Earth Cultivator

Chapter 32 Meeting Xinyi Again

Chapter 32 Meeting Xinyi Again

"Boss, if there is nothing else, I will go out first. The doctor told you to rest more." I don't know why, seeing the slightest smile on Fang Yufan's face, Liao Kai's whole body trembled. His hair stood on end, and he still remembered that two days ago in the bathroom, it was because of his weird little face, which was the same as now, that created a shockingly popular video on the website of Southwest Associated University!

"Go, go." Waving his hand, Fang Yufan closed his eyes.

After a while, the ward quickly returned to calm.

Fang Yufan, who closed his eyes and looked inside, gradually felt a bit of joy in his heart.

Inside the meridian, gusts of turbulent internal air flow were surging like a river in the flood season, and a faint white light came out from the inner wall of the meridian, reflecting his meridian as brightly as an electrified incandescent lamp!

In the Purple Mansion, a bit of spiritual light has inflated more than ten times, and it can already be called a spirit ball; in the deepest part of the Purple Mansion, a perfectly round orb with a shining blue light on its surface is fading in and out of existence in the dark void from time to time!
A touch of touch that pierced the heart of Fang Yufan suddenly surfaced in Fang Yufan's heart!The spirit void period has arrived!

From this moment on, a magical and mysterious picture scroll of the human body world has gradually unfolded to him!The eight extraordinary meridians, the limbs and bones, and even the skin and hair tips, under Fang Yufan's inner vision at this moment, are as clear as looking at flowers in a mirror!

A burst of jubilant energy gradually escaped from the inside of Fang Yufan's body as he exhaled and breathed in. On the surface of the skin invisible to ordinary people, countless pores are slowly opening, and the silk ribbons have a faint The mist of turbid air slowly released from the open air hole.

Suddenly, Fang Yufan frowned.Then the next second, he reluctantly withdrew from the breathing process.

Cultivators in the spirit-deficiency stage have initially opened up the bridge between the body surface and the heaven and earth. If they are in the realm of comprehension that is rich in spiritual energy, the practitioners at this stage can freely let go of the old and take in the new through the air holes anytime and anywhere.The efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy is several times higher than that of the consecration stage.

However, at present, it is an era of lack of spiritual energy. Let alone absorbing spiritual energy, if you dare to open your air holes during cultivation, I am afraid that not only the internal energy that has been accumulated in your body with great difficulty will escape, but it will also be blown away by the turbid energy of the world. Even if it infects the body!And this is the origin of the Dharma-ending Age!

Frowning to push out a trace of turbid air that invaded his body, Fang Yufan shook his head lightly, then got up and got off the hospital bed.

Looking at the mobile phone on the bedside table, Fang Yufan slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Hey, Liao Kai, quickly bring me that black stone statue. What stone statue? Didn't you see it? It's the black stone statue that I dropped on the bed before I fell into a coma! I found it! Okay, if you find it, bring it to me quickly !” Putting down the phone, Fang Yufan couldn't help but let out a long breath.

This is a treasure!Throwing the phone on the bed, Fang Yufan walked to the window and thought to himself.

Reaching out to lift the curtains, a bright light suddenly shot into his eyes.Squinting his eyes slightly, Fang Yufan lowered his head slightly and looked at the scenery outside the window.Actually there is nothing to see.At this time, the ward where Fang Yufan was staying was on the second floor of the school hospital. The place facing the window was a rectangular concrete dam across a spacious road. If anyone wanted to enter the school hospital, he must It passed under Fang Yufan's feet through the dam.

After still not seeing Liao Kai's figure, Fang Yufan was about to turn around and walk away.However, just turning half his body, his movements stopped abruptly.

Under Fang Yufan's stiff eyes, a mournful figure walked slowly across the ground and into the school hospital with the support of a short girl beside him.

"What's wrong with her?" The paleness of that slapped little face was still replaying in Fang Yufan's mind, and a bit of heartache gradually emerged in Fang Yufan's heart.

After a long time, Fang Yufan waved his hand, leaving a series of slight popping sounds in the air, and walked out with strides.

"Stand at attention, take a break! Stand at attention, disband!" Under a series of instructions, a group of freshmen who were accustomed to military training life scattered away in a densely tree-shaded open space.

"Hey, this instructor is good! Let us rest for a few minutes after training, much better than that black-faced instructor!" Several boys gathered together and chatted while drinking mineral water.

"What are you talking about? Why did you replace the black-faced instructor in the blink of an eye?" A tall boy was puzzled.A man with glasses next to him helped the frame and guessed, "Do you think it's because of the fight with Fang Yufan that day?"

After all the boys looked at each other for a while, one of the short boys said in admiration: "It's probably right! Not to mention, this Fang Yufan is really a bit awesome! After giving the instructor a slap in the face, he didn't even talk about it. I won't participate in the military training either! Niu!"

"Hey, look, there are two beauties over there looking at us!" The boy who was facing a tree-lined path suddenly had his eyes lit up and whispered.

"Where is there?" All the boys immediately looked in the direction of the boy's line of sight with green eyes.

"Hiss, the top-quality twin beauties!" A boy shouted with a bewildered look on his face, drooling from the corner of his mouth.

A moment later, perhaps out of fear of the scorching stares of the boys, the two pretty girls with identical faces twisted away with disappointment on their faces.

Standing outside a hospital bed, Fang Yufan looked hesitant.Fortunately, not long after, a conversation from the hospital bed helped him make up his mind to push the door open.

At this time, the room with eight beds was already full of military training students in camouflage uniforms with ruddy or pale faces.Stepping into the room, Fang Yufan took a quick glance and found that among the eight freshmen, there were actually five boys lying on the bed weakly taking IV drips!

Near the door, two petite figures turned their backs to Fang Yufan, and one of them was a short girl who was trying to persuade a boy on a hospital bed to vacate the bed.

It's a pity that ever since the boy closed his eyes as soon as he saw the door being pushed open, and moaned from time to time, he basically didn't respond to the short girl's request.And the students on the other seven beds either closed their eyes to rest or closed their eyes to sleep, and none of them paid attention to anyone!
Shaking his head, Fang Yufan took a step forward and said softly, "It's useless to say more, come with me, there is a room upstairs."

The figure supported by the short girl trembled suddenly, then she turned her head slowly, and then a small pale face with a bit of elegance came into Fang Yufan's eyes.

With a smile on his face, Fang Yufan said: "Let's go, I will take you to the ward first, and then I will find the doctor to show you." After that, he turned around and opened the door and walked out first.

"Do you know that person?" The short girl turned around and asked softly in Wang Xinyi's ear.Nodding her head, Wang Xinyi gave a weak "hmm".

So, the short girl slowly walked out of the ward with the help of Wang Xinyi with a complicated expression.At this time, the boy lying on the bed was staring at Wang Xinyi's figure with big eyes and disappeared outside the door.

If I had known it was a beautiful woman, I should have opened my eyes to see it!If I saw a beautiful woman, how could I not let her go!In that case, it is possible that something exciting will happen between the two of us!The boy sighed with regret all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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