Earth Cultivator

Chapter 10 Chubby Liao Kai

Chapter 10 Chubby Liao Kai
In a remote corner, a group of freshmen in military training watched nervously as two figures hit each other on the field.After about 2 minutes, the movements of both of them slowed down.

The black-faced instructor was panting with sweat all over his face, his arms and legs trembling slightly with his breathing.Looking at Fang Yufan again, a blush also appeared on a slightly ordinary face.I suffocated it myself!He had to keep the strength in his feet at all times, otherwise, the black-faced instructor would not only be panting from exhaustion, but be sent to the hospital to wait for the doctor's notice of critical illness!
Looking at the immature face in front of him in horror, the black-faced instructor actually felt a little regretful in his heart!I thought it was just a delicate and frail student, but I didn't expect that I would suffer a little loss in my hands and feet in the fight!

With one palm, Fang Yufan took two steps back and said softly, "Stop hitting, the more you hit, the more boring you will be!" I don't think it's necessary to fight anymore.Is it possible that this veteran can't be blown away with one palm!Then do you still read?

"Ho!" The black-faced instructor turned pale with the suffocation in his throat.A pair of eyes that were as big as copper bells, a trace of fierce hostility was rapidly escaping, and he clearly saw a trace of contempt in the eyes of the kid in front of him!

After a muffled thunder, the black-faced instructor raised his arms and rushed towards Fang Yufan like a mad tiger.

"Shame on you!" Fang Yufan narrowed his eyes slightly against the violent aura rushing towards him, and traces of silver light were flashing out from the depths of his pupils.

Instead of retreating, Fang Yufan took a step forward and got close to the arms of the black-faced instructor.

I saw his arms go up and down to buckle the instructor's collar and belt like lightning, and he heard a whistling sound from his lips, and the students on the side opened their eyes wide and saw a scene that made people feel like watching a movie. Feeling scene: The black-faced instructor's strong and strong fleshy body of nearly two hundred kilograms was actually held high above the head by Fang Yufan as if holding a plastic dummy, and then slammed on him like a sack On hard ground!
There was a muffled "bang", and everyone who heard the sound couldn't help but feel their backs go numb!How much effort does it take to make such a loud noise!

"His grandma! I didn't realize that Fang Yufan, who is so skinny, has such great power!" A boy couldn't help muttering while looking at the dusty field. "Wow, how did I find out that he is so handsome!" On the other side, a fashionable nympho girl with two eyes whispered.

After clapping his hands, Fang Yufan glanced at the black-faced instructor who was lying on the ground and was almost breathless, shaking his neck lightly. "Who is that, and you." Fang Yufan shouted, turning his head and hooking his fingers at the two boys, "The instructor had a sparring session with me today, and he was a little tired for a while, so you two came to help him to rest under the tree. "

The two boys named by him shrank their necks, and then slowly moved over under Fang Yufan's gaze. "That monitor, right? I twisted my waist and asked for leave to take a look." Fang Yufan turned around and left Shi Shiran after speaking insincerely to a girl with glasses who had volunteered to be the monitor at the class meeting last night.

"You man!" Xiao Jian smacked his lips and sighed as he watched Fang Yufan's receding figure.In the crowd, Guo Dewei stood there with a gloomy face, looking as if his body was trembling! ?

In a bathroom, scalding hot water flowed "squeaky".Fang Yufan stood under a lotus with his whole body washing the snow-white foam all over his head.Perhaps because it was too early, Fang Yufan was the only person in this public bathroom with dozens of lotuses.

Not long after, Fang Yufan, who was rubbing soap on his body, heard someone coming in.Turn your head to take a look, huh, okay!A white fleshy body of snowflakes is walking over unsteadily!Fang Yufan couldn't help but grit his teeth looking at this fleshy body, which was no more than 1.6 meters in height and estimated to weigh two hundred catties.

"Students come to take a bath too!" "Meatball" said to Fang Yufan, shaking his fat body and smiling.Fang Yufan nodded: "After a day of military training, I'm covered in sweat." "Student, you are also a freshman!" "Meatball" said while unscrewing the shower head, "But it's really hot today!"

Fang Yufan curled his lips secretly: With your tonnage, even if it's in the twenties, it's too hot!
"Huh, huh, huh!" The water in the shower head sprayed out in big gulps, and the little fat man asked with a satisfied face, "Student, aren't you still training outside, why are you taking a bath here?"

While rubbing his body, Fang Yufan said unhurriedly, "Aren't you also taking a bath here now?"

"Haha, yes!" The little fat man grinned a few times and said, "It's not that I don't want military training, the key is that you look at my body shape, even walking two steps is enough! Forget it, let's not suffer from that crime, from now on. I got a sickness certificate from the hospital, no, it’s good to wander around every day.” While talking, he still had a stinking expression on his face.

Fang Yufan looked at the fat little man, and then looked down at his own far so good!Although there are not so obvious muscle groups, there is not much fat all over the body, and it is still a relatively standard young man's body shape.

After unscrewing the shower head, Fang Yufan began to rush forward.

At this time, several naked people walked in.As soon as these people came in, they surrounded the little fat man, and all of them stared at him with malicious eyes.

"Who are you? Why are you looking at me like this?" The little fat man asked tremblingly.Even Fang Yufan on the side was standing upright all over with cold hair, maybe he met someone who just came down from the back mountain!

A tall and strong young man stepped forward and asked in a dark voice: "Your name is Liao Kai?" The little fat man rolled his mung bean-sized eyeballs and said weakly: "My name is Liao Kai, but I don't know I know you guys!"

The young man said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you don't know us, Gu Bo, you should know us, right?" The little fat man's expression changed immediately: "He asked you to come here? Isn't he afraid of violating social rules!?"

"The rules of the society just stipulate that the members of the society cannot fight with each other." The young man replied with a smirk, then waved his arms and said, "Brothers, do it, get him out!" color.If he was thrown out naked, he, Liao Kai, would not even think about staying in the General Assembly anymore!

"Hey, let me tell you guys, this murder is nothing more than nodding your head, not to mention that you haven't reached that point yet, so there's no need to humiliate people like this!" Seeing the little fat man resisting desperately under the thick arms, Fang Yu Fan couldn't help but opened his mouth to dissuade him.

"Which guy didn't close his crotch properly and exposed you!" The leading young man looked at Fang Yufan sullenly and shouted, "If you dare to make any noise, I'll throw you out together!"

Fang Yufan twitched his eyebrows when he heard the words, and a sharp light faintly escaped from the depths of his pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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