Chapter 169
"The corpse must be destroyed!" Fang Yufan nodded after hearing Tianfei's words.

Immediately, he ejected a strong wind and hit the temple of Lin Bian Tennin who was about to fight desperately.

"Well, should you avoid it for a while?" Fang Yufan raised his eyebrows and said when he turned his head to look at Concubine Tian, ​​"Well, maybe you won't like the next scene very much!"

Looking at Lin Bian Tianren who fell on the bed like a piece of wood, Tianfei sighed slightly, then turned and walked out.

Tianren, there are only less than 30 people in the entire ninja alliance, and he didn't expect that 4 of them died in Fang Yufan's hands in just a few days!
Immediately, Concubine Tian was secretly happy again.

Xuanyu Palace, Ninja Alliance, and Black Wolf Association are the three major dark forces in Fusang.

These three behemoths who control nearly [-]% of Fusang's political and economic fields also have intrigues in normal times, but it's not to the extent of tearing their faces apart.

Now that one family's strength has been damaged, the other two can only be happy!As for the things that make things worse, Tianfei will definitely arrange for people to do them after she goes back!
After hearing that Concubine Tian had gone out, Fang Yufan looked at Lin Biantian who was slumped on the bed and smiled wickedly.

For these bullshit ninjas who want to hurt themselves and their families, kill them?Fang Yufan really doesn't have any psychological barriers!
Hmph, I won't offend people if they don't attack me, but I will kill people if they offend me!Taking out the Tianyun Remnant Sword, Fang Yufan pierced Lin Bian Tianren's heart with a deadpan expression.

After a seemingly invisible roar sounded in Fang Yufan's sea of ​​consciousness, traces of bright red quickly entered his body along the blood-red blade of the broken sword.

Fang Yufan's face looked a little weird for a while!
It was the first time that he saw the Canjian absorbing the blood of others so clearly, and since the black python in the Sea of ​​Consciousness turned into a bunch of black lights before entering the Canjian and returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the relationship between the person and the sword The connection becomes even closer.

Now Canjian absorbs Tianren's energy and blood, as if he is sucking juice with a straw.

Within a few breaths, Lin Bian Tianren's energy and blood, which was several times stronger than that of an adult man, was completely sucked by the magic power on the broken sword!

Fang Yufan, whose mind is as stable as a rock, also felt very uncomfortable when he saw the corpse with dry skin and a strong dead air in the paleness!

"Amitabha, why don't you stay in Fusang and come to trouble me! But now that people are dying like a lamp going out, you should reincarnate and start a new life with peace of mind! Amen!"

While talking nonsense, Fang Yufan turned around and grabbed the remaining three ninjas, and sucked their blood with the broken sword according to the law.

Looking at the four corpses in front of him, Fang Yufan pondered for a while, then popped out a few real fires and started to destroy the corpses.

"Team leader, these two people have been in for half an hour, why hasn't there been any movement?" A team member asked Pan Guoli suspiciously, "Could it be that they are in the same group?"

Pan Guoli raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then ordered to his subordinates: "Attention all communities, launch an attack in 30 seconds! Confirm, launch in 30 seconds"

Before the word "attack" was spoken, Pan Guoli and the others saw the two young men and women walking out side by side.

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly said: "Attention all communities, the order has changed! The attack will be launched in 2 minutes! Confirm, the attack will be launched in 2 minutes!"

After finishing the order, Pan Guoli said to the subordinates behind him: "Go to someone and take a picture of the faces of these two people. Be careful not to startle the snake!"

Concubine Tian's mental state is very bad.

Of course, that's what anyone would do if they saw someone who was alive before half an hour later turned into a blackened mass!

Fang Yufan, who was walking beside her, blinked and glanced at her from time to time, and occasionally curled his lips secretly.

He said that when a person dies, he should be buried in the ground, otherwise, how could he stuff a lot of wreckage into the storage space and transport it out?

If I had known this, I might as well just put the corpse in the storage space and take it out!
Alas, I guess I am the first cultivator to use the storage space to store corpses!

What a shame!Fang Yufan looked up to the sky and sighed in his heart.

"Will these guys from the Ninja League send someone again?" Fang Yufan asked seriously, turning his head to look at Tianfei.

If Concubine Tian replied that she would, Fang Yufan would definitely go to Fusang to eradicate this ninja alliance even if it was a smuggled immigration!

I am not afraid of these weak guys, but my parents and relatives are all ordinary people, and all dangers are to be stifled in the cradle!
Concubine Tian glanced at Fang Yufan and said: "Based on what I know about the Ninja League, it is impossible for them to send people to China at present. The loss of four Tianren in succession is not a small loss for the Ninja League." Heavy damage!"

"Huh? That's not right! Ichiro Tanaka that night, it should be five!" Fang Yufan said suspiciously after counting with his fingers.

"Tanaka Ichiro is not a member of the Ninja League." Tian Fei said after stepping across the sewage, "Actually, the Tianyun Congjian in your hand was only borrowed by Tanaka Ichiro from the Ninja League. Otherwise, those ninjas just How could I find you in the first place!"

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Fang Yufan pouted and said, "If you hadn't secretly informed me, how would those guys know that the sword is in my hand!"

"Hmph!" Tianfei snorted softly after hearing the words, then walked quickly towards the outside of the alley.

This guy actually got cheap and acted like a good boy!My own innocent body is already
In Concubine Tian's beautiful eyes, a hint of anger first flashed, and then a bit of shyness flashed again and again!
The house surrounded by all the members of the third group of special feelings was already full of people.

Pan Guoli smelled a strong burnt smell in the room, and the expression on his face changed for a moment.

After parting from Concubine Tian not very friendly, Fang Yufan first threw the black lacquered thing wrapped in a sheet into a trash can, and then took a taxi back to the East District by himself.

Because he had confirmed by phone that everything was fine with his parents and others, Fang Yufan just nodded when he returned to the villa and heard the housekeeping staff say that they were out shopping, and then went to the room on the second floor that was temporarily his own. .

"Eating" is so full today!

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Fang Yufan thought to himself.

Thinking of being surrounded and beaten for a while by a group of ninjas who were much, much weaker than himself at the beginning, Fang Yufan felt very uncomfortable for a while!

You must strengthen your actual combat ability!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be very dangerous for me to meet those who are good at fighting and not too different from my own realm!Fang Yufan, who was self-criticizing inwardly, thought to himself.

Although I already know from Concubine Tian that the most powerful person in the so-called practice world is only at the Yuanhua Jindan stage, but the earth is not big, but it is not small, so how can we be sure that there is no such person? What about outsiders!

Only when you are stronger can you not be afraid of all challenges!
Just one thought, Fang Yufan gathered his mind and began to transform the abundant external energy in his body.

Following the steps of converting one hundred parts of qi and blood into one part of pale white true essence, Fang Yufan gradually increased the volume of his true essence.

But when he was watching the pale white true energy in his body increase by two without any sorrow or joy, he was suddenly awakened by a hasty knock on the door.


Opening his eyes, Fang Yufan yelled out angrily.

"Boss, come out quickly, the police are looking for you downstairs!" Liao Kai's voice came from outside the door.

police?Fang Yufan felt guilty like a conditioned reflex.

A lot of people were killed today!
What are you afraid of!They are all damned!After secretly cheering himself up, he got out of bed.

"By the way, when did you guys come back?" Fang Yufan turned to Liao Kai and asked when he was walking down the stairs.

"I've been back for an hour." Looking at Liao Kai downstairs, he replied.

Immediately, he approached Fang Yufan with a mysterious face and whispered, "Boss, it turns out that Sister Min has changed a lot of clothes and she has become much prettier!"

The sister Min that Liao spoke of was the Mingya that Jiang Shiqiong brought back to be his son's future wife.

Luo Min is the name on her ID card.

Fang Yufan curled his lips and said, "What's wrong with being pretty?"

Not even a liar!He thought to himself.But if she really dares to lie to her father's old saying, hum, we have many ways!
"Xiaofan, come here quickly, these two policemen have business with you!" Seeing his son going down the stairs, Jiang Shiqiong waved repeatedly.

"Dad, Mom, Second Uncle, are you all there?" After greeting everyone sitting on the sofa, Fang Yufan sat down on a group of sofas.

"Excuse me, what can you do for me?" Looking at the two middle-aged men in plain clothes and police uniform sitting opposite him, Fang Yufan asked calmly.

Liao Xinghong, who was sitting next to him, also said to the middle-aged man in police uniform: "Director Li, this is Fang Yufan you two are looking for. Now can you tell me what you need to do with him?"

What's up?No wonder I know!
Liao Xinghong said Director Li looked at the person sitting beside him with an inexplicable look on his face.

"Hehe, I actually have something to ask this little brother." Pan Guoli said with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter, ask me." Fang Yufan said, crossing Erlang's legs.

Don't look at his calm and composed appearance, in fact, his heart is empty!
Is it really a murder?Fang Yufan thought anxiously.

Otherwise, he wouldn't believe that any plainclothes policeman he met was a martial artist with inner strength.

"It's better to talk to the little brother alone." Pan Guoli looked at Fang Yufan and said with a smile.

Liao Xinghong on the side heard the words and said dissatisfied: "I said Director Li, my Yufan didn't make any mistakes, right? Otherwise, why would I bother you to come to ask for a confession!"

Director Li said with a wry smile: "What did Mr. Liao say! We just asked this little brother about something."

"Please cooperate!" Pan Guoli said with a slightly downcast face.

And as his expression changed, a faint power enveloped the entire hall impressively.

This man is not easy!

Liao Xinghong, who was used to seeing powerful and rich people, suddenly noticed an inexplicable aura appearing on this middle-aged man with a tough face.


A cold snort suddenly sounded in the hall, and then Fang Yufan half-closed his eyes and stared at the middle-aged man who was about to overwhelm him.

Pan Guoli's face immediately turned pale!
(End of this chapter)

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