flirtatious concubine

Chapter 106 The old acquaintance woman has a femme heart

Chapter 106 The old acquaintance woman has a femme heart (2)
"I'm very good, you don't need to watch, if you want to go, you don't have to make troubles about me." Hearing Wuhen's words, Ye Jinglan's trembling heart throbbed a little.

This guy, who wants him to be so worried... She couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

"Well, since the princess is fine, Wuhen will leave there immediately. Princess, are you interested in going with me?" Wuhen asked suddenly.

"Me?" Ye Jinglan didn't understand why Wuhen would ask such a question at this time, but she really wanted to see Lin Zongyue. "," will you let me go with you? "Well, as long as you see Qing Chen when the time comes, don't say that I called you, otherwise I will be guilty! "Wuhen narrowed his eyes and smiled badly. His eyes casually swept Ye Jinglan's abdomen, and then turned away skillfully and quickly.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Ye Jinglan readily agreed, no matter what Xuanyuan Qingchen might say, she must do what she wants to do.

"Is there really no problem with Wangfei's body?" Wuhen was sure again.

"Really, let's go!" Ye Jinglan put down the stove in her hand. Although she was still a little uncomfortable, she should be able to hold it!

After exchanging pleasantries, Lin Zongyue invited Xuanyuan Qingchen to stay in the army. Xuanyuan Qingchen looked at everything Lin Zongyue had prepared for him, and presumably planned to keep him for a while.He sat with his back on the couch, closed his eyes lazily and took a nap.

The more dangerous the moment, Xuanyuan Qingchen became calmer and more stable.In the silence of the night, Ye Jinglan's figure floated in his mind at this moment, and at the last glance, her eyes were as bright as stars.

Missing pulled his heart, and he pressed his palm on his heart to suppress his spring-like yearning.

Jing Lan, what are you doing now?With a smile on the corner of his lips, Xuanyuan Qingchen relaxed all over, just immersed in his thoughts.

Outside the tent, although the sound of hasty footsteps was light, it still reached Xuanyuan Qingchen's ears.

"Brother!" There was an unbelievable slight tremor in his voice, and he shouted softly, before the voice fell, he ran towards Xuanyuan Qingchen. "," Woohoo..." Lying on his knees, Qiushui cried pitifully, with tears rolling down her face.

"Qiu Shui!" Xuanyuan Qingchen looked at the person lying on his lap, and finally let go of his momentary worries.

"Okay, okay, haven't we met again? Don't be sad." Xuanyuan Qingchen said softly, pulling up Qiushui to wipe away her unstoppable tears.

"I, I thought..." Qiu Shui couldn't stop sobbing, unable to form a sentence, raised her head and saw Xuanyuan Qingchen's concerned eyes with hazy eyes, she couldn't help but burst into tears again and smiled.

"Why are you still like a child, crying and laughing, without a definite definition."

"Brother, don't you blame me?" Qiu Shui wiped away the tears from her face, staring at Xuanyuan Qingchen with pure eyes.She has never found a chance to explain to him. In fact, many things were caused by her unintentionally. , the last time the dead were seriously injured, and she watched them fall into the river, and she felt guilty for a long time! .

Xuanyuan Qingchen shook his head, and said in a low voice, "What are you to blame? If you want to blame anyone, I should be the most damned person." He stroked Qiu Shui's long hair, his tone a little sad.His obsession has already hurt the person he loves the most, and what could make him feel more heartbroken than this kind of punishment.

" don't blame me, it's better than anything else!" After listening to Xuanyuan Qingchen's words, Qiu Shui finally let go of her long-held heart.She knew that no matter what, he was still the same him many years ago. No matter what he did, he would stand in front of her without any complaints and cover everything for her.

Stepped forward and grabbed Xuanyuan Qingchen's sleeve, "I know you have done a lot for me, and you never told me, but now I know everything clearly, and I promise my brother and I will be obedient in the future." Qiu Shui's expression was sincere and firm, and she took the initiative to hold Xuanyuan Qingchen's hand. The big palm carried the warmth she was familiar with. She pressed her palm tightly to his palm, and her slender fingers pointed at his fingers. intertwined. "," Brother, it's good to see you. "Her soft voice came, she raised her head and approached Xuanyuan Qingchen's cheek, and her arms could not help but actively hooked his neck. On her flushed face, her eyes were half closed, she bit her lower lip shyly, Lift your face up.

"It's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow." Xuanyuan Qingchen moved her arm away from her neck, pushed her away intentionally, and said flatly.

"Brother, I, I'm serious..." Qiushui's voice was small but extremely serious.She knew very early on that there would be such a day, that she would always be by his side for the rest of her life, she didn't care if there was a wedding night, as long as she wanted him alone.

"Little girl, what are you going to do?"? "

"Qing Chen, I'm willing to do whatever you want!" With a voice as small as a mosquito moaning with extreme shyness, Qiu Shui lowered her head and grabbed his lapel warmly.Answered ambiguously. , even the title, she also changed it together, it is no longer the same as before.

Xuanyuan Qingchen was stunned for a moment, a little at a loss, thinking that it was the right thing to come to tell her this time, otherwise this girl would continue to misunderstand, but.But he also found it strange how Qiushui's personality and personality could change so suddenly. "," Qiu Shui, I want to tell you something. "Well, tell me, I'm listening.Woolen cloth. "Qiu Shui buried her rosy cheeks even lower, and caressed his chest with trembling fingers.

Xuanyuan Qingchen suddenly grabbed her hand forcefully, and her strong palm made her heartbeat, which had already accelerated, almost stop because of her agitation.It was different from the usual feeling, familiar yet unfamiliar, with a power that made her dizzy.

"It's impossible for you and me." His gentle answer above his head mercilessly extinguished the burning spark in her heart.

"What's impossible?" Qiu Shui raised her head slowly, the smile was still on the corner of her lips, but she froze instantly. "," I'm not young anymore. After all, I'm not much younger than the concubine's sister. Why can you and her be fine, but I can't? "She grabbed Xuanyuan Qingchen who was about to get up and asked repeatedly.

"She is different from you, she is my wife, and you are..."

"I don't want to be your sister!" Qiu Shui cut him off decisively, and she could guess what Xuanyuan Qingchen wanted to say without listening to him finish. , what she wanted was not such an answer at all!The tears that had just stopped swirled in her eyes again, but she forcibly held back, refusing to let them fall at this moment.

"Qiu Shui, listen to me." Xuanyuan Qingchen let go of Qiu Shui's hand, "I came here this time to make it clear to you. Maybe I have misunderstood myself for many years, and I haven't caused much trouble yet. Before the injury and misunderstanding, I must tell you!"

Her trembling lips were bitten tightly all the time, and her tearful eyes stared at Xuanyuan Qingchen heartbrokenly.He came here to find her just to make it clear to her that everything was his misunderstanding and wishful thinking over the years?

Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan Qingchen continued to speak: "Since I arrived in Xichu, Wuhen and you have been by my side so that I can go through the most difficult years. I regard you as my own The closest and most caring person. I dote on you and do my best to let you have everything you want. I don’t deny that you are the one I can’t bear to hurt the most among all the women around me. You saved me. I owe you my life. In front of you, I don't have to pretend to be myself, but can be my true self, without suspicion and defense!"

He couldn't bear to look at the eyes full of autumn water, she was once the person he had always guarded.Suddenly, through the autumn water, he seemed to see the woman from many years ago.

People only understand after the loss, and then want to cherish what they had before. Fortunately, Jing Lan still stayed by his side, giving him a chance to make up for all the mistakes he made.

"I saved you, not to make you pay me back!" Clenching her small fists, Qiu Shui stubbornly denied it.She saved him because he was Xuanyuan Qingchen, and because he was her favorite big brother! , she didn't want to see him die tragically! .

"But without you, I wouldn't be alive today!"

"Stop talking!" Qiushui covered her ears and shook her head desperately, "You said you would take care of me for the rest of your life, you said you would always be by my side. If you don't like Me, why do you want to use the princess sister to test the medicine for me? You don’t even have to give up your children!"

She doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe every word he said!If you don't love her, why should you treat her well?If you don't love her, why do you pay so much for her?Obviously not like this, but why did he say such unfeeling words to her?

"Because at the beginning, I hated her. She made me lose my concubine mother, and made me a proton of Xichu. I lived a life without dignity. Everything was caused by her. Every time Every moment, I think, one day I will let her try the pain of losing everything!"

There was indescribable sadness in Xuanyuan Qingchen's words.

At that time, he planned step by step. , successfully escaped from Xichu and returned to Dayue, lived with a humble attitude, let Xuanyuanche relax his guard, and even wanted to use him for fun.After receiving the reward and having his own domain, every day and night, he is planning his own way out, and he will get back what Xuanyuan Qingchen lost one by one, it's the same for everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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