The villain boss is my family

Chapter 244 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened

Chapter 244 Your White Moonlight Has Been Blackened (33)

Lan Xinrou was silent for a long time, and finally she made a phone call to discuss something with the other party, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

After the call was over, her gaze seemed to be suddenly poisoned, sinister and terrifying.

Yunyan, don't blame me!

At past eleven o'clock at night, Shijiu's cell phone rang. She was in a drowsy sleep, so she picked up the cell phone and answered it.

There was a burst of noise, the man's beating and scolding, and the woman's crying. Hearing the crying, Shi Jiu woke up instantly.

It's Zhihua's voice!

Know what happened to her!
She quickly sat up and glanced at the phone screen, it was Zhihua's number.

A man's voice came from the other end: "Hey, Yunyan, come here quickly, or your friend will be in trouble!"

Tang Zhihua at the other end shouted: "Yunyan... Yunyan! You must not come here!"

"Crack" a slap.

The voice of the man scolding angrily: "Stinky bitch, be honest! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

There finally hung up the phone.

A word of what he said just now reached Shi Jiu's ears.

After a while, an address was sent over there with a photo of Tang Zhihua being tied up.

After reading it, she squeezed her cell phone expressionlessly, hurriedly changed her clothes and went out.

At this time, Lan Xinrou opened the door, and looked at Shijiu who was leaving.


An old building.

Tang Zhihua was bound tightly to a chair, her hair was disheveled, her face was bruised, she was still wearing pajamas, and her mouth was covered with tape.

on a table not far away.

The three men drank wine, their faces were slightly smoky, and the bald man sitting in the middle seemed to be their boss.

A fat man said: "Brother Guang, that girl looks pretty good, can you give me..."

The bald man slapped him on the head and cursed, "Give me what, no matter what, I'm the first!"

The fat man covered his head and nodded, "Brother Guang is right."

"People haven't come yet, I heard that it is also a beautiful master, and then we can be one by one."

Listening to their words, Tang Zhihua kept struggling.

I kept praying in my heart that Yunyan would never come over.


It was very quiet at night.

Shi Jiu was dressed in smart attire. She looked at the place in front of her. It was deserted and far away from the downtown area. She found it with great effort.

In front of her was an abandoned real estate building, surrounded by pitch-black darkness, and there were occasional sounds from the messy grass, which seemed very permeating.

She raised her head, and there was a faint light shining in a part of the real estate, she knew that Tang Zhihua might be there.

Standing outside, with the cold wind blowing, Shi Jiu lifted his foot and walked in.

The abandoned real estate is a two-story building, the ground floor is dark, and the sound from the second floor is the sound of men drinking and punching.

Shi Jiu walked up with cold eyes.

Tang Zhihua, who was tied up, opened his eyes wide and let out a fierce sound from his mouth.

Yunyan is here!
She shook her head vigorously at her to signal her not to come up again.

The men who were drinking looked at her when they heard the movement, and then they walked away with malicious intentions.

The bald man threw out the cigarette butt in his hand, looked up and down Shi Jiu's appearance, "It came quite quickly."

This beauty looks really good!
Seeing that Tang Zhihua was safe and sound, Shi Jiu immediately felt relieved. She looked at the bald man and said coldly, "Who told you to do this?"

The bald man showed obscenity and smiled wryly, "How about you come here and give me a kiss and I'll tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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