Reborn Immortal Possessed

Chapter 72 Meeting Wang Xing Again

Chapter 72 Meeting Wang Xing Again
The day of registration passed quickly. Although there were five people missing in the class, for most of the students, it was no different without a few of them.As for the few people who were originally ranked in the top ten, they may still be a little happy. After all, after losing a few strong opponents, they also have the opportunity to sprint to the top five.

Although it is only the ranking in the class, there is still a big difference between the top five in the class and the top ten in the class.

Classes officially started on August 8th.

The first class of Senior Class 33 was English class. As a result, the English teacher asked for leave for something and hadn't come yet. Everyone studied a class by themselves.

It's time for the second class, and most of the students in the class are excited.

Because, the second class of Class 33 in high school is actually a physical education class!

Especially the few boys who like to play basketball on weekdays are even more excited.After the first get out of class was over, I took the basketball and ran to the basketball court to grab the field.

"Hush..." A loud whistle sounded, and the physical education teacher began to urge people.

Before the bell rang for the second period, the physical education teacher had already blown the whistle for assembly.

In the physical education class of the third year of high school, basically there are not too many items. It is to let everyone collectively run around the track of the playground for a few laps, and then it is free activities.This is also a weekly relaxation for senior high school students who are nervous about their studies.

When the whole class was assembled, the physical education teacher simply said a few words about safety, and then asked everyone to run.

Shouting the slogan "one two one" while running, the item that originally bored Chen Dong endlessly, at this moment, Chen Dong felt a little nostalgic.

After the run, the students in the class dispersed.

Some went to play table tennis, some played badminton, and of course more, they showed their youthful passion on the basketball court.

In addition, there were also a few students who returned to the classroom directly and started self-study.

Chen Dong found a pair of parallel bars on the edge of the playground, turned over and sat on it, and quietly looked at the youthful and vigorous classmates on the playground. His heart was free from the impetuousness of his previous life when he was working, and his heart was also peaceful and peaceful.

"Hey, Chen Dong, come and play together." Sitting on the parallel bars, Chen Dong aimlessly glanced at the students on the playground, and suddenly a slightly panting voice came from his ear.

Chen Dong looked back, but it was Sun Wei, the sports committee member of the class.

Sun Wei, 17 years old, is already 1.8 meters tall. He has clean broken hair, thick eyebrows, a slightly elongated face, and a pair of enthusiastic eyes that look very cheerful.

"Didn't you play well? Why did you suddenly think of calling me?" Chen Dong asked with some doubts when he saw Sun Wei calling himself.

"Just now Li Longji accidentally fell, and there was one person missing on the field. Seeing that you have nothing to do by yourself, I asked you to participate." Sun Wei pointed to the side of the basketball court. The bright young man said to Chen Dong.

Hearing this, Chen Dong glanced over there, and sure enough, he saw Li Longji with a painful expression on his face.

"Okay, but I didn't play well, so don't blame me," Chen Dong agreed with a smile, and then walked towards Li Longji.

When he arrived at Li Longji's side, he put his hand on Li Longji's ankle, then mobilized the true energy in his body, and ran it towards Li Longji's ankle.

"Why do I feel that mine is hot, like soaking in a hot spring, thank you very much." Feeling the pain in his feet was greatly relieved, Li Longji couldn't help but said to Chen Dong.

"It's okay. During the summer vacation, I met an old Chinese doctor and learned a few things from him. It's not enough to use it for emergency. However, you'd better not do strenuous exercise for the time being." Chen Dong shook his head slightly, and then turned to Li Longji said.

"Well, I see, you guys go and play, I will cheer for you!" Hearing Chen Dong's instruction, Li Longji nodded slightly, and then made a gesture of clenching his fist and waving at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong nodded and joined the basketball game without saying anything.

Senior Class 33 is not a special sports class. Although the students in the class like to play basketball, there are almost no students who play well.In order to experience the fun of playing basketball, Chen Dong didn't use his true energy. The two teams fought back and forth, and they played very fiercely, which attracted the attention of many girls around.

With the attention of the girls, several people on the court played basketball harder.

"Bang!" Chen Dong and the others were discounting basketballs when suddenly, there was a violent crash on the basketball court.

After the sound sounded, everyone saw that on the basketball court, at some point, there was an extra basketball.

The sound just now was made by the collision of two basketballs.

"What's the matter?" Playing basketball was enjoyable, but was interrupted by someone. Several people in the field were not very happy, and Sun Wei frowned directly and scolded.

Looking in the direction from which the basketball was passed, Sun Wei saw a few students who disgusted him but felt helpless.

The leading student, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans, was looking in the direction of Chen Dong and the others with provocative eyes.The boy's hair was a little longer, and he wore oblique bangs, covering half of his eyes. At this time, his hands were in his trouser pockets, his legs were shaking slightly, and he looked like a fool.This boy was none other than Wang Xing who had a feud with Chen Dong.

Wang Xing had always been at odds with Chen Dong, and what happened last time in front of the Haitian Zhizun Building made him even more ashamed. Moreover, he almost got his brother-in-law involved, which made Wang Xing hold a grudge against Chen Dong.

Behind Wang Xing, there were five other people, all tall and muscular teenagers.These people, however, are all sports specialists in Yu County No. [-] Middle School.These special students usually do not need to take basic courses at all, mainly sports. During the college entrance examination, as long as their cultural scores can reach half of the total score of the college entrance examination, it will be fine.

"Come to a game. If you win, you can stay here and play. If you lose, you can just leave and let the field out. Don't delay our training." Sun Wei said.

Due to the limited conditions and the limited space of the basketball court in Yu County No. [-] Middle School, every time in physical education class, many boys who play basketball will rush to grab the position.The basketball court where Sun Wei and the others played was not easy to get. Hearing what Wang Xing said now, his heart was full of unwillingness.

However, Sun Wei knew very well that their people could not be the opponents of Wang Xing's team.

"You guys are talented in sports. It's no big deal even if you win against us. Is it interesting to compare with amateur players like us?" look back.

"If you feel that you are not our opponent, then just get out of here." Hearing Sun Wei's words, Wang Xing's eyes flickered, and he said with a bit of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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