The villain boss is my family

Chapter 169 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 169 The anchor, she has a changing voice (22)

Mother Lu hesitated to speak, she finally sighed, "Okay, Mom won't bother you anymore."

Lu Yanting looked at his mother who suddenly appeared and walked quickly, glanced at the food on the table, calmed down, and then turned to the scenery outside.


Morning, Mrs. Lu.

Shijiu came to work on time, remembering the reward last night, which was more than 1 yuan in cash, she supported her head and smiled.

At this moment, she was immersed in her own world, sitting quietly in her own position.

But someone didn't let her stay in peace.

Holding a bunch of folders in her hands, Wang Qing just came out of the president's office with a smile, feeling very happy.

When she saw Shi Jiuhou, her face pulled down.

That ugly woman is disgusting!

She walked over with the pile of documents in her arms, and threw the documents in her arms on Shijiu's desk, "Mr. Lu, I want you to separate these documents and hand them over to me later."

Shi Jiu regained consciousness, looked at her coldly, then looked at the messy folders on the table, and even papers floating out, "Got it."

Wang Qing snorted coldly and left.

She sorted out the files slowly.

"Beautiful sister, your rival in love is here, and there are still 100 meters away from here."

Suddenly innocent words came out of his mind, Shi Jiu frowned.

What kind of rival in love?
"Beautiful sister, please look forward to the right."

Shi Jiu looked in the direction that Tian Zhen said, a gentle and beautiful woman came over, wearing a white dress, the skirt swayed as she walked, everyone looked over, and the male colleague looked straight at her. up

Shi Jiu, staring at her in thought, she should not be from the company, it seems that she is here to find someone.

Soon, everyone saw her walking towards the president's office, and they couldn't help but wonder who she was.

Cheng Yu on the side came out and stopped her.

He wondered, who is this woman who suddenly appeared?
If he dared to go in and disturb Mr. Lu's office, if Mr. Lu got mad, he would not be able to escape the blame.

He said in a deep voice, "Miss, who are you looking for?"

Anyutong seemed to be frightened, and his face was not very good, "I... I came to find Yan Ting."

Cheng Yu looked at her.

Yan Ting?

He called Mr. Lu so kindly.

Could it be Boss Lu's girlfriend?
"What do you want with Mr. Lu?"

An Yutong was like a frightened little rabbit, "I...I'm here...I have something to ask him."

"Bring me another cup of coffee." Lu Yanting's voice came from the office.

Cheng Yu hurriedly looked at Shi Jiu, pointing to the office.

Shi Jiu, who had been looking at them, quickly stood up and walked into the office.

Lu Yanting glanced at her, and pointed to the coffee on the table, "Take this away, and make another cup."

Shi Jiu nodded, picked up the cold coffee on the table and walked out.

An Yutong looked at her, and when she saw her face, she froze for a moment, she was so ugly.

Thinking of something, she reached out to take the coffee in Shi Jiu's hand, "Let me come, Yan Ting used to like drinking the coffee I made the most."

When Shijiu was robbed of his job: "..."

Anyutong swaggered in with the brewed coffee.

Cheng Yu didn't stop her again, what if she really is someone Lu Boss knows?

What should I do?
Shi Jiu looked inside, pursed his lips, turned around and returned to his seat.

Anyutong went in, and became obsessed with Lu Yanting's serious work face.

This man belongs to her, and he will forgive her when she comes back.

She puts down the coffee.

Lu Yanting suddenly frowned, he didn't smell right.

He raised his eyes and looked over, his expression turned cold, "Why did you appear here?"

Who let her in?

What does Cheng Yu eat?

Let anyone in!

Cheng Yu outside sneezed.

Strange, why do you suddenly feel cold?

(End of this chapter)

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