Chapter 156
In a valley 40 kilometers away from the west gate of Pingchuan ancient city, there stands a continuous group of ancient buildings.

Under the amiable twilight atmosphere, a quiet and elegant atmosphere floated faintly in the mid-air of this valley.

This is the base camp of the Pingchuan Li family, which has survived for more than three hundred years!

The ancestor of the Li family was a general who was sent here to guard the frontier at the end of the Ming Dynasty. When the mountains and rivers were broken, in order to avoid being hunted down by the Qing court, he led his clan to search for them after a long hard journey. We found such a dangerous place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, facing mountains on three sides and water on one side.

When it came to the second generation ancestor of the Li family, by chance, they discovered a mysterious and magical place in the depths of the mountains behind the valley, and obtained the cultivation inheritance of a second-rate sect in the cultivation world, the Qingyu Sect.

As a result, the Li family changed from a down-and-out family who avoided the pursuit of the Manchu Qing court into a family of self-cultivation who cultivated energy.

For 300 years, the Li family has continued to spread branches and leaves in Pingchuan and the surrounding areas, and gradually and completely ruled this piece of land with a radius of thousands of miles by virtue of its own powerful power at a certain level.

At this time, in a hall with carved beams and painted buildings in this ancient building complex, a middle-aged man with a long beard in a navy blue gown stepped in softly.

"Master, there is a message from the city that someone has come to ask for help with the second master's cloud post." The long-bearded man bowed like an ancient housekeeper to an antique black nanmu desk in the middle of the hall, who was splashing ink. The red-faced old man said respectfully.

The old man is Li Qingyang, the contemporary head of the Li family. After hearing the middle-aged man's report, he put down the Langhao pen in his hand and nodded, "Qing Hai mentioned this to me. Well, tell the city, no matter who Any request can be accepted."

"Yes, master." The middle-aged man bowed in response, then turned and left.

A group of fluttering birds suddenly flew over the valley, deep in the jungle, there was a sound of barking and insects from time to time.

A peaceful and elegant atmosphere as usual gradually enveloped this deep valley.

The sky is getting darker.

A wisp of evening wind suddenly blew across a piece of woodland, and after rolling up a few fallen leaves, it blew towards another place.

One of the fallen leaves fluttered and landed on a pool of dark red blood that was rapidly spreading.

Fang Yufan smashed the heads of the four vicious dogs with four palms one after another, and it only took a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the solid rubber sticks in the hands of the three strong men slammed down on his limbs with a gust of wind.

These solid rubber rods are special explosion-proof equipment, held in the hands of these muscular strong men, it is no different from a solid iron rod!

If it is really smashed on the body, if it is an ordinary person, the bone will be broken!

And Fang Yufan has no masochism, so it is impossible for these rubber rods wrapped with a layer of steel wire to hit him.

After dodging the rubber stick in the hands of the first strong man to shoot, he flicked his wrist, and the rubber stick brought out a gust of stern wind, and the sticks in the hands of the remaining two strong men flew up obliquely one after another. Missing in mid-air!

The two burly men whose rubber rods had been blown away took a few big steps back and forth with blood dripping from their hands, and the remaining burly man who had been snatched immediately stretched out his ape arms with a fierce face, trying to hug Fang Yu Fan.

Master doesn't like men!After a thought in his heart, Fang Yufan shook the rubber stick in his hand and slammed it hard on the strong man's arm with a "shua".

After the crisp sound of "click", there was a mournful howl in the sky surrounded by the strong men!

"They're all dead! Come on!" Seeing that his subordinates were hesitating for a while, Hong Baitao sternly reprimanded and then snarled.

Under the stern shout of the boss, the brawny men who were slightly sluggish after being whipped by Fang Yufan showed their ferocity one after another!
A group of more than a dozen strong men waved the rubber sticks in their hands and attacked Fang Yufan, and the remaining thirty or forty strong men also clenched the rubber sticks in their hands and stared at them with fierce eyes as big as copper bells. to the field.

gang fight?I'm not afraid, sir!With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, Fang Yufan did not retreat but advanced, dancing a flower out of a rubber stick in his hand, leaping towards the crowd.


As soon as you cut off a small tree as thick as an arm, I can cut down a big tree as thick as a man's waist!

You swing one blow per second, I can swing dozens of strikes per second!

Even if you have eight hands, you can't hit me, but I can break your limbs with one hand!
Hey, there is no sense of urgency to be surrounded by such a group of opponents!

After a lazy light flashed in the corner of his eyes, Fang Yufan started to play in his heart, and the rubber stick in his hand was raised and lowered at a constant frequency.

There was a series of crisp "click" sounds of bones being discounted on the field, as well as the hoarse screams of those strong men who could run horses on their arms!

Within ten seconds, under Fang Yufan's whipping, a dozen strong men staggered out of the field with pale faces and dripping with sweat.

"Let the dogs go!" Seeing that a dozen of his subordinates were unable to deal with the young man in front of him, Hong Baitao bit his cheek and raised his voice to command his group of thugs.

Standing behind him were a few burly, 1-meter tall men with short cuts who raised their arms, and then swung them heavily towards the ground.

A dozen thugs immediately let go of the black iron chains they were holding tightly in their hands, and then more than 20 strong and big wolfhounds that had been panting heavily at the side immediately opened their mouths and roared towards Fang Yufan.

More than 20 iron chains were dragged on the ground by the big wolf dogs, making a burst of "cracking" sounds, coupled with the violent roar that was about to shake people's ears, if it were an ordinary person, they would have been scared to death Standing still, waiting to be torn apart by these vicious dogs!
"Damn! People can't do it, and animals can't do it either!"

After muttering softly, Fang Yufan threw away the rubber stick in his hand, and then jumped into the air behind the dogs.

After the rubber stick drew a dark thin line, it hit the head of the most muscular wolfhound hard.

There was a crisp and muffled sound, and the dog's head shattered and splashed under the impact of a huge force like a piece of overripe watermelon being hit.

Seeing this scene upstairs, Hong Baitao's brows twitched slightly.

He bought this pure-blooded Mingkun dog at a huge price, and he would always take it around to patrol his own territory when he was free.

It can be said that this wolf dog is the only living thing that Hong Baitao can safely get along with!
But now, it is just a broken body that has lost its head and life.

A strong flame gradually wrapped around Hong Baitao's heart.


Fang Yufan, who had jumped behind the dogs, let out a low voice, and after a hint of narrowness flashed at the corner of his mouth, he lowered his body and grabbed a few fast-moving iron chains on the ground.

Twisting slightly at the waist, Fang Yufan clenched the iron chains in his hand and jerked his arm, and three howling wolfhounds flew out of the pack of dogs running vigorously in front of him.

"Look at my Meteor Dog!" Fang Yufan shook the iron chain straight after shouting in a funny way, then waved three big dogs weighing more than 100 catties and smashed them around wildly. go down.

All of a sudden, the wailing of the wolf dogs and the exclamation of the thugs resounded through the area.

"Give you a dog leg!"

Seeing the two-meter-tall burly inch-headed man trying to get closer to him while avoiding the Meteor Dog, Fang Yufan smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, and then flicked and shrunk his wrists. With a whistling wind, it hit the inch-cut man's entire upper body!

After a muffled grunt, the inch-headed man staggered and fell to the ground.

As if to be destroyed, a group of strong men who were looking fierce just now were beaten to the ground by Fang Yufan, who was holding three meteor dogs, in a blink of an eye, so embarrassing!
"Boy, if you have the ability to put down what you're holding, everyone will do it!" The short-haired man who got up from the ground yelled at Fang Yufan angrily, holding a blood bag in the middle of his forehead.

Fang Yufan, who was swinging the chain in his hand, glanced sideways at the inch-headed man, and then responded with a loud voice, "Okay!"

Immediately, he let go of his hands, and three vicious dogs, whose limbs had been stiff for a long time, roared with three long iron chains, and slammed into a group of strong men who looked rather embarrassed and were hiding behind a bush one meter high. past.

After a burst of "click", "crack", and "crash", the group of strong men quickly piled up and squeezed together with bruised noses, swollen faces and bloody heads.

"Come on! Am I going to single out a group of you? Or are you ganging up on me?" Fang Yufan said with a relaxed face, clapping his hands.

A fierce light flashed in the pupils of the inch-headed man staring at Fang Yufan.

Immediately, he turned his head to look around with a gloomy expression.

Behind the surrounding bushes, behind the bushes, and behind the corners, all the strong and strong men looked at the situation on the field with lingering fear on their faces.

On the ground, there were a dozen or twenty strong men who had been knocked down by the heavy blow lying scatteredly. All of them either closed their eyes tightly and did not make a sound, or opened their mouths and cried out in pain.

"Get out of here if you're still moving!" the inch-cropped man raised his head to the sky and roared with anger in his eyes.

Shame!The dozens of men on my side who can run horses are actually settled by a young boy with no hair at all!This makes it so embarrassing for a man with a short hair to overthrow an entire row in the barracks by himself!
"Boy, let's fight one-on-one!" The cut-headed man who was caught off guard by Fang Yufan and was in a panic shouted at Fang Yufan in a concentrated voice.

"Okay!" Fang Yufan responded.

As soon as the words fell, an afterimage pierced through the layers of stagnation and appeared in front of the inch-cropped man.

This afterimage appeared so quickly and strangely that when a mass of violent force poured into the head of the inch-headed man, he still looked at where Fang Yufan was standing before.

Under the incomparably terrified gaze of those brawny men, the huge body of the inch-cropped man flew back nearly ten meters in the air!
"Who else wants to fight me one-on-one?" Fang Yufan raised his fist after blowing the inch-headed man away with a punch, and asked loudly while looking around at the remaining strong men.

All the strong men nearby who were caught by his gaze all backed away with fear on their faces.

What a joke!The boss, who is usually a trivial pick, was blown away by the young man in front of him, so he went up and provided him with a free human sandbag!

What a fool can do!
(End of this chapter)

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