Chapter 699 Going Home?

"How is Xiaoxiao now? Does she need to be sent to the hospital? Where are you now? I'll come to you!" Nan Xi said a series of words. After all, Han Xiaoxiao was set up by someone because of her troubles, and she couldn't just ignore it.

"Just drank some sleeping pills, she is asleep now, you don't have to come out, I will take her home."

With Han Xiaoxiao by Qing Wei's side, Nan Xi was at ease.

"Where is her home?" Qing Wei continued to ask.

"2601, Building A, Shangjing Yipin." Nan Xi gave the address casually, it was Han Xiaoxiao's new home, and she had been there before.

Hanging up the phone, Qing Wei was stunned for a while. When he heard the words Shangjing Yipin, Qingwei's heart sank. He had moved to Shangjing Yipin for a while, but he didn't know that he and Han Xiaoxiao turned out to be a neighbor? !
"Mr. Qing, where are you going?" the driver asked breaking the silence.

"go home."

Hearing Qingwei's reply, the driver was stunned for a long time. The boss said on the phone that he would take Miss Han home. He just hung up the phone and turned around to take her to his home.

In other words, he has been with Qing Wei for a long time, and he knows that Qing Wei is not the kind of casual man, just like Qing Wei and Qiao Li have been dating for so long, every time he just sends Qiao Li downstairs. Never seen him go up.

But this time, the boss actually wants to bring the big star home, this... progress is too fast!
The driver couldn't calm down from the shock for a long time, stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the building, Han Xiaoxiao was already fast asleep.

The driver opened the car door and saw Han Xiaoxiao leaning on Qingwei's shoulder. Qingwei glanced down at her, knowing that she couldn't walk anymore in this state. The man turned her head slightly and got out of the car quickly. Before Han Xiaoxiao's head rested on it, the man quickly bent down and got into the car, and the moment Han Xiaoxiao's head rested on his shoulder, he carried her out of the car.

Looking at the back of Qing Wei holding Han Xiaoxiao and walking towards the elevator, the driver was absent-minded for a long time. This was the first time he saw President Qing bring a woman to his home. Did the boss really move this time? upset?
The driver laughed uncontrollably, saying that Huanxi's enemy is really true. When the boss saw Ms. Han's fierce face in the past, the boss probably didn't even think that one day he would fall on this woman, right?

After getting out of the elevator, Qing Wei hugged Han Xiaoxiao and went straight to the door of 2601. Seeing that it was a combination lock, Qing Wei frowned, so he could only put down Han Xiaoxiao, and knocked on the door, thinking that she is a star, and the family should There is a nanny or an assistant, but no one answers the door after knocking for a long time.

The man sighed, looked at Han Xiaoxiao who was paralyzed in his arms, then at the closed door, then picked her up again, and walked straight to 2602 beside her.

When Han Xiaoxiao woke up, it was already the next morning, the morning light was dazzling, she rubbed her eyes, and slowly opened her tired sleepy eyes.

What caught my eye was the unfamiliar ceiling and chandelier, and the memory of the previous night came back bit by bit. She drank the wine toasted by Mrs. Cheng, she fainted, and she fell into Mr. Chen's arms...

Thinking of this, Han Xiaoxiao jumped up from the bed in shock, everything around her was strange, strange room, strange layout, strange breath in the air, especially the black cicada quilt on her body, It made her chest feel oppressed.

She let out a cry, pulled back the quilt, and saw that the quilt was intact. She was still wearing the pale gold evening dress from the night before. Everything was in good condition. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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