The villain boss is my family

Chapter 112 Scumbag, stop!

Chapter 112 Scumbag, stop! (13)

Because of running too fast, Shijiu tripped and fell down, ending the race.

Looking down at the abrasions of different degrees on both knees, a trace of pain slowly stimulated her nerves.

After standing up, she kept panting heavily, and suddenly couldn't breathe, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

He couldn't breathe straight away, and his face was gloriously pale again.

damn it!
She has no strength!
This little Jiaohua's body is simply too terrible to run.

So fragile, the kind that can be hanged as soon as you run.

Brother Ming who ran up behind him also stopped, laughing recklessly.

That laughter was extremely clear in this quiet and deserted street.

Brother Ming walked forward step by step with a smirk, but Shi Jiu stepped back step by step.

Retreat to the back, leaning against a wall behind, there is no way behind.

Seeing the trapped person, Brother Ming couldn't help laughing again, "Hahaha, run, you should run for me!"

"Isn't it quite capable? Why don't you run away!"

Brother Ming stretched out a hand to grab her.

Shi Jiu's face turned cold, and he didn't care about his physical condition, so he grabbed his hand and twisted it hard.

"Ah!" screamed like a pig.

Geng Xinghe, who was not far away, laughed when he heard the scream, and he clicked his tongue softly, "Damn, is this sound a ghost?"

Brother Ming quickly withdrew his hand, rubbed his aching hand, with a gloomy expression on his face, "Baby Hao! Don't fucking toast and refuse to eat fine wine! Only obedient ones will have your fruit!"

On the other side, Zuo Yichen stopped suddenly, and frowned, he seemed to have heard the name Hao Baobei just now.

Geng Xinghe seemed to have heard it too, and he said suspiciously: "Zuo... Brother Zuo! Did you hear someone calling sister-in-law's name just now?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Tang Junde, who nodded to show that he heard it too.

Geng Xinghe opened his eyes wide, recalling the fierce yelling and scolding just now, "Just... the one just now... was chased by... sister-in-law?"

Thinking of the scene when my sister-in-law was bullied last time, he strode back, "No! My sister-in-law is in danger, I have to save her!"

Zuo Yichen raised his eyelids, his expression was unclear, he turned around and followed them together.

Brother Ming sneered, and ordered the others ruthlessly, "Brothers, go to me! Dial, let her alone! Let her taste my strength!"

Shi Jiu pursed her lips, unable to show any emotion, swallowed her saliva, and looked calmly at the few people who came up to arrest her.

He raised his eyes coldly.

Secretly decided to fight desperately, maybe if it succeeds.

As soon as the three of Zuo Yichen came, they saw several men blocking Shi Jiu in a corner.

His face sank, and he strode over there.

Geng Xinghe cursed secretly.

Throw away the cigarette in his mouth and Tang Junde chased his left brother.

Looking at the protruding salty paw, Shi Jiu stretched out his hand and pushed, and the other paw stretched out again.

At the moment of struggling, Shi Jiu raised his hand with a dark face and slapped Brother Ming's face.

Everyone else was stunned, and their movements stopped.

Brother Ming who came back to his senses scolded angrily: "Damn girl, you hit me!" He raised his hand and was about to hit me down.

Before touching Shi Jiu's body, Brother Ming's hand was instantly grabbed.


Shi Jiu looked at him weakly, his face pale.

That expression seemed to be aggrieved.

Zuo Yichen's heart seemed to be hit by something, and it hurt slightly.

With a sullen face, she twisted his hands, pulled him away, and kicked him in the chest.

The person was kicked far away and rolled a few times.

After Geng Xinghe went up to see who it was,!Kick it out, "Fuck, it's you bastard again! You can bully me's sister-in-law! You can bully me!" He kicked several times before giving up.

Shi Jiu felt a sudden pain in his heart and passed out

Zuo Yichen hurried forward to hug her slipping body, asked Tang Junde to make a call, and finally went to the hospital.

 At three o'clock, who still remembers the promise Hao's mother made on the phone?
(End of this chapter)

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