The villain boss is my family

Chapter 219 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 219 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (8)

Shi Jiu hung up the phone, put on a pair of high heels and walked down.

The servant pushed Lan Xinrou, who was sitting in a wheelchair, just blocking the way to the door, and she let the servant leave.

Shi Jiu frowned and looked at the other party, "What do you want to do?"

Lan Xin smiled softly, "I said it yesterday, I just want to talk to you."

"No time."

Shi Jiu walked past her without even looking at her.

Lan Xinrou watched the red figure disappear with a blank face, she clenched the water glass tightly in her hand, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and finally threw the glass out.

Hearing the sound, the servant ran over, "What happened to Miss Xinrou?"

Lan Xinrou immediately recovered her gentle look, and shook her head, "It's okay, it's just that I accidentally broke the cup."

The servant cleaned up the debris, Lan Xinrou lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.


night paris.

When Shi Jiu got out of the car, his alluring appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Wearing a red dress, with a tall figure, long legs and slender waist, and long hair with soft curls at the end, a man couldn't help but whistled obscenely to his companion next to him: "This girl, be on time."

Shi Jiu glanced at the surrounding environment with cold eyes. There were all kinds of people, this place is a place where fish and dragons are mixed together.

"Here here! I am here!"

Shi Jiu heard the voice and looked over, a woman in a black hip-wrapped skirt waved in front of her, and she walked over.

Tang Zhihua stared at her all the time, and finally praised with a smile, "Yunyan, you look so fucking good in red, I said red suits you best, don't keep wearing that white dress, it's too vulgar."

Shi Jiu looked at Tang Zhihua, who was carefree in front of him, pursing his lips, "I think so too."

Tang Zhihua was dumbfounded.

What a charming woman!

How did Yunyan become so beautiful!
She recovered and said: "Yunyan, you look so good, my heart is moved."

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Tang Zhihua took Shi Jiu's hand and pressed it to his chest, "If you don't believe me, touch my heart, it's beating for you."

Shi Jiu smiled lightly, his brows and eyes curved, he withdrew his hand, and pointed at her forehead when he reached out, "You don't have to be so talkative!"

She froze for a moment after doing this action, it seemed that she made this action subconsciously, it seems that the relationship between the two is really good.

Tang Zhihua hugged her hand, "I found out today that there seem to be a lot of young masters here today, let's go in quickly!"

Shi Jiu nodded, and finally the two walked in.

The men standing at the door looked disappointed when they saw them go in, and they all dispersed immediately.

After Shijiu entered, all the men inside also looked over.

Tang Zhihua next to her whispered in her ear: "Look, you are the protagonist tonight."

Shi Jiu didn't care, and looked around.

A handsome man came over and looked at Shi Jiu. He smiled very politely and handed her a rose, "This beautiful lady, can I get to know you?"

Seeing that no one noticed the man in front of him, Tang Zhihua reached out and poked her waist to signal her to look over.

Shi Jiu turned his head and looked at her suspiciously, and suddenly found a bright red rose in front of her.

She looked up along the flower, and a man was looking at her expectantly.

Tang Zhihua told her quietly, "If you take his flower, it means that you will have the next step, but you are married, so don't harm others, if Huo bitch finds out, she will kill you of."

Understanding the meaning, Shi Jiu looked at the rose and frowned, "Sorry, I like someone alone."

The man took back the rose and left disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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