Chapter 858 Peace Proposal
"Here we are. Wait here. I'll report to the head of the school." Along the passage of the human wall formed by men in black, Jia Rong led Zhuang Xiaoyuan to the music square in front of the gate of Pure Music Academy.After telling Zhuang Xiaoyuan to wait in place, Jia Rong left and walked towards the other side of the music square.

"This is to gather everyone here, but if there is no corresponding power, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. Moreover, it is the music power that is compatible with her."

He didn't care about Jia Rong's departure. After arriving at the music square, Zhuang Xiaoyuan kept looking around.Because at this time in this square, there are many people who are clearly dressed as students.

It really looked like they came out in full force, although all the girls gathered in the square were all wearing uniforms.But the ties and armbands of these uniforms have three completely different styles, obviously all the academies of different grades are here.

And when Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned her head and looked around at the students from the Pure Music Academy, the girls gathered around the square and gradually surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan from a distance were also watching her with curious, cautious or hostile eyes.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the students of the Pure Music Academy looked at each other, there was a slight commotion on the opposite side of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, that is, on the other side of the music square.

During this commotion, the students who had gathered together stepped aside one after another, leaving a wide gap.At this gap, Jia Rong walked out with a large group of obviously older middle-aged and elderly women.

Noticing the change over there, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes turned away as a matter of course, but after seeing the group of people coming out of the gap, she couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in her eyes.

The surprise wasn't because there was anything special about the group of people who came out, but because there were two people he knew among the group.

These two people were the last two people from the Stigmata Institute that they saw when they came out of the silver crystal's self-seal, Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi, and they were accompanied by a Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had never met before. another girl.

"It's you, the intruder who broke into Lanming Academy, the destroyer designated by the world." Standing at a distance of about ten meters from Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the two women who took the lead walked in the front, one of whom was obviously old The old man looked Zhuang Xiaoyuan up and down with serious eyes, and then said.

Not in a questioning tone, but in a completely affirmative tone.Obviously, they already knew Zhuang Xiaoyuan before she arrived, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to say so with certainty.

"It's me, not just Lanming Academy, I have also been to Knight Academy, and the third one is your Pure Music Academy, how about it, can you honestly return my things to me."

After the group of people stood in front of her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze stayed on the younger one of the two leaders, until the older one spoke, and then Zhuang Xiaoyuan shifted his gaze to her, using He replied in a nonchalant tone.

"Give it back to you? That is something that belongs to our Pure Tone Academy, why should I give it to you. How can something that has existed in our academy since the establishment of Pure Tone Academy could be yours."

From the time I looked at her just now, I found that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze had been lingering on the person beside her, which annoyed the old man who spoke very much. At this time, hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer as if it was a matter of course made the old man even more angry. This one was burning with anger.

"Sure enough, it's impossible to hand it over honestly. The world crystal is not something you can have. It's fine if it wasn't activated in the first place. However, in the fully activated state now, without my reconciliation, the world will soon It will be eroded by the foreign rules of the world crystal, and finally destroyed."

Not caring about the anger on the old man's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan told the facts in a matter-of-fact manner.Although no one would believe what I said, but what if.If possible, Zhuang Xiaoyuan actually didn't want to bother with others.It would be best if the world crystal can be obtained peacefully.

"Scaremongering, do you think I will believe what you say? If you deliberately fabricate such a lie, it will be even more impossible for me to hand it over to you. Do you think our Pure Music Academy has gone through hundreds of years? If it is going to be destroyed, it will be destroyed long ago gone."

Glaring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan fiercely, the elder was not swallowed by her own anger. After hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, she suppressed her anger just now, and just frowned and denied.

"Is it a lie, can't you tell? As the headmaster of the Pure Music Academy, cheating is not something a person of your age should use." Shrugging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already expected the other party's suspicion.Being able to explain to them is just doing my best.

"How can you tell that I belong to the dean, why not her." The frowning brow tightened again, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan called out her identity.The elderly dean pointed to the young woman beside him and said.

"There's no need to change the subject. I've already felt the aura of her from afar, the guardian of the world. If you think it's easier to believe what the world consciousness says, I have no objection. In Lanming College I’ve done it once before, and I wouldn’t mind doing it again.”

The dean of the Pure Music Academy did not easily change the subject. After sizing up the guardian just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped paying attention to her and only focused on the dean who can make decisions for himself.

"Are you a threat? You know, we are different from them. Those nerds have no fighting ability except for messing with weird things? But we are much stronger than them.

If you can give up on this, it is not impossible for us to live in peace.Our first-generation headmaster is not the kind of person who likes to fight.Although you received the order, as long as you don't do things that endanger the world, we don't want to make enemies.How about it, how about shaking hands and making peace? "

Sighing lightly, as if the anger just now had never appeared at all, only calm and indifferent emotions remained on the dean's face at this time.Opening his mouth in a sensible tone, he offered a final peace proposal.

"It's a pity, if you don't plan to return the world crystal to me, there is nothing to talk about between us, so let's come up with a means." Faced with the suggestion from the Headmaster of the Pure Music Academy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan spread his hands, as if he was helpless.

No one can stop her from taking back the world crystal. This is not only related to the survival of the world itself, but also to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own affairs.She has traveled to many worlds, and finally collected the world crystals. She already wants to go back, and she no longer wants to continue this kind of non-stop travel.

(End of this chapter)

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