Chapter 178 A Gathering of Heroes (1)

"Even if it is a tribute-level rare treasure, there must be a price!" As the chairman of a medium-sized jewelry auction house, the tall and thin man surnamed Mei persistently asked.

This is also because he came to attend the private banquet of the Li family and did not bring an appraiser, otherwise, why would Director Mei ask the same question twice in a row.

"If we really want to set a price for this treasure, each piece should be worth at least 500 million Huaxia coins!" Tie Dong said with a frown while staring at the string of pearl necklaces shining charmingly in his hand.

The middle-aged man surnamed Liu who was the general manager of a super large department store looked at the pearl necklace and said in a deep voice, "Looking at the length of this necklace, it should be made of 36 pearls, heh! If each pearl is worth 500 If it is 1, wouldn't the price of this string of pearl necklace be 8?"

Just such a string of pearl necklaces cost 1 million! ?
Fang Yufan, Liao Kai, and Luo Min who heard what Manager Liu said were all stunned.

"Manager Liu, the value of this string of pearls is not calculated like yours!" Mei Dong shook his head and said, "If it is calculated on a single grain, it should be 1 million. But like this 8 pearls in diameter A string of pearl necklaces of the same size, if sold at an auction, would cost more than 36 million!"

Damn, how come the more you say the higher the price!
Fang Yufan blinked his eyes and thought to himself.

This string of necklaces and the birthday gift that he just handed over to the receiving place were all randomly picked out from the wooden box full of antique jewelry on the third floor of the Qiankun bracelet. One or two billion!

But in terms of value, Fang Yufan still felt that the gift he gave was more valuable, otherwise he would not have kept the necklace and would have given it away.

After deciding what gift to give, Fang Yufan casually threw the necklace into the storage space, so he took the small Kun bag in his hand and put it and the bank card into the bag through the air.

It's true that a lump of soil casually sprinkled by a cultivator is a treasure!Fang Yufan secretly sighed.

The reason why he sent the necklace into the Xiaokun bag was only to pave the way for the appearance of that bank card.

Who knows what that Luo Shouxin has a bit of foresight, maybe it is not easy to deduce the identity and origin of himself and others from this string of valuable pearl necklaces, but it is a clean and easy apology.

This left Fang Yufan no reason to take advantage of the opportunity!
Thinking about it, everyone who has made some achievements in the highly competitive business world has empty eyelashes?

If you can let go of your body and admit a mistake, you can avoid conflicts with strangers with different identities and backgrounds, how can these wealthy businessmen who have been fighting in the business world for many years not do this!

Of course, this is also based on the fact that both sides have a way out, so they will choose this way.

When the time comes when there is no way out, they will choose to die and die together!

After roughly thinking about the psychology of such people, Fang Yufan quickly absorbed some of the things that can be used for reference into his own training process.

But if the two Luo Shouxin brothers knew that Fang Yufan didn't have any terrifying identity and background at all, would they admit their mistake so easily?
In the hall, it returned to its previous state.Everyone talked about what they should talk about, and the atmosphere quickly became lively again.

"Which one is Mr. Fang Yufan?" A modest voice of inquiry suddenly rang out in Fang Yufan's circle.

"I am. What's the matter?" Fang Yufan turned his head and looked at a young man in a gray robe standing not far from himself and others and asked suspiciously.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, my master invites you to go to Juying Hall for a talk." The young man said politely.

"Ask me?" Fang Yufan asked in surprise.

It seems that I have nothing to do with the Li family, right?Well, except for saving an old man from the Li family.

Could it be because of this?

Thinking of this, Fang Yufan nodded, then turned to Liao Kai and said, "You also go with me."

"Oh." Liao Kai, who was blinking his small eyes and staring blankly at the alluring pearl necklace, responded.

On the other hand, Liao Xinghong, who was at the side, smiled at his nephew under the envious gazes of Dong Mei and the others: "When you go in, you must obey the rules, talk less and watch more, don't lose face to our Liao family!"

People like them who often stay in Pingchuan know what it means to be invited into Juyingtang by the Li family.

Sweeping the young man waiting aside with his expressionless hands down, Fang Yufan looked at Luo Min and asked, "Are you going in with us?"

Luo Min, who was almost caught in the police station, had long lost the desire to see the ostentation of the rich and powerful, so he shook his head slightly and said, "I'll just stay with Uncle Liao."

The young man who heard that Fang Yufan was going to bring the woman in and was about to stop him shut up again after hearing Luo Min's answer.

Fang Yufan was noncommittal about this, and then raised his eyes to Tie Dong.

After seeing Tie Dong still looking at the string of pearl necklaces in his hand intoxicated, he turned his head to Liao Xinghong and said, "Second Uncle, I will leave this necklace to you for the time being. Liao Kaijin and I will go in and have a look."

Although this string of pearl necklaces was worth over [-] million yuan, Fang Yufan really didn't care about it.

He would not pay attention to a little aura that contained as little as a strand of hair.

"Go, go!" Liao Xinghong said with a smile and waved his hands.

For Fang Yufan who casually entrusted him with a bunch of treasures worth hundreds of millions, he didn't feel uncomfortable or inappropriate at all.

A joke, isn't it just a few hundred million?Billions of emeralds have already been seen, so this one is not bad!

"Mr. Liao, this young man has a very good relationship with your family! I don't know which big family he is from?" Seeing Fang Yufan and the two of them walking towards a door led by the Li family, Dong Mei had a look on his face. If you have any understanding, ask.

"Haha, Yu Fan and my family Liao Kai are a good pair of brothers! Hey, I said Tie Dong, have you seen enough? If you have seen enough, give it back to me!"

With a haha ​​in his mouth, Liao Xinghong changed the subject in due time and said to the other side.

The pretty girl who had been holding Liao Xinghong's arm like a vase her eyes lit up when she heard that, if she could wear such a rare treasure for a while, she would be able to show off to those sisters when she went back!
Regarding Liao Xinghong's avoidance of talking about it, Mei Dong curled his lips angrily.After seeing two people walking towards this side, he poked Liao Xinghong with his arm and said in a low voice, "Hong Baitao is here!"

Liao Xinghong turned his head and looked at the past when he heard the words.

you do not say!Hong Baitao was walking towards him with his arms around a charming woman with a snake waist.

Liao Xinghong also saw that not far behind him, Woodley and Wu Lin, who had teamed up to almost swallow Hong Baitao that night, were standing together and looked over with gloomy faces.

Seeing this, a bright light flashed from the corner of Liao Xinghong's eyes: This is to find an ally!

Walking around the winding wooden corridors, Fang Yufan and Liao Kai gradually approached a large building with blue bricks and black tiles under the leadership of the young man.

Walking through a path paved with gravel, the two iron gates of this building suddenly jumped into the eyes of the two of them.

"Juying Hall?"

Looking at the three big golden characters written on a black wooden plaque hanging on the gate, Fang Yufan read it softly with a slight smile on his lips.

Hehe, what a big tone!I don't know if it is a place where heroes gather or where talents gather!After looking around for a while, he thought to himself.

"Boss, I'm hungry!" Liao Kai said in a low voice with a bitter face as he approached Fang Yufan.

Fang Yufan heard that it was a black line on his forehead, and immediately gave him a hard look.

Damn, I just swallowed a plate of Haisai just now, and now I have the nerve to say that I am hungry again! ?

"Hold it!" Fang Yufan followed the young man into the iron gate after shouting to the little fat man angrily.

"I just ate a little something just now, can I not be hungry!" Muttering in his mouth, Liao Kai followed and stepped in.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

As soon as he stepped through the iron gate, Liao Kai stared blankly at the exquisite delicacies that exuded a tangy aroma with his eyes wide open, and praised with forgetfulness in his mouth.

Fang Yufan, who was amazed by the large space inside, heard three black lines hanging from the corner of his forehead, and the young man next to the desks near the gate also gave a few contemptuous sneers.

"You two, please follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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