The villain boss is my family

Chapter 205 The anchor, she changes her voice

Chapter 205 The anchor, she has a changing voice (58)

Lin Mei was kicked one meter away.

Anyutong shook her head and murmured, "No, it's not true."

She yelled, "This is not true, you are lying to me!"

After being the daughter of the An family for so many years, she turned out to be a fake in the end, how ridiculous all this is.

The woman who had been caring for her and caring for her turned out to be her biological mother.

Why did it become like this!

Lin Mei hurriedly got up, and walked over with a painful expression on her face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Mom didn't want to do this either. If your father didn't treat me like that, I wouldn't have made such a bad move."

"You're not my mother! You're not!" An Yutong cried and ran out.

Lin Mei worriedly looked at her leaving back, speechless and silent.

She knew it was all her fault.

It was suddenly dark outside, thunder rang, and the rain soon began to rain.

The atmosphere in the room was gloomy.


Outside, a car parked at the gate of Anjia.

Lu Yanting brought Shi Jiu here by car, and when he received a message from Su Mosheng, he picked him up.

Shi Jiu in the car glanced at the pouring rain outside, absent-minded.

It's raining so hard, what happened to Lu Yanting suddenly returning to Lu's house and bringing her here?
The man next to her opened the umbrella and got out of the car. He had come to her car door, and he knocked on the car door with his hand.

She took a look, then opened the door and got out of the car. The umbrella in Lu Yanting's hand instantly blocked the rainwater above her head.

The rain was heavy, and it was cold on the skin, and the goosebumps rose quickly.

Shi Jiu accidentally tripped when getting out of the car, and Lu Yanting quickly grabbed her waist with his eyes and hands, while the umbrella on top of her head was still firmly blocking the rain on her head.

Shi Jiu smelled his body, and to be honest, she felt relieved.

Lu Yanting put his arms around her waist and lifted her down, Shi Jiu saw that half of his body was wet and pursed his lips.

"Thank you."

Lu Yanting looked calm, "Let's go!"

Shi Jiu nodded and walked in with him.

Father An raised his head and looked at the ceiling, as if he wanted to put the tears back into his eyes. He asked Lin Mei, "My daughter... how does she look?"

Lin Mei recalled, "Her eyes are very similar to Mrs. An..."

Shi Jiu and Lu Yanting walked in and looked at so many people, a little surprised, why are they all here?
What's wrong with them?
When Mother Su saw her coming, she quickly wiped her tears, but her nose and eyes were still red, she walked over, "Qiange, why are you here?"

Shi Jiu was puzzled, "Did something happen?"

Seeing her appearance, Lin Mei screamed and pointed to Shi Jiu: ""

Shi Jiu looked over, and a woman over there saw her as if she had seen a ghost.

Mother Su looked at the abnormal Lin Mei and sneered, "Does she look familiar to you?"

"She...she is..." Lin Mei looked in disbelief.

Shi Jiu at the side instantly understood what was going on.

The frightened woman in front of me should be the one who threw her into the trash can.

She walked towards Lin Mei step by step, "Why are you so surprised to see me?"

Lin Mei couldn't stand such torture, she pushed Shi Jiu away in panic.

Mrs. An's daughter is still alive!

She is not dead yet!
Suddenly, I didn't know whether to be happy, guilty or relieved.

She looked at Father An with a hint of joy in her voice, "Mr. An, your daughter...she may not be dead."

The grief-stricken Father An looked over, "What did you just say!"

"She may be your daughter, Mr. An."

Father An looked at her and pointed at Shijiu, "You mean that Qiange is my child and Wanjun's?"

(End of this chapter)

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