Chapter 241
When Fang Yufan rushed to the entrance of the alley, he saw an angry middle-aged man holding a child with both hands and going to hit the wall!

Damn scum!Even children are bullied!
Fang Yufan stared at a pair of cold eyes and said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to die, put the child down!"

The obscene man turned his head to look at a young man who suddenly appeared at the corner of the alley, and a savage look flashed across his face, and he shouted: "Boy, you are so brave! You actually came here to do what is right! Shit! Believe it or not, I'll kill you later!"

Wen Lanxin tried her best to turn her slender neck to look in the direction of the voice, and when she saw that it was the young man who left 10 yuan, she exclaimed anxiously: "Mr. Fang, don't Come here! Call the police first!"

In Wen Lanxin's mind, Fang Yufan, a young man with slender limbs, couldn't beat these two strong-boned young men!
"Damn, bitch! Shut up!"

The hunky man freed up one hand and raised it high, and then slapped Wen Lanxin's cheek with a gust of wind.

Just when the palm, which was about half the size of a cattail fan, was imprinted on Wen Lanxin's cheek, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the narrow alley, and after an afterimage flashed by, there were two roads, one in front and one in the back. There was a dull "bang".

"Are you OK?"

Fang Yufan stood in front of Wen Lanxin holding the tearful little guy in his arms and asked in a harmonious voice.

What just happened?
Wen Lanxin's eyes flickered with confusion, she raised her head slightly to look at the handsome but somewhat cruel face in front of her, and couldn't help asking herself a question deep in her heart.

After handing the crying little guy to Wen Lanxin, Fang Yufan's expression changed, then he turned and walked towards the two guys lying on the ground.



The two men who were stunned by the sudden blow moaned unconsciously while struggling to stand up from the pitch-black ground.

In the blink of an eye just now, Fang Yufan took advantage of his super-fast nerve reaction to flash in front of Wen Lanxin with one step, and after a simple pat and kick, the two pieces of meat weighing more than 100 kilograms seemed to be given to Wen Lanxin by a mad cow. After being hit hard, it flew several meters into the air!
If Fang Yufan hadn't frightened Wen Lanxin and the two children because he was worried that he would strike too hard and create a too bloody scene, these two guys would probably be two piles of steaming bloody mush by now!
For a cultivator in the Yuanhua period, splitting mountains and cracking rocks with a single palm is a piece of cake!
Even so, looking at the two people moaning and struggling on the dark ground, the teenage girl was so frightened that she huddled close to Wen Lanxin and kept trembling.

On the contrary, the little guy in Wen Lanxin's arms looked at the two figures on the ground curiously with his eyes wide open after some soothing.

He was probably wondering why these two adults still like playing on the ground as much as he does!
Seeing Fang Yufan walking up to the two of them very quickly, Wen Lanxin, who was afraid that he would overreact again, calmed down and shouted: "Mr. Fang Fang, I think it's better to forget it!"

Hearing the sound, Fang Yufan raised his eyebrows slightly and turned to look at Wen Lanxin, who was still pale.

In his heart, he couldn't help sighing: Your heart is too soft!If you hadn't come in time, your fate would have undergone a 180-degree change!
Gently patted the little guy in her arms, Wen Lanxin walked up to Fang Yufan and explained softly: "People like this are blind people, so it's better not to get too entangled with them! Besides, the environment here is very complicated, if you offend them If you are too ruthless, you will be in great trouble!"

Fang Yufan frowned tightly upon hearing this.

He didn't understand what this woman in front of him was thinking despite her ordinary clothes but exuding a faint charm!You also know that the environment here is very complicated?But why bring the children to live in again?
However, he just muttered these words in his heart, after all, they are not very familiar with each other, so he can't seem too familiar!

Fang Yufan, who shook his head slightly, stood still for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said, "The children will be here soon. By the way, how is the little guy? What disease is he suffering from?"

Wen Lanxin first lowered her head and looked at the child with pity, then looked up at Fang Yufan and said sadly: "If my ability was greater, I wouldn't let the children starve and freeze!"

After a short pause, she continued, "There's nothing wrong with the little one, but he has diarrhea after eating cold food. I took him for an IV today, and he's already much better!"

Fang Yufan stretched out his right hand and patted the little guy's head, then said with a serious face: "You have done a good job! In this society, I am afraid that there will not be a few people who can do what you do! "

"Don't worry, I will help you take care of these children in the future!" Fang Yufan made his promise as if saying a simple sentence.

Wen Lanxin smiled slightly when she heard the words, but a look of disapproval flashed in the corner of her eyes involuntarily.

In the past few years, she has heard such words several times, but those who said this were just talking on a whim if they didn't approach her under the guise of taking care of children.

Under the witness of time, these people all gave up and disappeared at the same time!
Fang Yufan, who keenly caught Wen Lanxin's emotional change at this moment, raised his eyebrows slightly, and after an inexplicable smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, he turned his head to look at the corner of the alley where he came just now.

Time will tell!

Hearing the faint sound of footsteps in his ears, he secretly sighed extremely firmly in his heart.

"Ah, it's Lanxin's mother!"

"Mother Lanxin, mother Lanxin, how is the little one?"

"Sister Juanjuan, why are you blushing?"

"Mother Lanxin, Sister Manny is going to take us to eat big buns!"

Smiling as the children surrounded Sister Lan Xin, Li Manni walked around them and walked up to Fang Yufan. After glancing at the two men in embarrassment not far away, she frowned and asked, "You ran so fast just now?" What is it for? Also, what happened to those two people behind you?"

Listening to Li Jinghua's interrogation of a suspect, Fang Yufan frowned in displeasure.

However, he thought that he should not be too narrow-minded, so he raised his eyebrows slightly and replied calmly: "I cleaned up the two sloppy guys."

Li Manni immediately glared at the two middle-aged men who were half sitting on the ground with a stern face.

And just when she was about to pull out her mobile phone to call her colleagues to arrest them, Fang Yufan waved her hand to stop her and said, "I think it's better to forget it! Didn't you see that there are still children here!"

After a short pause, he said softly: "I came in time, and apart from some flesh injuries, I didn't suffer much!"

"Hmph, this time it's a good deal for these two people!" After glaring at the two with a sullen look on her face, Li Manni scolded them in a low voice, then turned around and walked to the group of children to talk to Wen Lanxin.

Looking at the tall and straight figure who walked out of the alley surrounded by a group of children, he felt like a man with a broken rib on one side, gritted his teeth with eyes full of anger, and shouted: "Boss, this breath, this breath I Can't swallow!"

The wretched man stood up from the extremely dirty ground with his back hunched, and while enduring the burning pain from a place on his back, he said in a gloomy and cold voice: "Second brother, don't worry, I will give it to the old man right away." Liu and his group called! Hmph, since we can't eat meat, we can only drink some soup!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth when he heard the words.

"Hurry up! Old Liu's subordinates have quite a few bad boys! Hehe, as long as they don't leave here immediately, there will be a good show!"

The wretched man nodded, and after twisting his arm, he took out an unusually worn-out straight cell phone from his pocket.

"Sister Lanxin, I don't think we can live here any longer!" Li Manni, who was holding a little girl in her arms, turned her head to look at Wen Lanxin after stepping over a sewage pit and said, "Look at what it looks like here! If you stay here for a long time If you live here, the children's bodies will not be able to bear it!"

After carefully leading two five or six-year-old children around the sewage pit, Wen Lanxin first sighed, and then said sadly: "I also know that the environment here is not suitable for children. But you let me Where can I find a place to settle the children!"

After a short pause, Li Manni bit her lip and said decisively: "Anyway, you can't live here anymore! After dinner, I'll take you to the institute. There will definitely be a place for the children to live in!"

Fang Yufan on the side curled his lips secretly when he heard the words.Is the police station run by your family?Besides, there are more than a dozen children here, and the food prepared for them every day is not a small amount!

If they all live in the police station, they won't be overwhelmed!When the time comes, I'll see if anyone is in a hurry with you!
"No, no!" Wen Lanxin shook her head repeatedly, "Manny, I know you are kind-hearted, but you have already helped me a lot these days, so why bother you again!"

Fang Yufan, who had an exceptionally keen hearing, felt his cheeks burn slightly when he heard Wen Lanxin's words.

Even though he knew there was nothing wrong with him, he still felt a slight sense of guilt when facing these innocent children!
Looking at the kindness of the older children leading the younger ones around, Wen Lanxin said with some firmness in her eyes: "Life must go on! And I believe that God will not have the heart to let these well-behaved and sensible No matter how hard the children are!"

With his right hand holding the little guy Tuantuan who hugged his thigh at the gate of Tonglinxuan and called him father, Fang Yufan murmured in his heart: God?maybe!
Immediately, he muttered to himself again: After the children have finished their meals, I will take them to the store to buy a set of clothes for each of them, and then find a hotel to settle down temporarily.After I completely solve the problem of Lanxin Homeland, the children can return to that familiar home again!
In this case, it should be able to offset the feeling of guilt in my heart!
Only by doing this, can one's own thoughts be clear, and the state of mind will not be stagnant!What's more, the land of my future cultivation still falls on that extremely yin land!
After rummaging through several sufficient reasons for his next actions, Fang Yufan suddenly felt relieved!
And just when the group was about to walk out of this so-called "slum", a faint sound of footsteps suddenly reached Fang Yufan's ears.

In front of everyone was an earth dam about the size of two basketball courts, and next to the dam was a concrete road.

On the other side of the road, there are a few houses that stand sparsely.Behind the houses is a lush forest.

After withdrawing his gaze from looking at the surrounding environment, Fang Yufan turned and looked at the alley that he and others had just walked out of.

After a while, dozens of gray-faced men with dirty clothes jumped out from several narrow and dark corners.

First, a stocky man with short black hair waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Brothers, surround me!"

Seeing the children huddled together in fear of the sudden crowd, Li Manni took a step forward and shouted softly, "I'm a policeman! What do you want to do?"

Fang Yufan at the side couldn't help raising his hand and patted the smooth forehead when he heard the words.

beauty!Do you think these people will be afraid of you if you show your identity as a policeman?It's so naive!
As Fang Yufan expected, after hearing Li Manni's shout, the crowd that formed a circle fell silent for a while, and then there was a loud bang immediately.

"Hey! She's still a beautiful policewoman!" A hairless man with abscesses on his face grinned his yellow teeth and exclaimed excitedly, "Brothers, I have slept with so many women , but I have never slept with a policewoman!"

A fat man next to him with upper body was shining with silver eyes and said, "Hey, Huang San, if you are brave enough, you can sleep with this policewoman in front of everyone today!"

"Fart! You don't want to hang out here anymore?" A little man jumped out and shouted, "This female policeman is so beautiful, I should let Brother Liu sleep first!"

"Yes, yes, yes! After brother Liu falls asleep, hehehe, brothers, let's have some soup by the way!"

Listening to the filthy words that rang in her ears from time to time, Li Manni's heroic show face was completely occupied by blobs of red anger!

But when she thought that there were more than a dozen children standing behind her, she tried her best to suppress the fury in her heart, raised her head and shouted loudly: "Do you really dare to gather a crowd here to make trouble? I warn you, if you don't disperse, I'll immediately call someone to arrest you and put you in jail!"

Fang Yufan sighed slightly when he heard the words, then walked up to Li Manni who was trembling slightly, raised his hand and patted her pretty shoulder lightly, and said: "Don't waste your saliva. Do you think these people can be accepted by people at this time and here?" Are you intimidated?"

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the two familiar faces standing in the crowd and said coldly: "Sure enough, it's not okay to be soft-hearted! You two guys, why don't you thank me for letting you go?" , And even called a large group of people to find a place!"

Pointing to those two people, Fang Yufan nodded, and said with a smug smile on the corner of his lips, "Do you think it's great to have a lot of people! You can do whatever you want with a lot of people! Fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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