Chapter 313 Amethyst Yuanying Fruit
Among the people in Luoye Town who were watching, only when Mu Qianqian angrily revealed Gu Qingfeng's identity, a few stunned young people scolded traitors, but at other times, they were all arrogant and dare not Take a breath and quietly watch the development of the situation.

After Mu Qianqian and his party left, they were greatly relieved.

Before everyone recovered, Chen Dong winked at Mo Yiyang, but the two quietly followed in the direction Mu Qianqian left.

While walking, Chen Dong told Mo Yiyang the reason for following Mu Qianqian and the others.

It turns out that just before Chen Dongyou abolished Gu Qingfeng, you habitually read his memory, but you knew the purpose of Mu Qianqian's visit to Luoye Town this time.

It is said that in a mountain on the south side of Luoye Town, at the junction with Shenquan Gate, someone discovered the Purple Crystal Nascent Soul Fruit.

The Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit looks like a miniature baby in appearance, but it is somewhat similar to the Nascent Soul that was just formed by the monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit is restrained in medicinal power and will not leak any breath, but it is a very precious spiritual fruit of heaven and earth.Ripe Amethyst Yuanying Fruit will fall off automatically, and once it touches the ground, it will disappear automatically. However, the fruit tree that originally grew Amethyst Yuanying Fruit will also quietly shift its location. This is the case, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find Amethyst Yuanying. the existence of fruit.

For monks at the peak of the golden core stage and the monks at the Nascent Soul stage, the amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit is many times more precious than any other elixir!
Because an amethyst Yuanying fruit can guarantee that a monk who is at the peak of the golden core stage can break through to the early stage of the Yuanying stage [-]%.In addition, monks in the Nascent Soul stage can also break through a small realm by taking Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit.

However, every monk will have miraculous effects only when he takes the first amethyst Yuanying fruit.If you take the second pill, the potency will directly drop to [-]%!If you take the third pill, the potency will even drop to one percent of what it was when you took the first pill!After that, taking Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit would basically have no effect.

Even so, the Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit is very attractive to Chen Dong!
Even if there is only one piece, it is enough for Chen Dong to break through a realm. Now, in this small fairy world where everyone is enemy, every point of strength improvement is very important to Chen Dong.

Moreover, according to the information obtained from Gu Qingfeng's memory, there are nine amethyst Yuanying fruits growing on the tree of the amethyst Yuanying fruit that was discovered this time!
Gu Qingfeng came here this time because he heard the news about Zijing Yuanyingguo, but Gu Qingfeng didn't know the detailed address.Later, Gu Qingfeng heard that Mu Qianqian knew the detailed location of the Purple Crystal Nascent Soul Fruit Tree, coupled with the envy and hatred towards Mu Qianqian in his heart, it made him make up his mind to kill Mu Qianqian.

However, the result made Gu Qingfeng feel desperate!

Chen Dong has already thought about how to distribute the nine amethyst Yuanying fruits. One for himself is inevitable, one for each of his parents, one for sister Yue'er, and for Mo Yiyang, it seems that he should also share one. One piece, this will remove more than half of it at once.

However, for the others, it seems that no one will need them for the time being, so they can be collected first.

It was precisely because of the temptation of Zijing Yuanyingguo that Chen Dongcai planned to follow Mu Qianqian and the others.

Hearing Chen Dong tell himself all this without any concealment, Mo Yiyang was slightly moved.

Although Ye Han, Ye Xueer's grandfather and grandson, as well as himself, chose to stand with Chen Dong when they first entered the Little Immortal Realm, but in fact, the three of them couldn't help Chen Dong. At most, it is to inquire about the news.

But now, Chen Dong's trust in him made Mo Yiyang feel a little bit.

If Mo Yiyang knew that Chen Dong planned to give him an Amethyst Nascent Soul Fruit, he would be even more moved, and would directly die for Chen Dongxiao!
Along the way, Mu Qianqian's spiritual consciousness would scan back from time to time, and would send those bronze guards to check back. Unfortunately, with the existence of Chen Dong, a strong Nascent Soul Stage, all of their Actions are just a waste of time.

For some reason, Mu Qianqian always felt a little uneasy in her heart, as if she was being targeted by something.

Therefore, Mu Qianqian deliberately led his men to circle around the mountains around Luoye Town.

However, this approach is still useless.

The sensing range of Chen Dong's spiritual sense far exceeds the sensing range of Mu Qianqian's. Therefore, all of Mu Qianqian's actions are under Chen Dong's gaze, and he cannot get rid of Chen Dong and Mo Yi at all. Yang two people.

It went on for three consecutive days, but Mu Qianqian still didn't find anything abnormal, and she couldn't help but doubt her intuition.

Seeing that the amethyst Yuanying fruit was about to mature, on the third night, Mu Qianqian gritted her teeth and quietly left the team alone, and then Yu Jian flew towards the deep mountain.

Sensing Mu Qianqian's movement, Chen Dong frowned slightly, and then, he gestured to Mo Yiyang, holding Mo Yiyang's arm in one hand, and stepped on the sky, at a speed not inferior to Mu Qianqian, He chased after Mu Qianqian.

Being followed by Chen Dong with his arm, Mo Yiyang was grateful, but at the same time felt aggrieved and helpless. If it was like this every time, wouldn't he be doing Chen Dong a disservice by following Chen Dong?

Taking a slight look ahead, Mo Yiyang made a decision in his heart, after this incident, he will temporarily separate from Chen Dong and act alone.

Although his cultivation was insufficient, Mo Yiyang believed that with his killer habit, it was still possible to inquire about some news, and this was what he could provide Chen Dong with help in the Little Immortal Realm.

However, Chen Dong didn't know what Mo Yiyang was thinking, his spiritual sense didn't relax at all, and he was always staring at Mu Qianqian who kept running ahead.

In this way, the three of them continued to run for another day and night among the mountains. What surprised Chen Dong was that they hadn't reached their destination yet!

"Master He Fang, you have followed me all the way, you should show up, since you followed me all the way without doing anything, it means you know what my goal is. If you don't show up, I won't look for the target Let's all run for nothing!" Suddenly, Mu Qianqian's body that was running fast stopped abruptly, and she stood on the spot and shouted softly.

Hearing this, Chen Dong let go of Mo Yiyang and stopped immediately, but he didn't show up. Chen Dong was a little uncertain whether Mu Qianqian was deceiving them.

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(End of this chapter)

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