The villain boss is my family

Chapter 150 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 150 The anchor, she has a changing voice (3)

Unable to get a taxi, she could only walk back on foot.

On the dark road.

Dim street lights flickered.

Shijiu walked unhurriedly.

At this time, a black car drove up not far away.

In the car, the back seat.

Sitting was a man, dressed in a black suit, with clear facial features, but his expression was very indifferent, and his gestures and gestures were full of noble aura.

He stretched out his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows, then raised his deep eyes, the bloodshot eyes were very scary, "Hurry up."

Cheng Yu, who was driving ahead, pulled his face instantly, and felt aggrieved in his heart. He is already running at the maximum speed, and he ran through several red lights in a row. Didn't the boss see it?

Gritting his teeth, stepping on the accelerator again, the speed of the car reached the latest high.

Shi Jiu leisurely walked forward, and the car behind him sped by.

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Cheng Yu slammed on the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes.


The car stopped.


A scream.

Shi Jiu fell to the ground, his knees and hands were scratched, which looked serious.

She frowned and looked at her wound, then glanced at the car parked in front of her, grinning her teeth without moving.

It must be because I didn't read the almanac when I went out.

Che Li Cheng Yu's heart was troubled, his face was still in shock, he swallowed, he seemed to hit someone just now!

Take a look in the rearview mirror.

"President, I seem to have bumped into someone just now."

Lu Yanting said with a sullen face, "Go down and have a look."

Cheng Yu quickly got out of the car and walked over there.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Shi Jiu raised his head and stretched out his injured arm to show him, "Does this look all right?"

When Cheng Yu saw her face, he was so startled that he almost jumped up and screamed.

He coughed lightly, "Miss, how about I take you to the hospital?"

She frowned and shook her head.

Went to the hospital again, she just walked back.

"Forget it, you just send me home, and I'll just clean the wound myself after I get home."

Cheng Yu cried in his heart.

Even though he was not good looking and kind-hearted, he didn't even pursue it.

"I have to ask my boss first. Wait a minute, miss."

Nod at nine o'clock.

Cheng Yu hurried back into the car and explained the reason.

Lu Yanting glanced at him coldly, "This is not an example."

Shijiu was taken into the car.

The light was too dim, and she couldn't see his face clearly, but her perception told her that this was the villain of this plane.

She didn't dare to speak, the other party seemed to be asleep, a little fidgeting, sitting upright in the small place that belonged to her.

Finally, the car stopped, she hesitated for a while, and glanced at the people next to her, anyway, the days ahead are long.

She nodded in thanks, "Thank you for taking me back, goodbye."

After speaking, he left.

Lu Yanting opened his closed eyes and glanced at the figure who got out of the car.


Hearing that voice just now was really comfortable, and the tense nerves in my heart were relieved for a second.

Seeing the people walking away, Cheng Yu stepped on the accelerator and left quickly.


It was late at night when I returned to the rented house. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw Qiao Xue was live broadcasting. She was dressed beautifully, posing, and had a sweet and greasy voice, begging for a wave of gifts from netizens.

Qiao Xue glanced at Shijiu who came back and wanted to say hello, but staring at the gifts that kept appearing on the screen, her smile became sweeter.

Shi Jiu turned around and went back to his room.

Looking at the clean and tidy room in front of her, she raised her eyebrows.

After tidying up the wounds on her body, she lay on the bed for a while, then got up again when she remembered something, and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at the large reddish-brown birthmark on her left face in the mirror, she curled her lips, reached out to touch it, and looked at it carefully several times in front of the mirror. She paused, this is not a natural birthmark, More like a poison.

She was poisoned so deeply when she was a baby, who would be so vicious to deal such a heavy blow to a little baby?
(End of this chapter)

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