Earth Cultivator

Chapter 45 I look up to you

Chapter 45 I look up to you
"This classmate?" Long Tian stared at Fang Yufan worriedly and said in a deep voice.The third young master of the Long family has never been so ignored before!

Glancing at the person in front of him, Fang Yufan felt a sense of boredom in his heart.But this is not his territory after all, and he doesn't have the right to drive people out.Well, it's better to be out of sight and out of mind.

"I'll go out for a while." After greeting Liao Kai, Fang Yufan walked directly towards the door.The jade crystals placed on the floor in the room had long been put into the storage space by him before he came out. As for the spirit-contracting formations painted on the wall, Fang Yufan didn't believe the two of them. You will see one, two, three.

When Fang Yufan barely walked two meters away from Longtian, a flash of light flashed from the latter's slightly squinted eyes.

"Student, let's compete!" As soon as the words fell, Long Tian's body paused suddenly, and then, under the blowing of a circle of light wind, he clasped his hands towards Fang Yufan's back like claws.

Yunlong's claws!The third form of Dragon Claw Kung Fu, one of the three great moves of the Long family, can be practiced to the extreme depths, and steel can also be buckled!

The strong claw wind hit Fang Yufan's big hole on the vest with a "chi chi" sound, and when he was about to scratch his clothes, he twisted his feet and slanted his body to avoid it.

Hmph, want to hide?Can you hide!Long Tian, ​​who has been immersed in dragon claw skills for nearly ten years, is extremely confident in his kung fu. Amidst the sound of "Chi Chi", a pair of sharp claws that could easily tear apart steel pursued persistently.

It's just life and death!Seeing Long Tianchao doing it himself, Fang Yufan felt a little funny while being angry.Did he think he could take it for granted if he found an excuse to compete!Besides, sparring will kill people!

There was another flash under his feet, Fang Yufan said to himself while dodging Longtian's two claws again.

However, this person's kung fu is really good. Although the internal qi in the meridians is weak, the efficiency is very high. Some of the energy movement skills are also quite valuable in my opinion.Dodging the three claws again, and after admiring in his heart, Fang Yufan restrained his mind and found a ray of true knowledge from the sea of ​​knowledge.

As soon as the true knowledge appeared outside, it turned into a fishnet-like thing following Fang Yufan's thoughts.Of course, he didn't plan to use this to catch Long Tian, ​​and it's impossible to do that with the current strength of true knowledge.

Driven by Fang Yufan, the Real Knowledge Network swayed and shrouded Long Tian, ​​and in the next second, the routes of inner qi running in the meridians in Long Tian's body, how the inner qi superimposed and entangled in certain acupuncture points , are all clear in Fang Yufan's perception.

Yes, what Fang Yufan is doing now is plagiarizing other people's martial arts ideas.But thinking that he is a majestic cultivator, and he actually intends to steal the inner strength of a martial artist. If the ancestors of the real family knew about it, they might have to let down the thunder and strike him down!But Fang Yufan didn't take it seriously: buddy, if I plagiarize your internal skills, I think highly of you!It's not a cat or a dog's three tricks or two styles that are worth my trouble to plagiarize!

Most of the great sects of cultivation, especially those with a long history, often teach their beginners to refine qi first, then refine qi, and then still refine qi!Qi is the foundation of everything, Qi conceives the spirit, if the Qi is sufficient, the body will be fine, and if the Qi is weak, the spirit will be weak.It can be said that qi refining is the mainstream in the cultivation world.

It's just that in the late period of the era of cultivation, the aura of heaven and earth gradually decreased, and the practitioners who used refining qi as their main method of cultivation found that it was difficult to have enough vitality to conceive the primordial spirit and thus become immortals.So many cultivators at that time changed their methods one after another. Instead of blindly refining Qi to conceive the primordial spirit, they used spiritual energy to temper their physical bodies in order to obtain the immortality of the primordial spirit.Such a cultivator has a special title: Body Cultivator!
In the world of self-cultivation at that time, physical cultivation had been prosperous for a period of time.

However, at the end of the cultivation world, the aura of heaven and earth dissipated. Not to mention the qi practitioners who used qi to conceive the gods, even the physical practitioners who used qi to nourish their bodies lost their orthodoxy, and gradually disappeared in the long river of time!

In the world of comprehension at that time, apart from some qi practitioners continuing the orthodoxy in the Paradise of Paradise that survived from the age of mythology, there were hardly any legends about immortals in the world!

Fang Yufan, who was churning with inexplicable sighs in his mind, had already avoided Longtian's seemingly endless claw shadows in the not-so-spacious living room, and he also stole, uh, watched seven times of the method of luck. Seven or eight.In Fang Yufan's view, these modern martial arts techniques have a lot to do with the physical cultivation in the realm of comprehension.

And the reason why Fang Yufan planned to plagiarize other people's method on the spur of the moment is precisely because he inherited the inheritance of the Zhenyi sect.The Zhenyi Sect is an orthodox ancient sect that respects Qi and the God as the mainstream. Its history can be traced back to 8000 years ago when the first generation of patriarchs entered the Dongtian blessed land, Baoxian Jiushitian, and established the Zhenyi Sect.

If Fang Yufan was a disciple of the Zhenyi Sect's spiritual void period more than 1000 years ago, most of the time he may still absorb spiritual energy every day to transform it into vitality, so as to lay a solid foundation for the pregnant god.Kill demons and eliminate demons?Destroy the enemy with the sword?Fighting with talismans?The plots that appear in these novels are beyond even thinking about!For these things, unless you have reached at least the final stage of bigu, you should just stay at the mountain gate and breathe out your spiritual energy every day and night.

However, Fang Yufan is not the kind of traditional cultivator who sticks to the ancients. In the initial stage of cultivation, if there is a good way to enhance his own strength, he will not refuse to use it.Besides, the contemporary era is an era that advocates science. When you want to teach some people, you can't throw a flying sword and cut off their heads, or throw a five-element talisman to create a scene full of sound, light, and color. Good, let people look like a scene in a movie!

Therefore, since I met a guy who rushed to let me steal my teacher today, Fang Yufan has no reason to be polite!

Damn guy, how slippery as a loach!Long Tian, ​​whose energy in his meridians surged rapidly, looked depressedly at the guy slipping around under his claws, and was speechless for a while.

Finally, after another thirteen claws were struck, Long Tian, ​​who realized that this person's movement had restrained his own claw skills, closed his eyes, scattered his claws into palms, and the flow of Qi in his body changed a little bit.

Cloud palm is also one of the three great skills of the Long family. This kind of palm technique not only has great potential, but also sends out a trace of entanglement towards the opponent when it is running.The power is not great, when a young man like Long Tian who has 20 years of internal qi cultivation can easily control a boulder weighing a hundred catties between the palms and move it freely.

Huh?Changed again!Fang Yufan's face turned serious with a flash of joy in the corner of his eyes, and his eyes were slightly closed in the wind that was gradually blowing.

Ah, seeing Fang Yufan's behavior like this, Long Tian almost went crazy!When did someone dare to close their eyes so arrogantly when fighting against themselves!No! !Even those uncles and elders who have entered the house with their cultivation base dare not

The stimulated Long Tiannu opened his eyes, and between his palms, faint white auras flickered on his skin!

Immediately, in the small living room, strong palm winds blew, and some smaller objects swayed left and right under the pull of an invisible force.

Amidst the debris flying around, Liao Kai and Gu Zhengkai, who were standing on the sidelines watching the battle, could not help but clung to the corner of the wall. Both of their faces were full of horror and a bit of disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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