Chapter 176
Just as Liao Xinghong and Mr. Luo, who had a mole on the corner of his mouth, were staring at each other, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd: "Everyone, please step aside, Manager Li is here!"

As the crowd parted, two men dressed in long gowns, one middle and one young, walked in.

As soon as the young man's father saw the middle-aged man walking in the front, he raised his voice and said, "The manager is here to judge. My son Luo Kefan has caught two liars, and they still refuse to admit it!"

Liao Xinghong looked at the middle-aged man with a gloomy fat face and said, "Manager Luo, you haven't confirmed anything yet, so you just insist that the person I brought from the Liao family is a liar, you're biased!"

"This gentleman," Li's housekeeper frowned slightly and said.

"Hello, Guanshi Li. I'm Shouxin from the Luo family. This is my brother Youli, and that's my nephew Kefan!" Mr. Luo introduced his people to Guanshi Li one by one in a flattering tone.

Damn!Still trustworthy and polite?Aren't you afraid to taint these two words!Fang Yufan secretly slandered.

After the steward of the Li family glanced at Luo Kefan and grabbed Luo Min's wrist, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Since everyone is invited by my Li family, please respect yourself. If there is anything you can sit down and talk about, don't you?" It is necessary to catch people and not let them go!"

Hearing this, Luo Youli quickly glared at his son.

"Don't try to run today!" Luo Kefan glared at Luo Min and said harshly, then let go of his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, seeing so many people watching him, Luo Min's eyes gradually showed a bit of worry.

She also never thought that she would run into the sufferer who was cheated out of 500 million by her own group before in this majestic hall full of rich people!

Although Luo Min was very puzzled, why did this young man say 500 million as 50?But when I think about how many people I and others have designed to deceive so many people over the years, if this is really caught and sent to the police station, my life will be completely over!

A touch of despair and great regret quietly flashed across her beautiful face.

"Steward Li, Mr. Luo and the others wantonly slandered my friend without any evidence, and ask the Li family to give us justice!" Liao Xinghong said neither humble nor overbearing to Steward Li.

A look of fear flashed across Li's expressionless face upon hearing the words.

In his heart, he was extremely dismissive of the conflicts between these guests.My Li family just invited you to watch the ceremony. If you have any problems, you can solve them in private.

But according to the current situation, if a proper solution to the problem is not proposed, it will still have a little negative impact on the Li family.

After thinking about this, the steward of the Li family asked Luo Kefan: "You say these two guests are liars, do you have any evidence?"

Luo Youli, who had just listened to his son's account of the ins and outs of being cheated, replied: "This woman and her accomplices are obviously a group of gangs entrenched in Pingchuan who specialize in deceiving people, as long as they send someone to the city to investigate Fan, all problems will be solved!"

"Not bad! If he is a repeat offender, he must have a record in the police station!"

"You can't be so sure! What if a group of scammers are running around and committing crimes?"

"It's better to send someone to ask first. I believe that with the influence of the Li family in Pingchuan, they will definitely find the answer!"

Listening to the discussions and debates of the surrounding crowd, Luo Min's face quickly turned white.

She knew very well in her heart that her group had been hanging out in Pingchuan for many years, and there were several cases left in the police station alone!
If someone is really sent to investigate this, everything will be revealed as the person said!

"Just ask, whoever is afraid of whom!" Liao Kai shouted with a choked voice.

And Liao Xinghong on the side also said with a chubby face, "Mr. Luo, what should I do if my friend is not a liar after being found out? You can't wrong people for no reason!"

Luo Shouxin glanced at his nephew when he heard the words, and said solemnly after seeing the affirmative expression on his face: "If I really wronged someone, I will give up my old face and apologize to them. So what if you're really a liar?"

"Hmph, if it's really a liar, the Liao family will pay for the money your nephew was cheated of!" Liao Xinghong said forcefully.

What the hell is this!Fang Yufan said to himself with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Please judge Li for me!" said Liao Xinghong and Luo Shouxin, who both agreed.

The steward of the Li family nodded upon hearing this.

It's a trivial matter to send someone to investigate, and it doesn't take much time, so he turned his head and said to the young man behind him, "Go"

"Wait a minute!" Fang Yufan called out, interrupting Li's housekeeper.

Raising his eyes and scanning the surrounding crowd, Fang Yufan said with a slightly depressed expression after seeing the expressions on the faces of these people: "This gentleman keeps saying that my companion and I are liars. Said that we are a group of habitual criminals entrenched in Pingchuan!"

"But I'm just a tourist who came to Pingchuan for the first time. If you don't believe me, I still have my ID card, so you can show it to everyone." Fang Yufan said with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Anyway, I saw you were there that day!" Luo Kefan shouted a little weakly.

Luo Youli, who was on the side, said with a trace of disdain: "Hmph, you said you weren't an accomplice, but now why are you here together again? Are you still planning to cheat people together!"

Everyone present was in an uproar when they heard the words!
What do rich people hate most?Isn't it just that others are coveting their own money!
"Kick them out!"

"I hate liars the most!"

"Call the police and arrest people!"

The wind in the hall immediately blew towards the Luo family, and the faces of the two uncles and nephews of the Liao family changed!

Can it remain unchanged?

At least half of the people present are the kind of successful people who have great power and wealth. Under the unanimous denunciation, ordinary people really can't bear it!
Fortunately, Liao Xinghong is not an ordinary person. Against the eyes of everyone who looked at him with contempt, hatred, ridicule or sarcasm, he retorted profusely, "Manager Luo, it's still unclear whether my friend is a liar or not! Why do you slander them like this!"

"Didn't Manager Li send someone to investigate?" Luo Shouxin looked at Liao Xinghong with a slightly contemptuous look and said, "But your friend doesn't seem to be very willing!"

Hearing this, Liao Xinghong turned his head to look at Fang Yufan and asked, "Yufan, let them investigate! What kind of person are you, second uncle, I still don't know?"

Fang Yufan secretly sighed in his heart: Second uncle, I have no problem, but this Luo Min has a problem!

If people from the Li family were to find out Luo Min's background, it would be a trivial matter to lose money, but the reputation of the Liao family would be completely ruined!
How could he, Fang Yufan, let such a thing happen!
After smiling at Liao Xinghong, who was looking at him with an anxious face, Fang Yufan turned around and walked to Luo Min.

After Tan took the small Kun bag that Luo Min was clutching tightly in his hand because of fear, he looked at the three members of the Luo family and said indifferently: "You keep saying that we are liars! Since we are liars, then it must be to cheat money I!"

"Nonsense!" Luo Kefan said, curling his lips: "Of course liars will lie to people for money! What do you mean by these thoughts?"

Lifting the small bag in his hand, Fang Yufan asked indifferently: "Then if a person's net worth is several hundred million, will he cheat people again?"

"Unless this person is out of his mind!" Luo Kefan replied without thinking.

"Oh? Then do you think my female companion is someone with a brain problem?" Fang Yufan with a sneer at the corner of his mouth raised his hand and threw the small bag in his hand to Luo Shouxin.

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Luo Min who was wearing a dark blue evening dress, and shook their heads incessantly.

"What do you mean?" Luo Shouxin asked with a strange expression as he looked at Xiao Kunbao who had fallen into his arms.

The onlookers were also puzzled.

Which song is this singing again?

Fang Yufan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You open the bag first. Don't worry, I won't accuse you of stealing the bag!"

Suddenly, there were a few laughs from the crowd.

"Everyone saw it! He told me to open the bag!" Luo Shouxin said while clasping his hands and gesturing to everyone.

"President Luo, don't worry, there are so many pairs of eyes watching here, you won't be wronged!"

"In my opinion, maybe there is no evidence in this small bag!"

Amidst the chatter of the crowd, Luo Shouxin slowly opened the small Kun bag in his hand.

Luo Min on the side couldn't help closing his eyes.

Not only because her private things were seen by a strange man, but also because she knew where the evidence came from in this little kun bag!

The curious people present all stretched their necks to see what was in Xiaokun's bag first, but most of them cast their eyes on Luo Shouxin's face.

Immediately, that sharp-eyed person suddenly caught a gleaming precious light from Luo Shouxin's wide-eyed eyes!


A white light flashed across Luo Shouxin's eyes, he took a tight breath, and then put one hand into Xiaokun's bag.

"Lao Luo, what's in there? Quickly take it out and let everyone see it!" A thin middle-aged man standing in the innermost part of the crowd couldn't help urging.

After pulling a look on his face that he didn't know whether to smile or what, Luo Shouxin slowly took out the hand that had been put into the small Kunbao.

As soon as Luo Shouxin took out his hand, everyone present, whether it was the wealthy businessman or the charming girl, along with those promising young people who occasionally glanced at Xiaomi next to their elders, all stared at him with wide eyes. There was an exhalation sound from the mouth of a chain-like thing shining with light.

"This is"

The onlookers were either big bosses in the jewelry industry, or wealthy businessmen who were often exposed to luxury goods, so there was no lack of knowledge!

"Old Luo, show me quickly!"

"Mr. Luo, let me have a look!"

"Don't grab it, let me see it first!"

A few middle-aged men who were familiar with Luo Shouxin stepped out of the crowd and approached him, staring blankly at the gleaming thing with a seductive luster, and shouted anxiously.

A staggering Fang Yufan who was almost bumped into by a thin and short man blinked his eyes and said inwardly, "Is it possible that this person who looks like a big horse monkey is still an intermediate cultivator at the Yuanhua Jindan stage?" ?
"Don't grab it!"

Seeing the guys in front of him with a net worth of over one billion rushing in front of him and almost robbing him, Luo Shouxin quickly withdrew his hand in his arms and let out a sharp drink.

(End of this chapter)

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