soon as she disembarked.

(End of this chapter)

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