Chapter 17
Holding the jade pendant in his hand, Fang Yufan embarked on another journey of Taobao with great interest.There is no shortage of treasures, what is rare is the process of Taobao!

Fang Yufan, who was carrying a backpack, stopped in front of one stall after another, but he didn't know that his behavior of buying jade just now had caught the attention of a group of thieves entrenched in this street.

It should be explained that the urban appearance of Kunming City is still very good. There are tall and tall trees with luxuriant foliage everywhere, and the streets are also very clean.However, every city has its bright and prosperous side, as well as its gloomy or dark side.And those thieves in a mess are the protagonists in the dark corners of this city.

Mingkun City around ten o'clock is the beginning of a day of prosperity and hustle and bustle.On the big and small streets, tourists and local citizens who came here gradually appeared, as well as those figures who were constantly wandering in the dark.

On the ancient street, tourists gradually increased.

Around Fang Yufan, two or three figures, big or small, consciously surrounded him, but he still didn't notice it, and focused all his attention on a simple bronze Buddha statue in his hand.

Fang Yufan doesn't know how to identify antiques, but this doesn't prevent him from seeing that what looks like an antique in his hand is actually a modern handicraft that looks old.For Fang Yufan, who has keen senses, he still has this vision.

Putting down the Buddha statue, Fang Yufan was already standing at the other end of this ancient street, not far from him, stood an ancient stone wall two meters high.Looking around, the four characters "Tonglin Ancient Street" stand out on it.

Fang Yufan, who had nothing to gain except the jade pendant that was put in the bag, was still unsatisfied, so he stepped into the ancient street again.This time, he decided to go to those shops on the street and sell the things in that piece of jade by the way.If it is valuable, it must be fully realized, and Fang Yufan also wants to see how big a mistake he has picked up this time.

After passing one or two small shops selling ethnic handicrafts, Fang Yufan stepped into an antique shop.As soon as you walk into this shop named "Tonglinxuan", you will be greeted by a strong cultural atmosphere.

The bright and bright glass display cabinets, the occasional green plants, and the gorgeous or simple porcelain on the wooden shelves of a hollowed-out wall all show the extraordinaryness of this shop.

Letting out a breath, Fang Yufan browsed the jade and jewelry in the showcase one by one.

A few minutes later, a sound of steady footsteps gradually sounded, and finally stopped behind Fang Yufan.Straightening up and raising his head, an old man with a simple face and a round-neck gown jumped into his eyes with a smile.

"Hehe, old man Gu Zhengfeng is the shopkeeper of this small shop. I wonder what this little brother needs?" The old man laughed before saying anything, and then said in a clear voice.

"Good old." Fang Yufan straightened his waist and replied seriously.Then he took off the backpack, took out the jade pendant from inside, handed it to the old man and said, "I bought this at a street stall just now, I think there should be something inside, please show me."

After receiving the jade pendant, the old man motioned Fang Yufan to sit on a carved wooden bench, then took out a pair of exquisite tortoiseshell glasses and put them on to watch carefully.After a cup of tea, the old man raised his head and looked at Fang Yufan and said in a harmonious voice, "Little brother, how can you tell there is something in it?"

Fang Yufan stretched out his hand and lifted his eyebrows, pretending to be embarrassed, and said, "It's just the feeling, you don't know the ancient times, I believe in the feeling more." Hearing this, the old man was noncommittal, and turned his attention to the jade pendant.

After a long while, the old man put down the jade pendant, took off his glasses and let out a sigh of relief: "Jade is old jade. Looking at these cracks, they are half natural and half man-made. Since the little brother firmly believes that there will be something inside, if you are willing, you might as well break open the jade." Pi to see what happened?"

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Fang Yufan met the old man's inquiring eyes and said meaningfully: "If you are willing, you will gain something!"

"Hehe, the little brother is interesting!" After a compliment, the old man turned his head and gave instructions to the shop. Then, a young man walked over with a small copper hammer in his hand. "Grandpa, what do you want the copper hammer for? Could it be that you can't think of smashing that piece of celadon?" The young man said carelessly as he handed over the copper hammer.

"Believe it or not, I'll tell your dad to beat you up again!" The old man said angrily, "Go in and stay here, lest I get angry when I see it!" The young man blinked, turned and walked away.

"I made my little brother laugh." The old man turned his head and saw Fang Yufan looking at him with a smile in his eyes, and laughed a little self-deprecatingly, "My grandson, except his father, anyone dares to tease me!" "Good luck, old man!" !" Fang Yufan said with a smile, "This might not be a kind of family happiness!"

"Hehe" with a smile on his lips, the old man put the jade pendant on the root carving tea table.After a while, a serious expression appeared on his simple face, and the hand holding the copper hammer was raised steadily.With a light "pa", the copper hammer struck the corner of the jade pendant, and a few more fine marks appeared on it immediately.

He raised the copper hammer again, and without raising his head, the old man knocked on the corner of the jade pendant again, and then, a small piece of jade shavings fell away.He picked up the jade pendant solemnly and approached it in front of him, the old man's eyes immediately flashed a touch of luster.

Raising the copper hammer again, the old man looked up at Fang Yufan and said, "Little brother, if you can't smash the jade pendant this time, then you will have to knock it next." Fang Yufan nodded, signaling him to continue .

With a crisp sound of "啪!", several cracks appeared on the jade pendant the size of the child's palm, and in the next second, the jade pendant broke into several pieces, and wisps of white luster leaked from the largest piece of jade pendant. .

"Yuguang!" The old man opened his mouth and let out a low cry when he saw the white light flashing in front of his eyes, and his steady hands trembled several times.Somewhat impatiently, the old man picked up the remnant jade, and then carefully took out a round jade pendant with a diameter of no more than three or four centimeters and a thickness of no more than half a centimeter, and put it in the palm of his hand.

"Extreme mutton fat jade!" The old man breathed heavily, looking greedily at the delicate and small milky white jade pendant in his hand.

"Cough" Fang Yufan coughed beside him.

"I made my little brother laugh again!" The old man withdrew his piercing eyes and said to Fang Yufan, "I haven't seen such a top-quality jade for many years!" After saying this, he carefully handed over the jade pendant .

Fang Yufan took the jade pendant and played with it casually a few times. Not to mention, the color and texture of this top-quality precious jade are really good, and there is a hint of smoothness in the lubrication!I don't know whether the ancients used the beautiful skin to describe Baoyu or Baoyu to describe the beautiful skin!

"I don't know how much such precious jade is worth?" Fang Yufan asked casually as he turned the jade pendant between his fingers.

Hearing this, the old man couldn't sit still: "Little brother, are you going to sell this jade pendant!?" What if the old man has something good or bad to do!
"This jade is for sale." Fang Yufan affirmed while playing with the jade pendant.What not to sell!Although it was the result of the first time to search for treasures, Fang Yufan didn't look down on such a jade with only a little bit of aura!Own?I'm not that interested either, it's better to pay real money!
Just when the old man was about to invite Fang Yufan into the inner room for a detailed discussion, a sound suddenly came from the door of the shop, and then, a loud voice resounded all around: "Old Gu, hurry up and have a look, I have brought a something!"

(End of this chapter)

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