Chapter 99
It was raining, and there was a fog between the sky and the earth.

Fang Yufan stood under the eaves in front of the courtyard and quietly watched the first rain since entering the United Nations University.

It's raining hard!Countless raindrops fell rapidly from high altitude and fell on the ground, breaking into countless petals with a "pop"; There are countless small pits.

In the small peach orchard, a burst of water vapor gradually dissipated.On a small soil slope covered with green turf, clear streams of water slid down rapidly, and then poured into the pond one after another after flowing through the gravel path and the forest glade.

Suddenly there was a sound of opening the door in the courtyard, and immediately, Liao Kai's slightly confused voice rang out: "Hey, when did it rain so much?"

Turning around, looking at Liao Kai who was simply wearing a loose shirt, Fang Yufan raised his voice and said, "You have the nerve to say so! I've been asleep for two hours! Don't worry about waking up and it's been a hundred years. ?”

Liao Kai stood under the eaves and rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, just say that I sleep like a pig!" Fang Yufan shook his head: "Pigs can still provide meat for the society, what about you?"

Liao Kai was speechless, and then touched his belly and said bitterly: "Boss, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry!" "It's in the refrigerator." After glaring at Liao Kai angrily, Fang Yufan said in a low voice replied.

"Long live the boss!" Liao Kai heard the words, turned around and ran towards the kitchen. "Food!" After cursing with a smile, Fang Yufan turned and looked outside the courtyard again.However, not long after, a mobile phone rang suddenly from his pocket.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Fang Yufan asked after taking out his phone and seeing that it was Xiao Jian calling.

"It's really bad luck!" Xiao Jian's muffled voice came from the other end of the phone, "If it rains like this again, tonight's game will definitely not be held as scheduled!"

"So?" Fang Yufan asked with raised eyebrows.On the other end of the phone:
After a while, "I feel more and more depressing talking to you!" Xiao Jian said rather dissatisfied, "So, if the rain doesn't stop, we won't be able to play the game at night, we won't be able to play the game! Isn't this very painful?"

"It hurts to hear you talk!" Fang Yufan said with pouted lips, "It's going to rain today, and there's a reason for it to rain. Even if we can't compete tonight, we can do it tomorrow! Anyway, it's not just us The game cannot be held, and so will the other teams!"

"Not necessarily!" Xiao Jian said on the phone, "The United Nations University has an indoor basketball court, and the exhibition game the day after tomorrow will be held in it. Tsk tsk, I heard that the facilities inside are all built according to the standards of international basketball courts. If I can play a game of basketball in it, I would also like to be a bachelor for three years!"

"Tch, you are a bachelor now!" Fang Yufan said with a look of disdain.

"I won't talk nonsense with you." Xiao Jian guessed that he was really depressed on the other end of the phone: Why did he call this kid when he was fine?Didn't you deliberately find trouble?

Hearing that Xiao Jian hung up the phone, Fang Yufan smiled faintly.Looking up at the layers of dark clouds floating high in the sky, he almost said to himself: "The clouds are thick but not gathered, with blue in the black. The rain is about to stop."

At 05:30 in the afternoon, the heavy rain that had been raining for nearly two hours really gradually became lighter.At two minutes after six o'clock, the dark clouds in the sky completely dissipated, and a big red fireball appeared in the sky.

A large gust of fresh air wandered around the school, luring students one by one to run out from various buildings.

At 06:30 in the evening, the basketball game was postponed for half an hour and then resumed.

"We are number one!" Xiao Jian roared with a majestic and high-spirited face. "We are number one!" Gu Jianjun and the others hesitated for a moment, then shouted while pulling their necks. "I'm sick!" Fang Yufan muttered softly.

The whistle of "must" sounded, and the game began.

Fang Yufan looked intently at the team from the Department of Agriculture. Three of them were over 1 meters tall, and the remaining two were about 8 meters tall, which was 1 centimeters taller than the average height of their team members. .And judging by the demeanor of these people, it is obvious that they are some masters who often hang out on the court, otherwise they would not have fought out from the Department of Agriculture, which is much better than the Department of Horticulture.

Well, this time you should release [-]% of your strength.Fang Yufan grumbled inwardly.

With the failure of the horticulture department's jump ball, the basketball was taken into the hands of a 1-meter-tall male player from the opposing team.Judging from his stability when dribbling, he should be a good point guard.

The first confrontation between the two sides, the Department of Agronomy deliberately slowed down the pace of attack.But there is only so much time in total, and soon, the inch-fat man dribbled the ball past the midfield.

After waving his hand to signal his teammates to keep an eye on the other players, Fang Yufan took two steps to the left to block the inch-haired man's forward direction.

Should he let him go to paralyze the opponent or steal the ball directly to get rid of him?Fang Yufan thought to himself.Immediately, he laughed at himself again: there's no need to think so much, are these people worth their own tricks?Just steal the ball!
After thinking about it, Fang Yufan lowered his body slightly and looked at the inch-haired man who was gradually approaching him.

Defeat the Department of Agriculture and get the first place in the academy?Fang Yufan pulled a lazy smile from the corner of his mouth.

No pressure!If it wasn't for the purpose of helping Liao, and teaching Gu Bo, who despises the little fat guy on the sidelines of the court, he would never have chosen to use such a method.But since that guy called Gu Bo thinks he is a good basketball player, then I won't use other means to deal with him.

Don't you think you are strong on the basketball court?Then I will play until you feel pain when you see basketball!Fang Yufan, who flashed a faint evil smile on his cheek, took the initiative to meet the inch-haired man while tossing such thoughts in his mind.

With extremely keen eyesight and super fast reaction speed, Fang Yufan easily took the ball out of Cunfa Nan's hand.

"Back to defense!" The inch-haired man lost his eyeball, his face changed, but he quickly shouted to his teammates behind him.

"Papa papa!" After shooting the basketball three times in a row, Fang Yufan had already passed the midfield. He looked up and saw that Xiao Jian was blocked by the two and Gu Jianjun was standing outside the three-point line. With a wave, the basketball brought out a gust of wind and flew straight towards the latter.

The basketball pierced through the space and arrived at the most suitable position for Gu Jianjun to shoot with exceptional precision.And he didn't waste the ball, he took the basketball very comfortably, stretched his arms and threw it out lightly, with a soft "swish", the basketball went into the basket.

"Must!", the horticulture department's goal is valid, three points!

"Yeah! Department of Horticulture, come on! Department of Horticulture, we must win!" A burst of neat cheers rang out outside the venue as the whistle ended.

In the following time, under Fang Yufan's precise missile-like pass, Xiao Jian and Gu Jianjun continuously bombarded the basket of the Department of Agriculture like an armored vehicle full of ammunition.

However, the players in the Department of Agriculture are not vegetarians either. In terms of defense, they took advantage of their height to destroy goals that should have been scored several times in succession.On the offensive end, through the command of the inch-haired man, they also threatened the rim of the Horticulture Department countless times.

However, under Fang Yufan's guard, the height advantage of the agronomy players disappeared.If you dare to break into the inside line with the ball and score a layup, okay, then wait for the hot pot!

After doing this a few times, the players in the Department of Agriculture have also learned to be good. If you are strong inside, we will only play outside!If you pass the ball accurately, we will defend desperately!
So you come and I go down, but the score also rises alternately.

When it was only 1 minute before the end of the game, the score between the two teams was 56 to 55. The horticulture department was one point behind, and the agronomy department held the ball.

Time is running out!Dribbling the ball across the midfield, the inch-haired man thought to himself while scanning the positions of his teammates.As long as this goal is scored, we will win!
Time should be enough.Fang Yufan stood near the penalty area and stared at the basketball in the hands of the inch-haired man.This guy, won't he bypass his defensive area like before, will he?Thinking of this, Fang Yufan slowly took two steps forward.

Seeing that Fang Yufan was already very close to him, the inch-haired man, who had been hit many times by his abnormal stealing ability and amazing jumping ability, suddenly tightened his nerves. Before he could get closer, the inch-haired man shook his wrist , The basketball flew out.

Hehe, do you think I can't break it like this?Fang Yufan, whose eyes burst out with bright lights, moved to the path of the basketball like lightning with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and before the inch-haired man could react, his legs tensed, and he passed him in a flash.

"Defend!" After roaring hoarsely, the inch-haired man buried his head and followed Fang Yufan in pursuit.

Outside the arena, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheering and "wow".From the perspective of standing outside the court, the ball seemed to be deliberately passed to Fang Yufan by the inch-haired man.

Fang Yufan, who crossed the midfield with the ball, ignored the inch-haired man chasing aggressively behind him, and deliberately slowed down.

Fang Yufan, who had suppressed his own strength to the extreme, was tired of this state, so he decided that this was the last attack after seeing the referee constantly looking at his watch out of the corner of his eye.Yigao is bold, and he plans to just score another goal before the end of the game.

Panting heavily, the inch-haired man stood in front of Fang Yufan, his eyes radiating scorching light fixed on the constantly beating basketball.Humph, no time!As long as I guard you with this ball, we win!The inch-haired man waved his arms again and again with a faint smile across the corner of his eyes and thought to himself.

While protecting the basketball with his body, Fang Yufan gradually approached the penalty area.

"Fang Yufan, time is running out! Hurry up and pass the ball!" Xiao Jian yelled out his head from the pile of arms.

Fang Yufan rolled his eyes when he heard that.Pass?You are so covered that you can't even see it, do you still want to catch the ball and score a layup?
Taking a deep breath, Fang Yufan suddenly took half a step diagonally to the right, and at the same time his left shoulder shook slightly.

Chance!A bright light burst out from the pupils of the inch-haired man, and then he quickly stretched out his right hand like a conditioned reflex and patted the basketball that seemed to have paused slightly.

With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, Fang Yufan withdrew his right foot, and then his body swayed suddenly. After evading the defense of the inch-haired man, he leaned back slightly, stretched his arms, and the basketball quickly spun towards The hoop flew by.

While everyone was looking up, the ball scored!

With the sound of the whistle, not only a group of people outside the field cheered, but also the other members of the horticulture department on the field were excited.On the contrary, after Fang Yufan made a three-pointer that was comparable to a lore, he slowly retreated towards his backcourt.

If the opponent seizes the opportunity of his slack and pours a goal, then all his plans will be in vain!Fang Yufan said to himself.

But Fang Yufan obviously overestimated the mentality of these players from the Agricultural Department.

Following the sound of the whistle, including the one-inch-haired man who had always performed well in the game, he had a disheartened and hopeless expression on his face.As long as the referee's final whistle does not sound, the game is not over?Come on, that's the professional basketball league, and now it's just an ordinary game for ordinary college students to participate in!

A few seconds later, the referee puffed up his cheeks and blew the whistle for the end of the game.

"Yeah, we won!" Outside the arena, the students in the first gardening class cheered happily.

"We are the champions!" On the field, the members of the horticultural class [-] shouted excitedly.

Cut, it's just No.1 in the freshman group of the College of Agriculture and Forestry.As for?Fang Yufan thought indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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