Chapter 106 Shi Zhenxiang, Rival in Love? (For collection, for recommendation)
"What are you talking about?" Liu Ruyan gave Chen Dong a slight look when she heard Xiao Ling's words, and then reprimanded Xiao Lingjiao.

For Liu Ruyan's reprimand, Xiao Ling just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Liu Ruyan chatted with Chen Dong briefly, and then left with Xiao Ling. After all, she also had to greet other guests.

After Liu Ruyan and Xiao Ling left, Chen Dong immediately became the focus of everyone, and many people came towards Chen Dong, wanting to get close to Chen Dong, and at the same time want to find out about Chen Dong's background .

After several waves of people came over, Chen Dong was a little impatient, so he didn't bother to talk to them.

Everyone saw Chen Dong's attitude, and the rest of them wisely didn't bother Chen Dong anymore.

Chen Dong was impatient with these entertainments and didn't know how to deal with them.

On the other side, Liu Ruyan walked back and forth in the crowd, chatting with people from time to time, but she seemed to be able to handle it with ease. Almost all the guests were very satisfied, and their evaluation of Liu Ruyan was also very high in their hearts.

Another hour or so passed before finally no one came any more.

At this time, the entire Dynasty Family Theme Hotel was almost packed.

Although Liu Pingyue and his daughter had not been in Checheng City for a long time, the upper-level leaders of Checheng City knew what Liu Pingyue was doing in Checheng City.Not to mention the identities of Liu Pingyue's father and daughter Yanjing Liu family's direct descendants, just Liu Pingyue's identity alone is enough to attract the attention of the Checheng executives.

With Checheng's top leaders taking the lead, the leaders at all levels below, political dignitaries, and business elites naturally quickly followed suit.

That's why Liu Ruyan's birthday dinner had so many guests.

For this, Liu Ruyan was well prepared, so there was no fuss or disrespect from the beginning to the end.

Seeing that the guests were almost all here, Liu Ruyan was ready to start the dinner.

But at this time, someone proposed to give Liu Ruyan a birthday present.

In this case, Liu Ruyan would naturally not refuse.

With the first gift-giving comes the second, and then the third...

Gradually, the guests who came to the banquet began to give Liu Ruyan birthday gifts that they had prepared long ago.

Liu Ruyan was alone and couldn't accept the presents, so Xiao Ling stood up and volunteered to help.

Several other female friends of Liu Ruyan also stepped forward to help Liu Ruyan accept the gifts from everyone. Looking at the gifts, except for Xiao Ling, the other two girls were full of envy.

After a while, a lot of gifts were collected, and Liu Ruyan asked the bodyguards to deliver the gifts to the car.

But at this time, a group of people came again at the elevator entrance on the fifth floor of the Dynasty Theme Hotel.

The leader is a young man in his 20s. The young man has a crew cut, his eyebrows are like the edge of a sword, and a pair of eyes reveals a gleam from time to time. He has a high nose bridge and a tall and straight figure.A dark purple plaid shirt, a pair of black slacks, ordinary collocation, but it is hard to hide his eye-catching temperament.

Behind the young man, there are two young men in army green T-shirts. They also have capable crew cuts, and their faces are serious and resolute. At a glance, they can be seen as coming out of the army.

"Ruyan, I'm sorry, I'm late." The young man in a dark purple plaid shirt saw Liu Ruyan in the center of the banquet hall, his eyes lit up, he strode forward, and said to Liu Ruyan.

Hearing such an intimate address from the young man, Liu Ruyan frowned imperceptibly, then returned to normal, and responded with a slightly alienated smile, "Why is it so late, I was planning to announce the start of the banquet , you came just in time."

"Haha, really? It seems that we really have a good heart." Hearing this, the young man laughed loudly, and then said.

"Hey, Shi Zhenxiang, why are you so thick-skinned and have a good heart? I feel disgusted." Seeing the appearance of the young man, Xiao Ling couldn't help jumping out and said, "Do you think anyone doesn't know you? Yes, every time you attend a party or something, you are the last one on purpose. You think you have a different identity, and you want to make an appearance at the finale. I don't want you to call her so intimate, so don't come here to disgust Sister Liu."

It turned out that this young man's name was very strange, Shi Zhenxiang.Shi Zhenxiang's father, Shi Yun, is the commander of the Checheng Military Division and No. 1 in the entire military division. In terms of military rank, he is the same as Liu Ruyan's father, Liu Pingyue, as a major general, but in terms of position, he is even higher than Liu Pingyue. It's one level higher.

Liu Pingyue went to the Checheng Military Division to secretly develop the Weilong Branch. Naturally, he also had to deal with the commander of the Checheng Military Division. After a few times, Shi Yun and Liu Pingyue were quite familiar.

And Shi Zhenxiang also got to know Liu Ruyan through his father's relationship.

After seeing Liu Ruyan, Shi Zhenxiang was astonished. He always wanted to get close to Liu Ruyan. Not long ago, he even planned to join Weilong with the help of his father. At that time, he would become Liu Pingyue. The soldiers under him will naturally get closer to Liu Ruyan.

It's a pity that although Shi Zhenxiang thought well, Liu Ruyan didn't pay him much attention at all, but Shi Zhenxiang didn't notice it, or pretended not to notice it.

However, Xiao Ling's direct words made Shi Zhenxiang's complexion a little ugly.

Although Shi Zhenxiang knew that Xiao Ling was the daughter of the Xiao family in Yanjing, but Shi Zhenxiang was not afraid of her.For one thing, Shi Zhenxiang's father, Shi Yun, was the commander of the Checheng Military Division, so he was no longer a small person.On the other hand, Shi Zhenxiang's mother is from the Ye family in Yanjing, and with the Ye family in Yanjing as his backer, he has no fear in facing the Liu family where Liu Ruyan is, or the Xiao family where Xiao Ling is. color.

"Xiao Ling, this is not Yanjing. When you talk and do things, it's better to stay on the front line." Shi Zhenxiang heard Xiao Ling's words, glanced at her indifferently, and then responded coldly.

"What? You're scaring me!" Hearing this, Xiao Ling immediately looked scared, stepped back a few steps, deliberately approached Chen Dong, and then said, "I tell you, I'm here Checheng also has a backer, that is my master, I am not afraid of you."

"Your master?" Shi Zhenxiang twitched his eyebrows when he heard the words, then looked at Chen Dong, with anger in his eyes, and asked in a cold tone, "Are you called Chen Dong?"

"It's me, what's the matter?" Chen Dong raised his head slightly, took a sip of his drink, then looked at Shi Zhenxiang lightly and asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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