Chapter 245 Stone Leopard's Choice

If Southwest Associated University is compared to an oval-shaped pool, the upper, middle and lower commercial streets are like the three long and narrow ditches extending into the pool.

As the sky gradually darkened, colorful lights were lit up in front of the shops in the commercial street one by one.This means that another lively night at UNGA is coming!
Standing on the spacious marble street in front of the gate of Jinding Pavilion, watching the busy flow of students, Fang Yufan turned around with raised eyebrows and took another look at the gorgeous building in front of him.

All of a sudden, a brilliant light spread in his pupils with the brilliance of the three big characters "Jinding Pavilion".

"Have you ever heard the name 'Blood Thug'?"

Fang Yufan, with half-closed eyes, smiled at Shi Bao who stepped out from the gate and walked in front of him, and asked a question.

The reason why he asked this suddenly was that Gein himself was also curious.

Could it be that just using the words "bloody thug" can frighten a rich son who was just arrogant and arrogant to kneel on the ground?
If it is true, I am afraid it is not a prestige, but a fierce reputation!
With a self-deprecating smile in the corner of his eyes, Fang Yufan was churning with such thoughts in his mind, while watching Shi Bao waiting for his answer.

"Brother Fang, why did you suddenly think of asking this?" Shi Bao first asked with a puzzled expression.

Immediately, he approached Fang Yufan with a mysterious face and said in a low voice: "But you are asking the right person! Count the whole school, including me, who knows the big event more than a month ago is absolutely No more than this number!"

Seeing Shi Leopard shaking his hands triumphantly, Fang Yufan said with a narrow smile, "So you are well-informed! But don't you know that there were 500 people in the whole building that day? Multiple students? Don’t they know about this too?”

Shi Bao paused for a moment when he heard the words, and then an impressive expression flashed across his face.

In the next second, he stared at Fang Yufan with his eyes slightly open and shouted: "How do you know how many students there were that day? I also heard my brother-in-law mentioned afterwards that there were hundreds of students who had the accident!"

"Can't I be one of those ten people you mentioned?"

Fang Yufan said something with a twitch of his lips.

"That's right!" Shi Bao nodded in response.

But in the next second, he raised his voice again and shouted: "Brother Fang, that's not right! The people I'm talking about are all senior leaders of the school. Could it be that you know some of them, and then these people tell for you?"

This is the so-called "authority fan"!Why listen to others?It’s okay if you have experienced it yourself!

However, Fang Yufan felt that there was absolutely no need for him to tell the confused Shi Bao that he was the so-called "bloody thug".besides

His sister's!Who the hell gave me this nickname?It's just smearing yourself!
Fang Yufan, who had never thought that there was anything wrong with sending all the people in the building to the hospital, said angrily in his heart.

In fact, considering the incident that happened more than a month ago from beginning to end, Fang Yufan can be regarded as a passive counterattack, isn't he!
If there is anything wrong, it is that the strength of the counterattack is a little bit stronger.Not only did it overthrow more than 500 students, but it also turned the camp of the Wind Wolf Special Brigade upside down!
But if Wu Zuolin hadn't planned to beat him up in order to vent his anger on his son, Fang Yufan wouldn't have been angry and resisted!
After all, it's nothing more than a cause and effect!
As a cultivator, Fang Yufan, although he does not want to be contaminated with karma, is not afraid of being contaminated with karma!

It's still the same old saying: If people don't attack me, I won't attack; if people attack me, I will attack!

After a flash of light flashed across Fang Yufan's eyes, he turned his head to look at Shi Bao and asked brightly, "Can you still investigate what happened to Chen Mingsheng?"

Shi Bao blinked his pair of copper bell fierce eyes and looked at Fang Yufan in a daze.

Is it the other way around?You are the person in charge!I should ask you this sentence, right!

Fang Yufan just looked at Shi Bao with an inexplicable smile on his lips and said nothing.

At this moment, a dazzling beam of light flashed across the smiling and silent Fang Yufan.

At this moment, Shi Bao, who saw Fang Yufan's smile, felt his whole mind was in a trance.That unusually mysterious smile rendered by the beam of light captured his mind deeply!
A sliver of reason deep in his heart drove Shi Bao to shake his head slightly.

Suddenly, several intermittent pictures flashed before his eyes quietly.

A pen tip floating in the air, a face full of contempt, and a pair of eyes full of extreme indifference

After flashing his nostrils for a moment, Stone Leopard suddenly opened his fierce eyes and waved his hands and shouted, "Investigate, we must investigate! Those people from Tamar dare to threaten me, I can't kill them!"

When Fang Yufan heard this, a slight smile gradually spread from the corner of his mouth, and a deep and extremely dark vortex quickly disappeared from the center of his pupils!

Raising his hand and lightly patting Shi Bao's muscular shoulder, Fang Yufan nodded and said, "Go and investigate boldly, I'll take care of it if something goes wrong!"

Following Fang Yufan's slap, Shi Bao's forehead quickly oozes a row of cold sweat.

After the blank look on his face disappeared for a moment, Shi Bao grinned and clenched his fists and said in a deep voice, "Brother Fang, don't worry, I have found a very important clue recently, otherwise, I wouldn't have Someone will come and threaten me!"

Fang Yufan was slightly refreshed when he heard the words.

The reason why I want Shi Bao to continue the investigation is nothing more than to attract the attention of some people, but I never thought that he would have unexpected gains here.

"How important is it?"

Fang Yufan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Shi Bao raised his hand a little awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, then said softly with embarrassment: "A year ago, I was entrusted by a director of the Propaganda Department to send someone to burn down a shop in the middle of the night. A few years ago, when someone was unwilling to pay the sponsorship fee, I found out that this shop was one of them. After thinking about it before and after, I understood it!"

Hearing this, Fang Yufan said with a gloomy face: "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey"

After a moment of silence, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is the owner of that business still in Lianda?"

Shi Bao blushed and shook his head and replied: "After that happened, the boss and his family went back to their hometown. I will ask someone to bring them back later."

Fang Yufan, who nodded, looked at Shi Bao and frowned slightly and said, "Don't do such nonsense in the future! Is it good for people to be spurned behind their backs?"

"I will never do these things in the future!" Shi Bao said with shame on his face, "Since I was taught a lesson by you, my brother-in-law has reprimanded me several times. I also feel that I can't go on like this anymore!"

"It's good if you can figure it out!"

Sensing that Shi Bao really put on a new attitude, Fang Yufan patted him on the shoulder encouragingly and said something.

In the twilight atmosphere, the aroma of food faintly wafted to the surroundings along with the cool wind.

"Heh, what delicious food are you doing today!"

At the gate of the small courtyard of the old principal's house, old Professor Yang with white hair and childlike face stepped into the courtyard with empty hands.

While smelling the aroma of food floating in the air, the old man shouted into the room.

"You old bastard! You always come on time for lunch!" In the living room, the old headmaster's contemptuous laughter and cursing came out clearly.

The old professor quit after hearing the words!
I saw his tall old man trembling, and he walked into the living room aggressively.

While walking, the old professor retorted loudly: "You old guy! Who invited me here with an old face at the beginning? What did you say that as long as I come, I will pay him three meals a day from now on! The guy who crossed the river and demolished the bridge ! Didn’t I just come here for a couple of meals once in a while? You actually gave me a look!”

The old headmaster who was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the living room and playing walnuts with two papers in his hand, saw his old friend come in angrily, he got up from the sofa with enthusiasm and said with a smile: "You are serious!" Ah! Just kidding! Hehe, I can’t even welcome a leading figure in the academic world like you!”

"Don't give me your trick!"

The old professor leaned down and sat on the sofa, flirting with eyes.

Immediately, he twitched his nose and glanced at a corner of the living room.

After seeing Wan Litong sitting on a raised chair in an orderly manner at the dining table, the old professor whispered in surprise, "What happened to your little ancestor? He was never so honest in the past!"

At this moment, the little guy twisted his tender body and slapped the table with two small hands, shouting crisply into the kitchen: "Grandma, grandma, are you alright? My nannie's stomach is almost flattened by hunger!"

"Tong Tong, be good! It will be fine soon!"

In the kitchen, along with bursts of aroma, Mo Yuying's soothing voice sounded.

The old principal raised his eyebrows with a proud face and said softly: "Little Tongtong has a very good appetite these two days! But if you taste your old sister-in-law's cooking later, your appetite will also improve!"

"I've been eating it for decades, but I still don't know what kind of handicrafts Ms. Mo has?"

Professor Yang expressed great doubts about this.

Hearing this, the old headmaster twitched his brows and eyes, and when he exerted force with five fingers on his right hand, two good-looking Wenwan walnuts were spun by him with a loud "click".

The old professor's expression changed slightly and he turned to look at his old friend.

"Tell me, what's bothering you?"

The two have been together for so many years, how could he not know that his old friend only played with walnuts so frequently when he was in a bad mood?
Hearing this, the old headmaster sighed slightly and said, "You said some people's hearts are so dissatisfied!"

After pausing for a moment, the old headmaster continued with a ray of anger shining deep in his pupils: "I absolutely cannot tolerate some people ruining the school's reputation for their own benefit!"

"Look out!" The old professor reassured in a low tone, "The people of today cannot be compared with us at that time!"

"But why do some old comrades forget about these things that disturb the mood! Go, go and serve your old sister-in-law!"

After shaking his head, the old headmaster got up and stood up.

"Husband, you are back!"

Stepping into the twilight, Shi Bao opened the door of his own room located in the staff quarters of the United Nations University, and then walked in and closed the door behind his back amidst his daughter-in-law's yelling.

In the living room, Shi Bao's wife Du Lingling curled up on the sofa and watched TV with great interest.

"have you eaten?"

Looking at the snack packaging bags on the glass coffee table, Shi Bao frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Immediately, after glancing at his wife's body, which would definitely make his heart skip a beat on weekdays, he sat down on the sofa exhausted.

Du Lingling keenly sensed that her husband's mood was not right, so she twisted her waist and wrapped her arms around the thick neck of the stone leopard like a boneless snake.

Intentionally, Du Lingling pressed herself tightly on her husband's arm and said in a charming voice, "Husband, are you tired today?"

Smelling the fragrance of his wife's body, Shi Bao's heart warmed up, and then he stretched out his ape arms and embraced the plump and delicate body exuding an alluring aura in his arms, and sighed deeply.

Suddenly, Shi Bao fixed his eyes on his wife's earlobe and frowned and asked, "What's the matter with the earrings on your ears? Why haven't I seen you wearing them before?"

"Look at your virtue!" Du Lingling said with a wink and giggling, "I traded the earrings for Director Ma and his wife with the jade pendant you gave me! You don't know, it's This year's new jewelry! A pair costs [-]!"

Shi Leopard raised his eyebrows and scolded loudly: "You prodigal bitch, a pair of earrings worth only 30 yuan made you change out the pendant! Hmph, I'm so mad! You know that the pendant is worth How much is it? Damn, at least 30! Do you know, it’s [-] Huaxia coins!"

Du Lingling was dumbfounded when she heard this!
A small green stone is worth 30

At this moment, Du Lingling couldn't believe it, but the rest was completely occupied by regret, annoyance and heartache!
"Why am I so stupid! I exchanged something worth 30 yuan for a pair of earrings worth tens of thousands of yuan!" Du Lingling, whose delicate body trembled for a while, was full of remorse, "No, I'll go find that woman. We don't care about these earrings anymore!"

After saying this, she twisted her waist and tried to break free from her husband's arms.

"Don't move around like that!" Shi Bao, who was holding his wife tightly with both arms, scolded angrily, "Go get it now? It's too late! With Ma Tiankui's greedy temperament, it's true that you can get things back from the sun." The west side is out!"

"He dares!" Du Lingling frowned and yelled softly, "If I really don't give it, I will reveal all his corruption!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Bao raised his hand and slapped Du Lingling's fat buttocks and said, "No way! It won't do you any good! Well, let me think about it. Isn't the old Geng in your logistics department about to retire? I'll go find him tomorrow Ma Tiankui, ask him to give you the position of Lao Geng. Damn it, you hacked us for 10,000+, so it’s time to change back to a section chief!”

"Husband, you are awesome!"

After Du Lingling listened to Shi Bao's words, she smiled happily and pressed her plump red lips to his face.

Shi Bao squinted his eyes half-closed to enjoy his wife's kiss, but he boasted nonchalantly, "You don't even look at who your husband is! Hmph, since you've gained something, you should be ready to pay, right?"


After saying this, Shi Leopard with a serious expression on his face straightened his waist and muttered to himself: If you gain something, you should pay it.So if there is a contribution, wouldn't it also mean a harvest?

Shi Bao, who promised Fang Yufan to do things before, just did it with a mentality of completing a task, but at this moment, he suddenly figured it out!

If we try our best to make this matter beautiful, wouldn't it leave a very good impression on Fang Yufan's heart?
And if it leaves a good impression on the heart of a person who casually gives away something worth 200 million, will the future harvest be less?
Thinking of this, Shi Bao couldn't sit still.

"Hey, what time is this? Why are you going out?"

Du Lingling looked dissatisfiedly at her husband who got up and walked towards the door and cried out tenderly.

"I have something to go to my brother-in-law, you wait for me at home obediently!"

After unscrewing the door and explaining, Shi Bao lifted his foot and stepped out.


Du Lingling twisted her delicate body and let out a reproach.

(End of this chapter)

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