The villain boss is my family

Chapter 192 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 192 The anchor, she has a changing voice (45)

When he came to the door of the ward, Su Mosheng pushed the door and walked in.

The two men inside looked at him.

Feeling the unfriendly gaze, he looked at Lu Yanting and smiled, "It's my fault this time, I didn't take good care of people."

Shi Jiu shook his head, "It's not your fault, I accidentally ate the broad beans."

Su Mosheng's eyes flickered, as if he wanted to confirm something, "You didn't know you had favism?"

She shook her head, "I didn't know it at first, but I just found out today."

She wouldn't eat it if she knew.

But he asked, did he find something?

Su Mosheng was wondering when Lu Yanting's voice came over, "She was adopted."

When he said that, he was shocked.

Shi Jiu looked to Su Mosheng and explained, "I'm not my parents' biological daughter. I heard that I was found by my adoptive father in the trash. He adopted me after seeing me pitiful."

"The mark on your face..."

"It's been there since birth."

After Shi Jiu finished speaking, he glanced at him, she said so much, is it okay?
Lu Yanting on the side squinted his eyes.

The point of focus is that she was born with that sentence.

So the mother's body was fatally injured and transferred to her?
Su Mosheng naturally noticed what she said.

Who poisoned a pregnant woman so cruelly?
Finally, Su Mosheng left.

Shi Jiu looked at Lu Yanting who was still there and raised his eyebrows, "Boss Lu is not leaving?"

You know, he is money every minute!

A project is several million or even tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

The man's deep voice came, "I have plenty of time, no hurry."

Feeling the burning gaze and remembering what he said, Shi Jiu lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him again.

Looking at the clean profile of the woman on the other side, Lu Yanting's expression was deep, as if he had become obsessed.

Neither of them spoke again until a nurse came in pushing the medicine table to break the awkward silence.

The nurse couldn't help being amazed when she saw Lu Yanting's face. This man is really handsome, even more handsome than the stars on TV.

She glanced at Shijiu, she didn't look very good, but it was worth it to have such a good man like her.

If it wasn't for the look of appreciation in her eyes, Lu Yanting would have kicked him out long ago.

The nurse lowered her head to change Shi Jiu's dressing, "Your boyfriend is so handsome, she must be very nice to you, right?"

Shi Jiu blushed.

The nurse thought she was shy and stopped teasing her, and left with the medicine table.

Shi Jiu looked at the people leaving, "Hey, that's not the case..." His voice became softer as he spoke.

She secretly glanced at Lu Yanting like a guilty conscience, and found that he was also looking at her, and he was still looking at her teasingly. She quickly retracted her gaze and glanced unnaturally to the side.

After Lu Yanting answered a phone call, he came over and patted her head, "I still have to leave beforehand, I'll see you later"

She looked at the people who left, her heart kept beating.

After receiving the news that Father Xia had arrived, Xia Qianzhi was still following behind him.

Seeing that Shi Jiu was safe and sound, the latter snorted coldly, that he was still fine.

Originally, she thought that something serious happened to this ugly woman, and planned to follow her to take a look, but she didn't expect it to be just like this, what a disappointment!

Father Xia came over very worried, "Qiange, why are you suddenly hospitalized?"

Xia Qianzhi on the side echoed, "Yes, Dad and I are almost dying of worry."

Shi Jiu looked indifferently at Xia Qianzhi's pretended good intentions, and after a glance, he set his eyes on Father Xia.

"Dad, I'm fine, don't worry too much."

Seeing that she was really all right, father Xia felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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