Chapter 672 The sky is high and the emperor is far away!
Gong Zhengyu pushed the door open, and the secretary immediately stood up to greet him. Just as he was about to say hello, Gong Zhengyu put his index finger on his lips, signaling the secretary not to speak.

Nan Xi stood at the door and took a breath, she didn't know what Gong Zhengyu was going to do.

Gong Zhengyu went straight to the secretary's desk, and glanced at the inner room, the door of Gong Yichen's office.

"Where's the key?" Gong Zhengyu asked.

The secretary rummaged through the drawer, took out a bunch of keys, found the corresponding one, and handed both hands to Gong Zhengyu.

Gong Zhengyu took the key, strode towards Gong Yichen's office, put the key deep into the keyhole, and locked the door. Once locked from the outside, it would be impossible to open the door from the inside.

Gong Yichen, who was about to go out after get off work, heard the movement in the keyhole, and immediately walked to the door, broke the doorknob, and realized that the door was locked.

"Yu Heng! I'm still inside! Open the door for me!" Gong Yichen roared angrily.

According to the rules, the secretary will lock the door of the office before leaving get off work, but in the past, before Yu Heng locked the door, he would come in and inspect it to make sure everything was safe before locking the door. Yi Chen lost his temper.

Secretary Yu Heng stood outside trembling. Mr. Gong wanted to lock up his eldest nephew. What does this have to do with him?

There was no movement outside the door, Gong Yichen was anxious, "Are you deaf, Yu Heng? Believe it or not, I will fire you!"

"After finishing the report, I'll let you out." Gong Zhengyu's voice came, it was obviously very deep, but it had enough strength to penetrate the door.

"Little... small... little uncle..." Gong Yichen felt that a pot of cold water had been poured on him, that while his anger was being extinguished, his spirit was also extinguished.

Besides, he is not lazy, not everyone can work like a superman like Gong Zhengyu and can produce a report every minute, okay?He just wanted to delay it for a day and give it to him tomorrow. Is the little uncle so cruel?Still want to lock him in the office so perverted?
Gong Zhengyu was just about to turn around and leave when Gong Yichen's wailing came from the door, "Little uncle, can I go home and write? I have to go back to change Little Sponge's diaper, I have to go for a walk and laugh, I still I want to beat Luo Luo's leg..."

Gong Zhengyu ignored it.

There was no movement outside the door, Gong Yichen guessed that Gong Zhengyu had already left, he couldn't help roaring angrily, "Little aunt! You are too bad! How could you betray me!"

"Next time, if I find out, you ask her to lie for you, and I will lock you up for a week!" Gong Zhengyu said, and walked away.

Gong Yichen rolled his eyes towards the air, looking hopeless.

Walking up the elevator, Nan Xi pouted aggrievedly, worried that Gong Zhengyu would get angry, and shook his big hand with her small hand, acting coquettishly in a low voice.

"Husband, I was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm..." Nanxi blinked, as if she had done nothing wrong, but felt that Gong Yichen didn't want to delay him for a long time. Just now in her office, Gong Yichen said that he would be able to do it the next day Hand in the report.

"The sky is high and the emperor is far away. No one is watching. He doesn't know what self-discipline is. You are not helping him, you are harming him." Gong Zhengyu answered for her.

Speaking of which, during this time in Huasheng, Nanxi did not put much pressure on Gong Yichen. She understood Gong Yichen's character. He was the only one who could restrain him, so Gong Yichen always regarded Gong Zhengyu as his nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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