Chapter 203 Special Brigade
Through the car window, Fang Yufan saw that the outside world was full of darkness.

Although the military-made jeep performed well in all aspects, it still bumped twice from time to time on the way forward when the road conditions were not very good.

Taking advantage of the time when the car slowed down while climbing a small slope, Fang Yufan twisted his neck, and at the same time muttered in his heart: How far is it?It's been almost an hour!
"Not allowed to move!"

A cold and rigid voice suddenly rang in Fang Yufan's ears after he noticed Fang Yufan's movements.

With the help of the light on a troop carrier following behind, Fang Yufan turned his head to look at a soldier with a cold expression and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

The soldier with his upper body upright just stared carefully at the young man who was escorted to the base camp under the order of the captain himself from the corner of his eye, and then he didn't speak again except for a warning at the beginning.

Sweeping back and forth, the soldiers sitting on both sides of him all pursed their lips tightly with indifferent expressions on their faces. Fang Yufan shrugged his shoulders slightly, then leaned on the car seat and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing this scene, a strange and surprised expression flashed on the face of a young man wearing a lieutenant's epaulets sitting in the front passenger seat.

Anyone who is suddenly escorted into a car by someone from the army will probably not be as calm as the young man in front of him!
But what does this have to do with me!I just received an order to take this young man to the camp.The lieutenant who thought secretly in his heart quickly shifted his attention away from Fang Yufan.

Fang Yufan, who closed his eyes, released bundles of true knowledge to the maximum extent he currently has.

However, within this radius of less than 400 meters, there is not even a single human habitation, except for the increasingly desolate mud, rocks, soil slopes and forests.

Sitting in the car and crossing a mountain stream, Fang Yufan thought to himself quite bored: Could it be that he is planning to drag me to a wilderness and then shoot me?
However, he shook his head and dismissed this ridiculous thought.

Anyway, the soldiers are also the guardians of one side's territory, so they won't do such absurd things above the laws of the country.

And the reason why Fang Yufan would obediently let a group of soldiers escort him to the military vehicle, on the one hand, was because he was really tired of staying in that small house; side thoughts.

Some things can only be solved better and more directly if the two parties meet in person.

Rubbing the storage ring on his hand, a faint expectant smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yufan's mouth.

Just before getting into the car, he was actually searched by a soldier.

But for Fang Yufan, who had a storage space, it was just a thought, and tools like mobile phones that can communicate with the outside world were taken away by him without anyone noticing.

Hey, if these big soldiers and some big shots behind them don't follow the rules, Fang Yufan doesn't mind coming to a "private arrester"!
Half an hour later, the Third Military Hospital of Mingkun City.

Outside an operating room, Wu Zuolin with a solemn face and Wen Wanqing with a haggard look leaned on each other and sat on a bench waiting for the end of the operation.

Suddenly, a steady footstep sounded from the other end of the corridor.

Hearing the sound, Wu Zuolin turned his head and looked over.

"Chief, he has already been brought to the base camp." A tall and straight young officer said with his chest raised and his feet stomped.

After nodding to the young officer, Wu Zuolin said to his wife in a harmonious voice, "Wanqing, there are still several hours left for the operation, why don't you go to the room to rest first!"

Wen Wanqing shook her head and said, "No, I want to watch my son come out here."

After pausing for a moment, she said angrily with a look of resentment on her face: "You must seek justice for your son! That student, I will make him feel [-] regrets for what he has done!"

"I know what to do." Wu Zuolin said in a calm voice, patting his wife on the back.

On a plain surrounded by mountains, there is an imposing military camp.

The sky was still bright, and there were those strong soldiers training on the wide pasture with only green vests.

Come on!It was actually left hanging for several hours!If I had known this earlier, I might as well have stayed in the security department!Fang Yufan, who looked depressed, sat cross-legged alone in an empty ordinary room and secretly held his breath.

Suddenly, his face brightened, and then he saw the locked door being opened from the outside.

Then, two soldiers with bright submachine guns on their shoulders stepped in one after the other, followed by a short and strong man in his thirties with the rank of captain on his shoulders.

"Stand up, the captain wants to see you." The captain said to Fang Yufan expressionlessly.

Damn, after waiting for so long, it's finally here!Captain?It must be that guy Wu Yupeng's senior father!Fang Yufan muttered a few words to himself, stood up from the ground, followed the captain and walked out.

At the same time, where the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region is located, two black red flag cars with special license plates suddenly drove up on an extremely open mountainous area.

After going through some verification procedures, the two cars quickly drove towards a tall building along a spacious concrete road.

A few minutes later, a young man carrying the rank of major knocked on the door of the military commander's office.

"Come in." A majestic and heavy male voice came from inside.

After pushing open the door of the office, the major gave a military salute to Lu Da, the commander of the military region who was sitting behind a desk, and then said in a loud voice: "Report to the commander, Mao Ming, the captain of the second team of the special situation department, wants to see the commander! Waiting in meeting room No. ""Special Affairs Department? What are they doing here if they have nothing to do?" Lu Da raised his weather-stained face and looked at the major and frowned suspiciously.

After pondering for a while, he closed a document he was looking at on the table, then stood up from the chair and said, "Go, go and see what their purpose is."

"Yes, Commander!" The major puffed up his chest and raised his voice slightly.

Although the Special Brigade of the Southwest Military Region is directly under the jurisdiction of the Military Region Command, it has not established a camp within the Military Region because of its particularity.

Longgai'er Mountain, a very localized name, is also a desolate area where few locals have set foot, but it is the headquarters of the special brigade.

With the captain leading the way and the soldiers escorting Fang Yufan, he came to a square platform with a height of three meters.Under the platform is a two-meter-high concrete wall, and bursts of thunderous shouts are going around the high wall and pouring into people's ears.

On the platform of nearly ten square meters, stood two men with standard postures.

The one in the front is about 40 years old. Although he is wearing a uniform, he reveals a soldier's breath from his bones.

The one in the back, about 30 years old, wears a green vest on the upper body, a pair of black military trousers on the lower body, and a pair of shiny black military boots on the feet. The exposed muscles are like twisted steel bars.

Just standing there gives off an extremely powerful feeling!

As soon as the group of four stepped onto the platform, two gazes of inexplicable pressure were delivered to them.

Faced with the two gazes cast on him that would make ordinary people tremble with fear, Fang Yufan was very indifferent.After glancing at the two of them, he turned his head and looked down the platform.

On the other side of the concrete wall is an unusually flat and spacious training ground.

It was still early, but there were already hundreds of agile soldiers jumping up and down on the training ground.And the thunderous shouts that I heard before came from the mouths of these young men who were abnormally full of energy and blood.

"Are you Fang Yufan?" Wu Zuolin asked after waving his hand to the captain to take the two soldiers down.

Fang Yufan curled his lips secretly when he heard the words.You are the one who gave the order, don't you know that I am Fang Yufan?
"I don't know why Captain Wu came here to ask me?" Fang Yufan asked while stretching his hands.

"Have you not recognized the current situation?" Wu Zuolin said with a slight frown, "This is the camp of the Southwest Military Region's special brigade. Ordinary people don't say that they have entered, even if they get close!"

"And then?" Fang Yufan continued to ask, tilting his head.

Seeing the carelessness of the young man in front of him, Wu Zuolin felt a surge of anger in his heart!

After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "I just came back from the Third Military Hospital. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Wu Zuolin, and I am the father of Wu Yupeng, who is still unconscious after being beaten by you. "

Fang Yufan raised his eyebrows and said, "You should thank me! If I hadn't been soft-hearted for a while, your son might be just a cold corpse now!"

Upon hearing this, the anger in Wu Zuolin's heart swelled violently!
"Hehe" he laughed angrily and pointed to Fang Yufan and said with an extremely gloomy face after pointing a few points: "I hope you can always be so indifferent and stubborn!"

Hmph, an ordinary college student with no identity and background dares to show off in front of the youngest colonel in the military region. I really think he can't be touched!

Wu Zuolin, whose eyes flashed brightly, stared at Fang Yufan and fell silent for a while.

Damn, staring at me can scare me!Hmph, stare again, and I'll use evil eyes and fascination to deal with you!

Seeing this imposing middle-aged soldier staring at him, Fang Yufan muttered to himself while staring back unwilling to be outdone.

In the next second, Wu Zuolin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice: "No matter how much my son has a feud with you, you shouldn't have hit him so hard!"

After pausing for a moment to let out a sigh of relief, he continued: "Did you know? He had six broken ribs, a moderately ruptured liver, a slight concussion, and multiple soft tissue bruises all over his body! Hmph, this child has been injured since he was a child." , have never suffered such a serious injury!"

When Fang Yufan heard Wu Zuolin's first sentence, his face gradually condensed.

First a "don't care" and then a "shouldn't"!
Damn, as long as your son is a treasure, other people's sons can't be raised by your aunt!

In other words, only your son can bully others wantonly, but can't let others bully?

Fang Yufan, whose eyes flashed a cold light, said coldly: "I still say the same thing, you should thank me! If I hadn't been soft for a while, I'm afraid your son would have been lying in the morgue long ago !"

(End of this chapter)

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