flirtatious concubine

Chapter 114 When I was young, it was just a brother-sister relationship

Chapter 114 When I was young, it was just a brother-sister relationship (1)
Warm blood flowed from the heart, soaking the black clothes, Xuanyuan Qingchen's facial features were like ice sculptures, staring indifferently at the wide-eyed, speechless Qiushui.

"At the beginning, I was injured by a sword, and you risked my life to save me. I have kept it in my heart for many years, and I made a promise to you. If I, Xuanyuan Qingchen, survived and left Xichu alive, I would definitely do my best Do everything possible to cure your inherent chronic illnesses and make you like ordinary people. Qiushui, I didn't lie to you, I did it too. But other than that, I can't give you what you want. Now I say You will think that I am perfunctory for Jing Lan, but I still want to make it clear." The indifferent words were soft, and the pain in the wound on the heart was far less than when he thought of Jing Lan's appearance of being in pain every time, calling him At a loss, feeling distressed to the point of suffocating. "," You are like a person, not in appearance, but in feeling. "Speaking of this, there is a touch of warmth in Xuanyuan Qingchen's eyes," From the first time I saw you, your timid but pure eyes, like her, always like to follow me Behind him, there is no reason to believe me, rely on me.And you are not her, I don't have any hatred for you and me, on the contrary, we can get along better. , with you, I can remove all masks, no pretense.You and Wuhen are people I will never guard against, just like my family members, but Jing Lan is different, I have already linked my life with her tightly, you hurt her in the slightest , is to kill me, how can I, Xuanyuan Qingchen, be threatened by others at will! "Xuanyuan Qingchen raised his hand to cover the wound, his heart was beating powerfully and clearly, and it was especially fast when he mentioned Jinglan." "Thank you for your company for many years. I returned this sword to you today." , you and I no longer owe each other, from now on, I will not show you any more affection, and I will kill you when necessary!"

The hurtful words came from a gentle mouth, Xuanyuan Qingchen spoke slowly, each word was clear, like ten thousand arrows piercing through the heart, hurting Qiu Shui's heart full of holes.

Kill her without mercy!No mercy... Qiu Shui's body shook violently, why things have returned to such a point, gradually, she seemed to begin to understand Su Jingwan's mood.

She is not Su Jingwan, she has not given everything for Xuanyuan Qingchen, even, she can live healthily, it is because of taking Ye Jinglan's health and her child's life in exchange.However, when she heard his heartless words, her heart ached as if a piece had been gouged out alive.

In her opinion, she was a substitute for that woman from the beginning to the end, and even accompanied him for many years, and he always regarded her as someone else in his heart.

"Brother, I really hate her. I have never hated someone so strongly, and I have never liked someone so much. It's all because of you, all because of you!" Her eyes were so sore, but Found no tears shed.It turns out that after the heart is numb, it is really possible to not even have tears.

Xuanyuan Qingchen frowned tightly, and there was no trace of warmth in her eyes anymore.Why didn't he hate her so strongly, thinking about how to torture her every moment, until the end, she was not her, the same face, but a completely different soul, the terrible thing was, he I've fallen so deep that I can't extricate myself from it!How do you feel when you don't understand, what kind of mood you can't ask for, he tried every means to keep her by his side, just to take a look at her and know that she is well!Even this small wish will always be destroyed and shattered by others.

"It's okay, whether you love or hate, I will bear it alone, but you can't move her, and all the retribution will come to me. Even if I go into the coffin, and go to hell, I must keep her safe and secure." !"

The candles were extinguished, and a bright color from the sky surged up the mountainside, his face was as pale as bleeding, half-light in the darkness that was about to recede.

"Okay, brother, if you pay back what you owed me today, then Qiushui will never have anything to do with you again." The voice was trembling, but it was uniquely firm, and in the raised eyes, there was nothing calm. The slightest wave, if you look carefully, is like dead ashes, without light. , "Thank you for taking care of me for many years, so that I can be like a normal person. No matter how much you regret using her test medicine to save me, I am still very grateful and happy for everything you have done for me." Saluting deeply, Qiu Shui got up again and left without any nostalgia.Once again, she was ruthlessly abandoned, the same as many years ago, except that there were no warm hands to hold her, telling her gently but firmly: Qiu Shui, I will always be by your side to protect you!
Turning around and leaving quickly, she tightly covered her lips, who broke the original promise?

A faint and inaudible sigh came, and Wuhen didn't know when he appeared here. , "Why are you doing this?"? "He shook his head, and walked straight to Xuanyuan Qingchen's side, "I shouldn't have meddled in your affairs, but if you go to see Lin Zongyue in this manner today, I must be ready for you Collectors. ""I'm fine, just follow my plan. As for the rest..." Xuanyuan Qingchen almost didn't bring it up. He didn't expect that the person who finally betrayed him was Qiushui who was closest to him. Still alive, and the baby in his womb is also safe, these are the motivations that rekindled the fire of hope for Xuanyuan Qingchen. After searching the world, he couldn't believe he couldn't find them!

In the dark, a slender figure stood for a long time, and she could clearly hear what was said in the military tent just now.

Coming out of the valley, she settled Su Jingwan, still thinking about where to go, this time is the best opportunity to leave Xuanyuan Qingchen.She didn't know how she did it, but when she realized that she couldn't make a decision, she suddenly realized that her legs and feet had already brought her here.

It turned out that she had already made a choice, Ye Jinglan suddenly smiled, and there was a gentle smile in her raised eyes. --Qing Chen...

The school grounds were filled with awe, so quiet that even the wind seemed to have stopped. , Screen retreated and dismissed the guards, leaving only Lin Zongyue and Xuanyuan Qingchen, even Wuhen was forbidden by Xuanyuan Qingchen to watch the competition.

"King Bei'an, you are still very courageous. You actually want to strike so early. I think you are very confident in yourself." Lin Zongyue said slowly.He knew exactly what happened to Xuanyuan Qingchen, and even the news that Xuanyuan Qingchen was injured because of Qiushui quickly reached his ears.

However, he still readily accepts that there are only winners and losers on the battlefield, and he never cares about the opponent.

"Lin Zongyue, I, Xuanyuan Qingchen, have always had confidence in myself. Did you think you could get a little bit of benefit from me when you were defeated many years ago?" Xuanyuan Qingchen looked at Lin Zongyue quite disdainfully, The arrogance in his eyes was evident.

Still with such expressions, Lin Zongyue's cold eyes are Xuanyuan Qingchen's ostentatious self-confidence. He underestimated Xuanyuan Qingchen when he was in Xichu, and he never felt the shame of losing to Xuanyuan Qingchen. forget.

"You'll know after you try it."? "Lin Zongyue didn't dare to underestimate the strength of Xuanyuan Qingchen's ability, but he looked at Xuanyuan Qingchen's current state, no matter how strong he was, he would at most be on par with himself.

"What is the competition?" Xuanyuan Qingchen asked casually, looking at the weapon in hand.

"I lost to you on the sword last time. We still compete with swords. This time, I will not let the Lin family's sword fail, but will accurately pierce your heart!" Lin Zongyue slowly pulled out his belt. Sword, "The weapons here are all made by famous masters. You choose one yourself. I will not take advantage of you in weapons."

Sen Leng's sword was unsheathed, and the cool killing intent slid across Xuanyuan Qingchen's face along with the shining silver.

"If you have this ability, go ahead and use it, I'm afraid you won't have this chance!" Xuanyuan Qingchen took a long sword casually. There are too many people who want to kill him, but they always die under his hands. Lin Zongyue Nature is no exception.

"Proton!" Lin Zongyue suddenly called Xuanyuan Qingchen by this title.When he was in Western Chu, he always called Xuanyuan Qingchen like this, and called him the person who made him taste failure for the first time since he was born, because Xuanyuan Qingchen, his Lin family, a prominent family in Western Chu, finally went from glory to decline.

"You're looking for death!" Xuanyuan Qingchen's eyes turned cold, but the smile was so thick that it couldn't melt away at the corner of his mouth, the rising killing intent enveloped his whole body, and his black clothes fluttered in the gust of wind.

"I thought that if you became the king of Bei'an, you would be neglected in practice. I didn't expect that your skills are still good. Compared with those in the past, I didn't find the wrong opponent!" Lin Zongyue pressed on step by step. Strong and strong, every move is full of hatred, but when he got up and jumped, he didn't hesitate at all, he was especially dexterous, his sword was fast, accurate and ruthless, every sword was aimed at Xuanyuan Qingchen's heart, With that sword strike last time, I wish I didn't kill Xuanyuan Qingchen, otherwise it wouldn't have made him go through so many accidents! .

Xuanyuan Qingchen's seemingly slow sword style not only blocked Lin Zongyue's attack, but also deflected Lin Zongyue's other sword moves skillfully and miraculously when he was making defensive moves.The more Lin Zong attacked, the faster he attacked, and the slower Xuanyuan Qingchen's movements were. Seeing that the sword in front of him was about to succeed, he always avoided it.

"It's a pity that you don't seem to have made much progress, even worse than your elder brother!" Xuanyuan Qingchen smiled, with disdain and sarcasm in his dark eyes.

Lin Zongyue is very strong, he is different from Su Yunfeng, every move wants his life, and now he is injured, but he can't wait so long!
"Don't mention him, I won't make the mistake he made again! Just be prepared to go on the road, Huangquan Road, he probably won't be impatient waiting for you!"

"Really? Let's see if they are waiting for you or me!" Xuanyuan Qingchen suddenly raised his hand to block Lin Zongyue's sword from the air, and then stretched out his hand to cover his heart. He held the long sword in the air In his hand, the force just now caused the wound to burst open. He stretched out his hand to cover his heart, and held the sword in one hand to support it on the ground. , chest heaving, panting slightly.

"You're really in a hurry. Don't think that you can be lucky for the rest of your life. If it wasn't for that girl Qiushui who saved you last time, my elder brother would not have missed and made the Lin family suffer!" Lin Zongyue recalled that Xuanyuan Qingchen was almost If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the girl Qiu Shui, who shocked the envoys from other countries who visited Western Chu, how could Xuanyuan Qing have survived until now. ?
"It seems that you are not as lucky as me." Xuanyuan Qingchen stood up, blood spilled from his fingers, Xuanyuan Qingchen's body swayed slightly, but he stood upright. "," If you don't believe me, you can try it. "Xuanyuan Qingchen has no defense at this moment, and judging by his appearance, he is indeed seriously injured. Lin Zongyue looked at him suspiciously, and suddenly laughed wildly, "Don't trick me, you want to I can still guess some things. Even if you can hold on now, you can't hold on for long at most. You and Wuhen are indispensable. Now that you are separated from him, I naturally have a way to separate you one by one. Take it!" "You're still so afraid of Wuhen and me, that's right, you've never won against me and him, not even once. Why don't you just keep your head down and avoid confrontation with us. You will stay there forever and be a coward for the rest of your life." Xuanyuan Qingchen smiled faintly, the disdain in his bewitching pupils made Lin Zongyue gradually unable to hold back.

"You are looking for death. I saw that you were injured and I didn't want to kill you so quickly, but if you don't want to, then I will send you on the road early!" Lin Zongyue held the long sword in his backhand, waved his arm, and vigorously He stabbed out towards Xuanyuan Qingchen.Judging by Xuanyuan Qingchen's appearance, he is already at the end of his strength, and this sword will hurt him enough if he does not die.

When... clang!There was a slight sound in the wind that hit the flying long sword and Lin Zongyue's sword stabbed at it. At the same time, Xuanyuan Qingchen suddenly lifted the sword in his hand and threw it forward forcefully, colliding with it, the powerful impact force, He abruptly changed the direction of Lin Zongyue's sword.At the same time, although the sword he threw Xuanyuan Qingchen was inaccurate, he rushed towards Lin Zongyue unexpectedly, and even if he avoided it, it tore through Lin Zongyue's shirt on his shoulders, drew a bloodstain and raised one bloodstains.

The shoulders were slightly cold, Lin Zongyue didn't pay attention at first, and just about to speak, suddenly his arms became numb quickly, and he lost consciousness in a blink of an eye.

"You..." He turned his head and saw that there was only a faint trace of blood on the subtle wound on his shoulder, but it surprised him.

"You lost." Xuanyuan Qingchen also saw that something was wrong with him.

"You poisoned!" Lin Zongyue quickly understood what happened to him.

"The weapons are all yours, how can I have time to poison them? But if it is really poisoned as you said, you should hurry up and see whether it is better to cut off each arm or wait. The poison is ready." Xuanyuan Qingchen said casually as usual.No matter it is, no matter for Lin Zongyue or himself, losing is losing, there is no other reason to say!Reasons can be quibbled.

The arm swelled quickly, from the original bronze color to dark black, from the fingertips all the way up, and gradually rushed to the shoulder, he.Lin Zongyue knew very well that if he did not take any measures, the poison would flow to his heart.

"Xuanyuan Qingchen!" Lin Zongyue gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Don't look at me, if today I exchange positions with you, maybe I will end up worse than you."? "Xuanyuan Qingchen picked up the weapon at the side and threw it in front of Lin Zongyue," Do you do it yourself, or let me do it? "Lin Zongyue looked at the person standing in front of him, just like back then, the arrogance between his brows never disappeared! The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. He understands this truth. If Xuanyuan Qingchen lost today, he must With one sword, no one will be left alive.

"Hmph!" Lin Zongyue let out a long laugh, picked up the sword on the ground, and slashed at his shoulder without looking at the ground.

Blood spattered out, instantly dyed his body red, separated his arm from his body, and fell quietly to the ground.Lin Zongyue's eyes were red, his cheeks were splashed with blood spots, and he said hoarsely, "Come here!"

In an instant, the soldiers that appeared all around quickly surrounded them. Seeing Lin Zongyue's appearance, the leading lieutenant general couldn't help being surprised and said, "Marshal, you..."

"Shoot the arrow!" Lin Zongyue ordered calmly, the hatred in his heart surpassing the pain of losing his dead arm.

"But general, he is the king of Bei'an, where is the emperor..." The deputy general also knew how powerful Xuanyuan Qingchen was, so he didn't dare to do anything casually.

"Fire the arrow!" Lin Zongyue ordered loudly with his sword resting on the lieutenant's neck.

"Why do you order Dayue's sergeant? Lin Zongyue!" Xuanyuan Qingchen unscrupulously squinted at Lin Zongyue, as if knowing that no one could hurt him right now.

"I am the marshal, and the three armies are under my control, and you, King Bei'an, have long been on the emperor's death list. I will kill you today. Even if I have to go back to accept the crime, I will not let you go today!" Calmly The expression, but the eyes are full of madness.If he lost this opportunity, Xuanyuan Qingchen would not have died in his own arrangement or by his own hands, so why did he bear the humiliation for so many years?
"Marshal?" Xuanyuan Qingchen raised his eyebrows, "You even fake the Tiger Talisman, how can you command the three armies?"? "From his sleeve, he took out the inconspicuous little thing Wuhen gave him.

Tiger Talisman! ?Lin Zongyue's heart moved, by the way, when Wuhen came last time, he had thrown the tiger amulet to him, but he didn't take it because he was afraid that Wuhen would do something wrong.Holding the sword hilt tightly, his energy and blood surged up, Lin Zongyue couldn't support his body, and lost a lot of blood, which made him feel cold all over.

The chess missed a move, but because of his over-caution at the time, Wuhen took advantage of the loophole.There is also why he was poisoned, and Wuhen had prepared it early in the morning.

Who can take half of Mr. Wuhen's advantage! ?A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Zongyue's lips, and his face was covered with blood, and everyone who laughed became even more ferocious.

"Listen, this is the Emperor's Tiger Talisman. If you are Dayue's soldiers, you should retreat quickly. If you dare to obey Lin Zongyue's orders, I, Xuanyuan Qingchen, will not be sympathetic!" Xuanyuan Qingchen said to him Smiling slightly, he said calmly, raised the tiger talisman in his hand to order, the black robe stood out among the group of armors, and he was calm and calm in his gestures and conversations, calm and self-possessed! , as if, he was born to stand there.

Someone in the army knelt down first, and then as if urged by some magic power, all the people surrendered, only Du Lin Zong stared blankly at everything in front of him.

"I am the marshal, you, all of you can't do it!"? ' he yelled, eyes wide open.

"King Bei'an belongs to the royal family. Even if you want to kill him, you must obey the emperor's orders. Your tiger talisman is a fake, so naturally you can't command the three armies. You should be killed if you bully the army like this!" Someone in the army said loudly. Powerful and powerful.

With a loud scolding, the pot exploded in the air like thunder, and there were voices of arguing and blaming all around, which made Lin Zongyue a little panicked.

"Lin Zongyue, you heard that too, right?"? "Xuanyuan Qingchen walked slowly in front of Lin Zongyue, and now he was covered in blood, looking at the group of people in front of him with resentment.

"Hey, why are you so persistent? It's a waste of your years of thought to die like this, it's not worth it!" The voice with a smile is always so charming, but it sounds like a thorn to Lin Zongyue Like stuck in the heart.

"Shut up! Wuhen, I'm different from you. I don't even have the slightest backbone. What can you get after following him all these years? Is it possible that you still hope to rely on Xuanyuan Qingchen to help you get Xi'an?" Chu's throne?"

(End of this chapter)

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