The villain boss is my family

Chapter 235 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 235 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (24)

After the person walked out, Shi Jiu showed the wound on her leg, Lan Xinyi frowned, "This is more serious than the one on the hand."

After talking about the medicine, he wrapped a circle of gauze around his legs.

Shi Jiu picked and picked in the medicine box and looked at her, looking at her with a half-smile, "Speaking of which, Dr. Lan's sister accidentally made it."

When I said this sentence, I accidentally bit the three words very hard.

Lan Xinyi's gauze-wrapped hand stopped for a moment and continued to wrap her head down, and finally wrapped the gauze around Shi Jiu's hand a few times.

After everything was over, Lan Xinyi picked up the medicine box and left.

Seeing the burn wound wrapped in gauze, Shi Jiu let out a light snort.

Huo Tingchen looked at the person who came out, "how is she?"

"It's nothing serious. The burn on my leg is a little more serious. The wound must not touch water. This medicine is changed once a week."

Lan Xinyi handed him the remaining medicine, and then walked down.

Huo Tingchen took the medicine, lowered his head in thought, and finally he went in.

Shi Jiu was sitting on the sofa with her burnt leg on it, she was on the phone with her head down.

He was very happy to see her smiling.

She didn't seem to have smiled so much in front of him, and he couldn't remember since when.

He gently put down the medicine in his hand, finally closed the door and left.

While on the phone, Shi Jiu glanced at the closed door, and turned his gaze to the medicine on the table thoughtfully.

Tang Zhihua on the other end of the phone said something, she nodded dully.


Seeing Lan Xinyi walking down the stairs, Lan Xinrou, who had been waiting for a long time, pushed the wheelchair over.

"Sister, long time no see."

Lan Xinyi hung the medicine box on her shoulder and smiled, "Long time no see."

"Sister, I have a lot to say to you, shall we go outside and talk?"

"it is good."

The two walked to the courtyard outside the manor.

Lan Xinrou said, "Sister, why did you come back suddenly? You're still here."

Lan Xinyi looked at the plants in the garden, "I don't worry about you being here alone, so I'm back."

"Sister, I..."

"Xinrou, Huo Tingchen doesn't love you, he loves Yunyan," Lan Xinyi said while stroking her head.

Lan Xinrou said unwillingly: "Sister, I know. I was deceiving myself and others. I knew that he loved that woman, Yunyan, and that his father was our father-killing enemy, but I was still hopeless." In love with him."

"Xinrou, you actually did that thing back then, right?"


Listen to her mention that.Lan Xinrou's face changed, and she became flustered, how did she know?
"Xinrou, with Yunyan's personality, it is impossible for her to do such a thing. The only thing I think of is you."

Lan Xinyi sighed, "Xinrou, do you regret it?"

As if hearing something funny, Lan Xinrou chuckled, "Is there any use in regretting it? Everything has already happened."

Huo Yixue's death was indeed caused by her.

If she didn't know her secret, how could she deal with her.

Now Huo Tingchen thinks that woman Yunyan did that thing, and she would not admit that she did it if she stood up to her.

If Huo Tingchen found out, it would be over for them. She didn't want to see that scene.

Lan Xinyi looked into the distance and murmured, "Yes! The thing has already happened, there is no going back."


Shi Jiu felt that the light in the room was too bright, which affected her sleep, so she walked over and closed the curtains, and saw two people talking below.

What are they talking about?
Lan Xinrou looked very emotional, as if she had done something bad and was found out.

(End of this chapter)

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