The villain boss is my family

Chapter 211 Anchor, she changed her voice [End]

Chapter 211 Anchor, Her Variety Voice (64) [End]

Shi Jiu was taken back to An's house and lived the life of a young lady. An Yutong never came back since that incident, and An's father occasionally mentioned her with a worried expression.

Finally, the news spread like wildfire.

All the famous people in the circle know about this matter.

Netizens on the Internet found out Shi Jiu's real identity, and Lu Yanting's identity by the way. When the two were in that kind of relationship, the netizens were shocked.

The number of fans of the Shijiu live broadcast platform is also increasing.

Three months later.

Anyutong disappeared for a while and then reappeared. When she heard that the ugly monster was the miss of the An family, she felt mixed feelings.

So, she sneaked back to the vicinity of An's house, and saw Shi Jiu's figure from a distance.

There was a man standing beside her, Lu Yanting looked at her dotingly, An Yutong pursed her lips, that was the man she dreamed of.

She also heard that they were getting married tomorrow.

Thinking that they were going to get married tomorrow, An Yutong couldn't help showing resentment on her face. After hesitating for a long time, she still walked over.

While watering, Shi Jiu saw her appearance and stopped his movements.

Anyutong, where has she been all this time?
Her father had been looking for her for a long time but there was no news of her.

This time it did appear.

An Yutong stood in front of Shi Jiu'e, and suddenly said, "Congratulations, you are getting married."

She was stunned, did she come to bless them?

She doesn't hate her?

Shi Jiu nodded and smiled, "Thank you for your blessing."

Anyutong glanced at Lu Yanting again, "You guys really look like a good match..."

Her right hand has been stuck in her pocket since the beginning.

With a vicious look on her face, she instantly pulled out her right hand from her pocket, and stabbed towards Shi Jiu with a gleaming dagger.

Lu Yanting, who had been keeping his eyes on Shi Jiu's body, rushed up quickly, but An Yutong's hand was firmly grasped by him, and the dagger fell instantly.

Anyutong screamed, and was finally thrown to the ground by him.

Lu Yanting hurriedly protected Shi Jiu's side like a mother chicken.

Hearing the sound, Father An ran out from inside, looked at the scene in front of him, and instantly understood what was going on when he saw the dagger on the ground.

He said sadly, "Yutong, how do you do such a stupid thing..."

He sighed, "Yutong, do you know that Dad has been looking for you for a long time?"

An Yutong bowed his head in silence, then tears fell down, "I'm sorry Dad... I'm sorry..."

Shi Jiu wanted to walk over, but the man protected her too tightly.

Father An looked at Shi Jiu in embarrassment, "Qiange, Yutong, she..."

Shi Jiu sighed helplessly, "Dad, I won't blame her, after all, she is also your other daughter."

When Father An heard this, he looked at her gratefully, "Thank you Qiange."

Finally, after discussion, Anyutong was finally sent abroad.


the next day.

The wedding took place as promised in a holy church.

The people present were all the closest people, and the major media were blocked out.

Lu Yanting took Shi Jiu's hand and stood in front of the priest, listening to the priest's prayer, the two promised each other that they would only love each other in this life, and that they would never leave each other until death.

In the end, the two exchanged rings and kissed affectionately, congratulating them.

The lives of the two after marriage are colorful.


after many years.

On the hospital bed, an old man with white hair is hugging an old lady who is also full of white hair. The old lady seems to be dying.

The old man whispered softly in the old lady's ear: "Hold your hand, and grow old with you..."

The old lady closed her eyes with a smile.

The old man hugged her and smiled.

After a year, the old man also left, followed by his old lady.

 emm, this chapter was stuck for a few hours, I wrote, deleted, deleted, and finished it! ! !In the end, I just finished the original plane directly, haha

(End of this chapter)

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