Reborn Immortal Possessed

Chapter 93 Stimulating Chalcedony, Crazy Cultivation!

Chapter 93 Stimulating Chalcedony, Crazy Cultivation!
After Yang Lin answered the phone, he found that Chen Dong had already left. In desperation, Yang Lin had no choice but to temporarily suppress his plan to find Chen Dong, thinking that he would talk to Chen Dong again during the self-study class at night.

However, at night, Chen Dong did not show up in the self-study class.

It turned out that after Chen Dong finished his comprehensive exams, he went to the roof of the top floor again and entered the state of cultivation, because he didn't have to worry about the exam anymore. Chen Dong practiced too much, and when he woke up from the practice, the time had come After evening self-study.

Of course, Yang Lin didn't know this.

Chen Dong checked the time, it was already past eleven o'clock at night, the dormitory door must have been locked by the dormitory uncle, on a whim, Chen Dong planned to take a stroll outside the campus.

Chen Dong was still a typical good student no matter in his previous life or before his third year of high school. Even if his grades dropped, he still behaved like a good student in other respects. It was precisely because of this that Yang Lin talked to Chen Dong plan.If there are some students who are poor in academic performance and like to make trouble, Yang Lin will not have the leisure to take care of him.

Therefore, in his past and present lives, Chen Dong has never tried to climb the courtyard wall to enter and leave the campus.

The school's walls, which were already high for ordinary people, naturally couldn't stop Chen Dong, who was already a practitioner of the Yuan Hua realm.

With a light jump, Chen Dong climbed over the courtyard wall of Yu County No. [-] Middle School and went outside the campus.

Behind Yu County No. [-] Middle School, there is a martyr's cemetery. It is said that it was established in the early days of liberation to commemorate the heroic soldiers who died in the war.Although most of the entire cemetery is just a tomb, but, anyway, this is a kind of commemoration of those soldiers who died heroically.

Chen Dong's destination is this martyr's cemetery.

I don't know how many years the Immortal Nanyu has lived, and he has a huge amount of memory. Although Chen Dong has most of the memories of the Immortal Nanyu, it is still not possible to sort out these memories in a short time .

While Chen Dong was cultivating, he occasionally sorted out the memories of Nanyu Immortal Venerable that he had obtained.

From Nanyu Xianzun's mixed memories, Chen Dong sorted out a little bit of clues, and learned one thing, in places like the cemetery, there will be very strong aura!Although, in a place like the cemetery, most of the spiritual energy inside is of a cold nature, but these cold spiritual energy can also be absorbed and utilized by practitioners.

Nanyu Immortal Venerable Zhao Nanyu once had the experience of absorbing a large amount of yin and cold aura in the cemetery of the cultivators, and he also had his own way of fighting against the yin and cold. Of course, Chen Dong also understood these .

It happened that it was night and it was not convenient to go to the dormitory, so Chen Dongcai planned to go to the Martyrs Cemetery to practice.

The Martyrs Cemetery is just a few hundred meters behind Yun County No. [-] Middle School. After a while, Chen Dong has already entered the Martyrs Cemetery.

"The aura here is indeed many times stronger than that in the school!" Feeling the rich aura in the martyr's cemetery, Chen Dong felt that he really came to the right place tonight.

Next, while Chen Dong was turning around in the martyrs' cemetery, he sensed the intensity of the aura.After walking around the entire martyr's cemetery, Chen Dong found the place with the strongest aura in the entire martyr's cemetery, but it was right in front of the martyr's monument.

Finding a seat next to the Martyrs' Monument, Chen Dong sat down cross-legged, and then took out the chalcedony he carried with him.

Originally, the aura in the chalcedony was already enough for Chen Dong to cultivate to the peak of Yuan Hua realm.

However, Chen Dong found that if he absorbed the spiritual energy in the chalcedony step by step, he might not be able to advance to the peak of the Huayuan realm before October, let alone the foundation stage.Chen Dong raced against time to practice in order to break through to the foundation building stage before October, and then he could completely cure his mother's stomach cancer and renew her body organs, so that his mother's body could reach a [-]% healthy level.

Chen Dong absolutely couldn't accept it. When his mother Xia Qiuyue's stomach cancer broke out, he hadn't broken through to the foundation stage yet!
From Zhao Nanyu's memory, Chen Dong learned that the cold aura in places like cemeteries and cemeteries can not only make practitioners practice faster, but also stimulate the chalcedony, so that the aura in the chalcedony can also The release is more rapid.

Chen Dong was planning to gather the cold aura here to stimulate more aura in the chalcedony, and then together with the cold aura in the martyr's cemetery, promote his cultivation progress!

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Dong directed all the cold aura in the martyrs cemetery towards the chalcedony according to the method he got from Zhao Nanyu.

When a large amount of cold aura surrounded the chalcedony, it seemed that the chalcedony strongly rejected the cold aura, and then automatically spewed out a large amount of aura, trying to expel the cold aura.

"It's now!"

Seeing this situation, Chen Dong's eyes lit up suddenly, like two stars in the dark night.

According to the operation route of "The Basics of Cultivation of Immortals" taught by Zhao Nanyu, Chen Dong began to operate in his body, absorbing all the aura emanating from the chalcedony into his body.

At the same time, Chen Dong did not forget to continue to go into the chalcedony to guide the surrounding cold aura.

Chen Dong constantly guided the cold aura into the chalcedony, and the chalcedony continuously released its own aura to squeeze out the cold aura. Chen Dong took the opportunity to absorb the aura emanating from the chalcedony, and the aura erupted from the chalcedony was absorbed by Chen Dong. Being able to squeeze out the cold spiritual energy in the martyr's cemetery, and then continue to erupt his own spiritual energy, Chen Dong continued to absorb the spiritual energy...

In this way, a simple cycle was established. Chen Dong continuously absorbed the aura emanating from the chalcedony. At the same time, when he guided the aura of coldness into the chalcedony, a lot of aura of coldness poured into him. in the body.

Gradually, Chen Dong felt that his body began to swell a little. It seemed that every cell was filled with aura, and there was a lot of cold aura rushing around in his body, stimulating his organs, Meridians.

After going on like this for an hour, Chen Dong felt that his body could no longer absorb more spiritual energy, otherwise, he was worried that the spiritual energy and true energy in his body would be compressed into real energy before he would have to give it to him. It's bursting!

"Phew, stop for now, first convert all the spiritual energy into real energy, and compress it into real energy before continuing to absorb it!" Feeling his body that seemed to have gained weight a few times, Chen Dong let out a long breath and whispered I said a word to myself.

Next, Chen Dong stopped channeling the cold aura, and also stopped absorbing the aura erupted from chalcedony.

Soon, the surrounding cold aura dissipated in the cemetery again, and chalcedony also returned to its deadly appearance.

Chen Dong started to run the exercises, transforming the massive spiritual energy in his body into true energy, and then compressed the true energy until it formed true essence...

(End of this chapter)

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