Reborn Immortal Possessed

Chapter 78 Chen Dong, someone is looking for him!

Chapter 78 Chen Dong, someone is looking for him!

"Hello! What? You said that senior county officials are coming to inspect the work at No. [-] Middle School in Yuxian County? And people from the city are also here?" Wen Zonghao answered the phone, and a few questions popped out of his mouth from time to time, looking a little surprised. More is excited.

Although Yu County No. [-] Middle School is the No. [-] high school in Yun County, it is obviously not as important in front of the county party committee and county government.

Without special circumstances, county officials usually would not come to Yu County No. [-] Middle School for inspection, but now, the county officials have come, accompanied by leaders from the city. How can Wen Zonghao not be surprised?

Apart from being surprised, what remained in Wen Zonghao's heart was excitement.

If during the inspection process, the leaders are satisfied with the teachers' working conditions and the students' learning conditions at Yu County No. [-] Middle School, then he, the first vice principal, may really become a full-time member and become the veritable principal of Yu County No. [-] Middle School. .

Thinking of this, Wen Zonghao was in no mood to care about such a trivial matter of Chen Dong.

Suddenly, Wen Zonghao was stunned by a sentence on the phone, and then he turned his head suddenly, looking at Chen Dong who was wearing an ordinary school uniform and looked calm and indifferent.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I will definitely make preparations." Wen Zonghao was stunned, but the other party explained something, and then hung up the phone.Before hanging up the phone, Wen Zonghao patted his chest and made a guarantee.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Zonghao looked at Chen Dong again, and the expression in his eyes kept changing. After a long while, he finally opened his mouth slowly, and he asked several questions in succession, "Your name is Chen Dong? Class 33 in high school? From Yangjia Village, Cake Temple Township?"

"That's right, what's the matter, is there any problem?" Chen Dong nodded slightly, and asked lightly.

"It's nothing, you go down first, let's forget about today's affairs, and don't be so harsh on your classmates in the future. After all, it's fate for us to be classmates, don't you think?" Dong's words were a bit polite, and there was a bit of discussion in them.

Seeing this scene, several people present were a little confused.

Li Yong was better, but he was a little surprised why Wen Zonghao's attitude suddenly changed.

Gao Anhu was a little anxious, and said indiscriminately, "Brother-in-law, how can we just let things go like this? How could you just let such a cruel student go, if he said something later If you don't agree with your classmates, you can't guarantee the safety of the students in the school at all times? In this way, it will be very unfavorable for you to compete for the position of principal!"

And Wang Xing, although he didn't speak, his face sank completely. He couldn't help but think of the last time, when he was in Haitian Zhizun Building in Checheng City, Chen Dong offended the son of the general manager of Haitian Zhizun Building and the mayor's family. Later, because of the two beauties, he hid like that, and even got in touch with Qiao Feifan and Zhao Wenjun.

Now, did Chen Dong get in touch with those two beauties again, or maybe he also has other backers in Yun County.Could it be that this Chen Dong was just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before?

If this was the case, wouldn't he have no chance of revenge at all in the future?Whether it is force or social background.

"Do I need you to teach me how to do things?" Hearing Gao Anhu's words, Wen Zonghao's face darkened suddenly, and he scolded in a cold voice, "Do you think everyone is like you, who is led by others casually?" gone."

"No, nothing, brother-in-law, I naturally have no objection to the decision you made, I'm just curious." Seeing Wen Zonghao angry, Gao Anhu couldn't help saying with a little fear.

Wang Xing, who saw this scene on the side, felt even more desperate. It seemed that Chen Dong's background was really unusual!

"So you won't punish me?" At this moment, Chen Dong turned slightly and asked Wen Zonghao.

"Of course, you can leave at any time," Wen Zonghao said quickly when he heard Chen Dong's question.

Chen Dong took a deep look at Wen Zonghao, turned around slightly, and left straight away.

When Wen Zonghao called just now, although Chen Dong couldn't hear all the content of Wen Zonghao's phone clearly, he knew that senior county officials and city officials were coming to Yu County No. [-] Middle School for inspection.

The change in Wen Zonghao's attitude towards himself is related to answering this phone call. Maybe the person on the other end of the phone knows me?

Thinking in his heart, Chen Dong didn't have the habit of asking the bottom line, so he turned around and left.

No matter who came with the county official, we will see it soon, and we will naturally know who it is by then.

After Chen Dong left, Wen Zonghao didn't say anything more to Gao Anhu and the others, but simply ordered Gao Anhu to stop messing with Chen Dong, and let them deal with the situation in the infirmary by themselves. After coming down, Wen Zonghao left in a hurry, but he was preparing for various reception tasks.


After Chen Dong left the school infirmary, he returned directly to the classroom.

After such a fuss, the physical education class of the second period also ended soon.

After the second class is over, it is time for inter-class exercises.

However, the third party in senior high school did not do inter-class exercises. Like other students, Chen Dong prepared the textbooks and materials for the next class in advance, and then simply previewed them.

The third class was Chinese class. After the Chinese teacher entered the classroom with the lesson plan and lesson preparation notes, before he could announce the start of the class, he heard the sound of the heels of leather shoes hitting the floor outside the classroom of Class 33.

"Teacher Tong, wait a moment." After a while, Wen Zonghao led a group of three people into the classroom of Senior Class 33. Wen Zonghao said to the Chinese teacher on the podium while walking.

The Chinese teacher in Class 33 of High School is a middle-aged woman surnamed Tong, who is probably in her 30s or close to 40 years old.

"Principal Wen, you're here, what's the matter?" Teacher Tong couldn't help asking when she heard Wen Zonghao's words.

"It's like this. I brought the people behind me here to find a student named Chen Dong in your class." Wen Zonghao gestured to a man and two women behind him, and said to Teacher Tong.

The reason why Wen Zonghao let Chen Dong go just now was because he heard someone from the city on the phone, went directly to the county party committee compound, and then asked for Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, come out, someone is looking for you outside," Teacher Tong nodded slightly to express his understanding when he heard Wen Zonghao's words, and then shouted loudly to Chen Dong who was seated.

Hearing Teacher Tong's words, Chen Dong got up directly and walked out of the classroom door.

Walking out of the classroom and seeing a familiar man and two women, Chen Dong suddenly understood why Wen Zonghao suddenly changed his decision just now. With the three people in front of him coming forward, Wen Zonghao, a small county vice principal, naturally dare not lose face up.

 The second update, ask for favorites, ask for recommendations, ask for favorites, ask for recommendations, ask for favorites, ask for recommendations ~ important things are said three times, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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