Chapter 862 Suspect Object

Finally, after knocking down most of the students of the Pure Music Academy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, whose movement range was also compressed by half, was finally touched by a colorful light that fell from the sky.

The second the colorful light came into contact with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the light instantly changed from virtual to real, transforming into a colorful rope of light wrapped around Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.As the first ray of light entwined, the second, third, and fourth ray also descended from the sky, wrapping around Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.

In just a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was entangled by the first ray of light, was restrained again.Moreover, compared to the previous restraint, this time it is obviously stronger and firmer.

"Sonto Shock." A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the second Zhuang Xiaoyuan was entangled by the light beam, the head of the academy decisively waved the baton in his hand, seizing the opportunity to launch an attack.

After shooting out streaks of colorful light beams, the huge colorful ball that shrunk slightly in size also changed instantly after the headmaster waved the baton in his hand, from a round ball to a super Huge meteor hammer.

This change is not just a change in appearance. After the ball completely gathered by the music elves turned into a meteor hammer covered with spikes, its surface gloss and actual quality have a very obvious change.

Just by looking at the reflection on the surface of this meteor hammer, one can clearly feel the sturdiness of this meteor hammer, not to mention the human body, under the attack of this meteor hammer, I am afraid that even thick steel can be directly Smashed with one blow.

And it was such a solid meteor hammer, which slanted down from the sky under the wave of the headmaster's baton, and directly smashed towards the place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan was restrained.

"It's really an exaggerated attack,'s not enough." Facing the huge meteor hammer falling from the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also noticed it immediately.

As if the light rope wrapped around her body didn't exist at all, facing the meteor hammer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly raised her right fist and retracted it backwards.With a bang, a shocking spring rope popped out from the armor on the right arm and stretched far backwards, as if accumulating power, straightening the rope.

When the meteor hammer on the top of the head fell quickly, it was not far in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The extended spring rope was retracted in an instant, and directly hit the armor of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right arm with a bang.

At the same time as the spring rope was retracted, Zhuang Xiaoyuan swung his right hand towards the huge meteor hammer above his head.The right hand that gathers its own strength, coupled with the geometric multiple impact exerted by the spring rope.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand collided heavily with the meteor hammer above his head.

Boom, the violent shock wave dissipated in all directions, instantly sending the black-clothed bodyguards and students around Zhuang Xiaoyuan flying far away.Those who were knocked out were awakened by the impact, and those who were awake were also knocked out by the impact.

Suddenly, as the impact between the fist and the meteor hammer erupted, an open space was cleared around Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

And in the second after the impact erupted and the open space formed, the crackling sound of Krakhara sounded.In the end, accompanied by a crisp roar, the meteor hammer that collided with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fist unexpectedly exploded like this, turning into starry music energy that gradually dissipated.

"It's almost time to take out the world crystal. These people alone can't stop me. I know you must have got a way to temporarily borrow the power of the world crystal from the world consciousness. If you want to use it, use it quickly, but, even if If you use that kind of power, you will definitely not be able to stop me."

Habitually flicking his right hand, the blow just now did not leave any scars on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand at all, nor did it affect her in any way.On the contrary, after the impact just now, most of the pure tone academy students who were originally left were very few who were able to stand up at this time.

His eyes swept over the few students around him, and finally turned to the principal standing there with a serious face.Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her eyebrows, and broke their hole cards without any scruples.

Unlike Zhuang Xiaoyuan who understands the essence of the world crystal, the humans in this world have no idea what kind of power the world crystal possesses and what kind of rules it possesses.They just used their limited knowledge to obtain abilities that they shouldn't have from the world crystal.

Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cognition and application of the world crystal, although the human beings in this world have obtained power from the world crystal, this power is only superficial, and they have not comprehended the power of the rules of the world crystal essence.

Therefore, with the level of humans in this world, they cannot pose any threat to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The only thing that could make Zhuang Xiaoyuan a little more serious was after they activated the power of the world crystal and exerted a small part of the power of the world crystal.

However, even if the power of the world crystal can be exerted, in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan who has recovered two world crystals, this power is not enough to look at.She urged these people from the Pure Music Academy to take out the world crystal, which was only convenient for herself, and she would have to find it by herself later.

Of course, this time is still a little different, because there are not only ordinary human beings on the side of the Pure Music Academy, but also a special person hidden.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had roughly determined the location of that person through the method of elimination.

At this time, as most of the students were knocked down, those who could still stand were no longer as good as before.And the only place that was not attacked by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, nor affected by the impact just now, was the area where the Headmaster of the Pure Music Academy was located.

In this unaffected area, apart from the dean of the Pure Tone Academy, several college teachers, and the World Guardian from the Pure Tone Academy, there are only the three people from the Stigmata Academy.

Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan only knew two of them, but they had the same regular aura that was different from Pure Music Academy, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan clearly confirmed that the third person also came from Stigmata Academy.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was talking to the dean and handing over the world crystal, her gaze also shifted from the dean to the stranger from Stigmata Academy.

If there is any doubt, this person is the most suspect.Because it was a stranger that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had never seen before, but he came with Xia Feifei and Miao Shishi.Why would a person from the Stigmata Academy follow others to find him for no reason? This is indeed doubtful.

However, it wasn't long before Zhuang Xiaoyuan set his eyes on the stranger.She immediately dispelled her doubts, and with a hint of surprise on her face, she looked at the other two acquaintances beside this stranger.

Because when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking at the stranger, the stranger blinked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and there was a very obvious emotion in his eyes, that kind of meaningful appeal for help.This reminded Zhuang Xiaoyuan of the weird e-mail he had received earlier.

Could it be that the consciousness of the world has already met me when I broke the seal?
(End of this chapter)

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