The villain boss is my family

Chapter 122 Scumbag, stop!

Chapter 122 Scumbag, stop! (23)

Shi Jiu sneered in his heart, and looked at her calmly, "Could it be that the director has other matters? Can't you let me go after all the punishment?"

Li Ying was sullen and displeased.

Have all her books been read in vain?

Help her correct her mistakes, but don't appreciate her?
This instead gave her the illusion that she had done something wrong.

"I'm here for your future!"

Shi Jiu nodded, raised his cold eyes, "Well, is there any more?"

Unable to stand her indifferent attitude, she trembled with anger, "After school, clean all the toilets in the third grade for me before going home!"


When Shi Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, he kicked over the chair next to him and strode away.

Li Ying, who came back to her senses after being taken aback, shouted from behind: "Baby Hao, stop!"

Shi Jiu ignored her and left without looking back.

Looking at the leaving figure, Li Ying couldn't imagine that a well-behaved and motivated person would suddenly be so presumptuous.

In my heart, I only think that Hao must have been led to ruin by someone outside, it must be!

Shi Jiu, who came back with a dark face all the way, returned to the classroom.

Leng Yufei looked at her and smiled smugly. It seemed that Hao Baobei came back after getting angry at the dean.

She deserves it!
Dare to compete with her for Zuo Yichen, that's the end.

Time passed quickly.

Listening to the school bell, Zuo Yichen frowned, it's already school, he slept all day and didn't see Hao Baobao to help him with his homework, what's going on with her today?

Could it be that he was too scumbag to continue tutoring, so he gave up?

At this time, Shi Jiu had no other thoughts at all, only thinking about who was framing her behind the scenes.

When I thought of that female dean who didn't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate, she just made her shit pot without investigating the matter.

Thinking about it, my mood became more and more gloomy.

That woman dared to ask her to clean the toilet!

Then, she was silent.


He looked at Zuo Yichen who was still sleeping beside him, school was over, why didn't he leave?
After a long while, he stretched out his hand and pushed him, "At the same table, wake up, school is over."

Hearing that voice, Zuo Yichen raised his head to look at her.

Shi Jiu looked at that face, and his expression softened, "The dean left me for other things, I didn't help you with homework today, I'm sorry!"

He pursed his lips, but his expression deepened.

Why did the dean keep her here?

He got up, glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, and left.

Seeing Hao Baobao who hadn't left yet, Leng Yufei was in a good mood, and Chen Meili who was beside her was overjoyed when she got some news, and whispered it quietly in her ear.

The corners of Leng Yufei's mouth raised greatly.

I was very surprised and satisfied with this news.

Hao Baobei didn't get up until everyone in the classroom had left.

Directions, school toilets.

Not far away, Leng Yufei and Chen Meili, who were waiting for Hao Baobao to come out, smiled at each other and followed stealthily.

They wanted to see Hao Baobao look embarrassed.

That's just a big chunk of people's hearts.

toilet door.

The teaching director is already waiting for her to appear.

Seeing her coming, my hanging heart was relieved.

"Hao Baobao, clean it well, and I will check and accept it later."


Seeing that she was so obedient, the teaching director left satisfied.

Shi Jiu took a deep breath, went inside and picked up the utensils, wrinkled his face and slowly cleaned.

The two people standing in the distance saw that the dean had left, so they quietly approached to have a look.

Chen Meili couldn't help ridiculing, "Sister Yufei, look at Hao Baobao, it's so funny!"

 Ah, it's a little later today.

(End of this chapter)

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