The villain boss is my family

Chapter 157 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 157 The anchor, she has a changing voice (10)

But it seems that she might not be able to go back to the rented house in time, and she seems to have to live broadcast on the road.

Looking around, there was no one at the moment. While waiting for the car, she took out the earphones and plugged them in.

Click on the live broadcast app.

The live broadcast is on.

She relaxed and stared at the phone screen, the camera turned outside.

He said hello with his own voice, [hello, hello, everyone is welcome to watch the live broadcast on time, this anchor is now broadcasting live with everyone outside. 】

--I am first!I am first!

--I'm coming!
——Is the host outside?Coincidentally, I was on the way just after get off work.

——Hi beautiful sister!

Shijiu walked to the road and reached out to hail a taxi.

Looking down at the screen again.

——Is the host’s name Qiange?What a nice name.

—Are you in the car now?

Shi Jiu looked at the night scene outside the window, paused, and said in Yujie's voice, 【Thank you, it's Qiange, I'm in the car right now. 】

——The voice is nice!Awesome!
——Sister Qiange, today is my birthday, but no one will accompany me to celebrate, can Miss Sister sing a happy birthday song?

Shi Jiu looked at this line of words and smiled, today is also Father Xia's birthday.

[Yes, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...]

——Thank you for the birthday greeting song, Miss Sister, the voice is very nice.

——Anchor, can you say a few words to us in loli voice?I want to hear it.

—I want to hear it too.

- want to hear want to hear.

[Yes, I can satisfy you, little brother, little sister, how are you, you come to their live broadcast room and they are very happy to say. 】

--Wow! !so cute!
——The ugly girl also used the loli voice to fool everyone, is the anchor the same as her?

Shi Jiu changed to a deep neutral voice, 【What do you think? 】

The taxi stopped now.

She paid and was about to get out of the car, when the taxi driver in front said, "It's the first time I've heard that a person can have so many timbres."

Shi Jiu smiled, "As long as you like it."

She got out of the car.

The conversation with the driver just now was accurately transmitted to the live broadcast, and the netizens exploded.

——Young lady’s own voice is really nice.

——Boss, big brother, please accept my knee.

- 666666626.

A lot of people came into the live broadcast room, some followed her, and some kept liking her.

After walking for a long time, Shi Jiu stopped, raised his head downstairs and glanced at the unlit windows, raised his eyebrows, that woman Qiao Xue hasn't come back yet?

After she returned to the rented room, she glanced at the time. It was nine o'clock, which was still early.

She sat in a chair and continued the live broadcast.

[Go home safely, please throw all your questions over here!See if you can help out. 】

——Qiange baba, I have a problem!What should I do if my ex-boyfriend got back together with me?
——I want to break up, what should I do if my boyfriend says I want to break up and try again?
Shi Jiu looked at the question and thought for a while, 【Clarify my thoughts, have you let your ex go?Know what he is like, if he is the kind of person who will not change his nature, he will be wronged and beg you to refuse directly! 】

[If you break up, break up, he is beautiful! 】


The employees of the Lu Group are all off work.

Lu Yanting's office was still lit, and Cheng Yu was outside waiting for his boss to get off work, because he was also a part-time driver.

Lu Yanting put down the documents in his hand, rubbed the center of his brows, raised his watch and glanced at the time, it was eleven o'clock.

He sighed, rolled his eyes around, and suddenly glanced at the phone on the table.

He paused, isn't that the mobile phone he took from Cheng Yu that day?

Remember the voice you heard that day.

He glanced outside the door, picked up his phone, asked for the password, raised his eyebrows, entered 1234, and successfully unlocked it.

(End of this chapter)

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