Chapter 668 Who is Tang Qian?

After working overtime until late at night, it was past nine o'clock in the evening when Qiao Li left the Yan Ting Group building.

Qiao Li didn't drive home directly, but drove to Tang Qian's house first.

It was the nanny who opened the door, and she was a little surprised to see that it was Qiao Li. She thought to herself, why did she come back after serving this young lady just now?

But the nanny still greeted politely, "Miss Qiao is here!"

Qiao Li glanced winkingly at the entrance and saw a pair of men's brown leather shoes lying on the door, so she asked, "Mr. Tang is at home?"

"That's right! Mr. Tang just entered the room. Does Miss Qiao have anything to do with Mr.?" asked the nanny.

Qiao Li raised her hand arrogantly, and then entered the room on her own initiative, "I forgot something here earlier, I just took it and left, don't bother Mr. Tang!"

As Qiao Li said, she changed her shoes on her own, and went straight upstairs with a pair of slippers.

Walking to the door of the room, Qiao Li was about to open the door and go in, when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she felt a ray of light coming from the dark corridor, a door was ajar, and the light was projected from the room onto the floor of the corridor.

Tang Qian's voice was faintly heard in the room. He seemed to be on the phone with someone. The corridor was very quiet. Qiao Li pressed her hand on the doorknob and relaxed. absorb.

"The girl who drugged Master Yichen in Mauritius before, this time it was considered a crime. She came up with a good idea, which should have caused a big blow to the Gong family. Gong Zhengyu can hardly escape the blame..." Then, Tang Qian told the people on the phone about Qiao Li's plan in detail.

Qiao Li didn't seem to be interested in the following content. What she was interested in was the phrase "Master Yichen" that Tang Qian said. Such a title showed that Tang Qian respected Gong Yichen very much, which made Qiao Li feel Accident.

Tang Qian is said to be a member of the Yan Ting Group, and he is not incompatible with the Gong family, but from her past interactions with Tang Qian, Qiao Li can't feel at all that Tang Qian has any affection for the Gong family. Tang Qian deliberately used her attitude towards Nanxi and Gong Zhengyu, which was enough to show.

But why did Tang Qian only use honorifics to Gong Yichen?Qiao Li couldn't figure it out.

The call is still going on.

Tang Qian continued: "Mr. Yan is somewhat young and vigorous. He wants to prove himself too much, but the more he is like this, the easier it is to be passive and make mistakes. This time, he was careless... "

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan, I will always pay attention to his movements and watch him silently. If there is anything, I will report to you in time..."

"I'll be careful. So far, Mr. Yan trusts me a lot. He doesn't doubt me..."

Hearing this, Qiao Li couldn't help opening her mouth in shock, and gasped for air. She couldn't help covering her mouth and holding her breath, not letting herself make any movement.

Judging from Tang Qian's tone, he seemed to be a person arranged beside Yan Yunfeng, a spy!

Commercial espionage?This word suddenly popped up in Qiao Li's mind.

In an instant of reaction, Qiao Li seemed to feel that her chance had come. If she told Yan Yunfeng that Tang Qian was an undercover agent, wouldn't she be able to make a great contribution?

evidence!Be sure to leave evidence!Qiao Li took out her mobile phone and wanted to record Tang Qian's call, but at this moment, Tang Qian hung up the phone. There were footsteps in the room, and Tang Qian seemed to be walking towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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